Can Donald Trump still run for president after Colorado ruling?


As the 2024 presidential contest looms, Mr. Trump is confronted by various legal obstacles.

A recent decision from a court stated that due to Donald Trump's actions prior to the January 6th riot, he will be ineligible to run for president in Colorado. Now, the question arises as to how this decision will impact the upcoming general election.

Trump - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Most judges on the highest court in Colorado have declared that Mr. Trump cannot participate in the state's primary competition. This is due to an obscure part of the US Constitution which prohibits individuals who engage in rebellion and violent uprising from being eligible.

Mr. Trump has expressed his intention to challenge the decision in the US Supreme Court, potentially initiating a legal dispute that may have a significant impact on the forthcoming 2024 election.

The ex-leader is the top choice to be the candidate representing the Republican party in the upcoming November election, where he is anticipated to compete against the incumbent Democratic President, Joe Biden.

What Prompted Colorado's Ruling?

The decision made by the Colorado Supreme Court stated that there was plenty of solid proof that President Trump was involved in rebellion or revolt.

Most of the court members have decided that Trump cannot be eligible for the position of President according to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This is the conclusion reached by the court.

The third section of the law prohibits individuals who participate in acts of "insurrection or rebellion" against the Constitution from holding any position in the federal government.

This legislation originated after the Civil War period and sought to prevent individuals who backed the southern states' secession from re-entering official governmental positions.

It is the inaugural instance where the utilization of Section 3 has resulted in the disqualification of a potential presidential candidate.

The ruling was divided, with a vote of 4-3, indicating that three judges on the court are of the opinion that there is no lawful reason to prevent Mr Trump from being included on the ballot.

The ruling, which was quite lengthy at 213 pages, stated that the actions of Mr. Trump leading up to January 6th were considered insurrection.

In Colorado court, his legal team claimed that he should not face disqualification as he was not accountable for the riot.

Is Trump's General Election Standing At Risk?

Absolutely. This decision solely pertains to Colorado, which allows Mr. Trump to participate in Republican primaries held in other states. These primaries are the process through which each party selects their presidential candidate on a state-by-state basis.

He has a significant lead over the other Republican candidates, which means that he doesn't need to participate in the competition in Colorado to secure his party's nomination.

In the 2020 election, Joe Biden emerged as the clear victor over Donald Trump in Colorado with a significant gap in votes. With this outcome, it seems highly improbable that Mr. Trump will require Colorado's support to secure the win in the election.

The general election may be affected in broader ways.

Numerous lawsuits from various states in the US are aiming to prevent Mr. Trump from running. This ruling has the potential to increase the probability of some of these lawsuits succeeding.

If he were to be prevented from participating in a state where he and Mr. Biden are in a tight race, it could have a significant impact on a presidential election that is anticipated to be fiercely competitive.

The Trump administration has announced their plan to challenge the election results by bringing the case to the highest authority in the United States, the Supreme Court.

The decision of whether to pursue the case next year remains uncertain, as there is no set timeline for it.

Mr. Trump's name will stay on the ballot in Colorado if his team files an appeal by January 4th, until the Supreme Court decides on the matter.

The judges need to review the legal points, which will consume some duration. Regardless, they will face urgency to reach a resolution prior to the primary on 5 March.

The Supreme Court's decision is under intense inspection and may have a widespread influence on legal battles outside of their jurisdiction.

In the last few years, the court's ideology has become more conservative due to the presence of three justices nominated by President Trump.

What's The Take Of Legal Specialists On This?

There are a couple of crucial legal matters that must be taken into account.

An important question to consider is whether the actions of Mr. Trump before the US Capitol was breached can be considered as insurrection.

The second question that arises is if the individuals that Section 3 is intended to prevent from holding office should also encompass the president.

The office of the presidency was not subject to the law despite a previous ruling in Colorado that Mr. Trump had committed insurrection.

The recent decision caused disagreement and leading experts in law have differing opinions on whether Mr. Trump should be subject to this regulation.

What's The Political Effect?

The campaign team claims that this verdict is yet another instance of the legal system being employed to unfairly target their nominee.

According to Steven Cheung, who spoke on behalf of a group, individuals in Colorado are not being given the opportunity to choose the candidate that they prefer to act as their representative.

Some individuals who oppose Mr. Trump politically have labeled the decision as anti-democratic.

"I believe that the citizens of this nation should block him from assuming the presidency," declared Chris Christie, a Republican contender who is fiercely opposed to his candidacy.

After leaving the presidential office in 2021, Mr Trump has been confronted with numerous legal problems, including a series of accusations of criminal acts.

His popularity remains unaffected by their efforts, and in fact, it seems to have rallied his fans and secured his lead in the Republican contest.

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