Two men arrested for alleged attack on anti-racism activist at Tommy Robinson rally

Tommy Robinson

Two individuals were taken into custody at Tommy Robinson's London event over the weekend following an assault on an anti-racism activist, according to authorities.

Tommy Robinson - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

The activist from Stand Up To Racism was involved in a protest against racism when he suffered a head injury at Victoria Embankment Gardens, as reported by the Metropolitan Police.

Both males were taken into custody under suspicion of committing an assault that caused serious bodily harm.

He was provided with initial medical treatment by officials and will be transported to the hospital for evaluation," stated a representative of the police force.

Tommy Robinson - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

We know that some people on social media are saying that the arrests happened because someone was carrying a flag, but that is not true.

Many individuals gathered for the 'unity' procession that started at the Royal Courts of Justice and ended at Trafalgar Square last Saturday.

Around 1,000 officers from the Metropolitan Police were sent to oversee the event, causing a response from Jeremy Corbyn's Peace & Justice group, Stand Up To Racism, and other groups to hold a counter demonstration.

Tommy Robinson - Figure 3
Photo Sky News

The group of people against the protest walked from Russell Square to Whitehall, with backing from various trade unions, the Stop The War coalition, Unite Against Fascism, and other supporters.

Fans of Mr. Robinson, also known as Stephen Yaxley Lennon, gathered in large numbers at The Strand, proudly displaying the flags of England, Scotland, Wales, and the United Kingdom outside the Royal Courts of Justice.

Tommy Robinson - Figure 4
Photo Sky News

People were singing "Rule Britannia", mentioning Mr. Robinson, and chanting "we want our country back".

A guy was spotted wearing a shirt that said he sees himself as English, while some others were sporting Donald Trump gear.

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Numerous Israeli flags were also on display. Suddenly, a man carrying a Palestinian flag walked by the demonstrations and the crowd erupted into boos.

Tommy Robinson - Figure 5
Photo Sky News

They left the Royal Courts of Justice and headed to a protest in Trafalgar Square at approximately 12.45pm.

When they got there, a group played music and Mr. Robinson spoke to the people gathered.

Before the march, the extreme right-wing advocate gathered his supporters on social media in the early hours of Saturday, stating: "Today, the citizens of Britain will communicate a message to the global community."

Tommy Robinson - Figure 6
Photo Sky News

"We can no longer stay quiet. We demand to regain control of our nation."

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Chief Superintendent Colin Wingrove of the Metropolitan Police will take charge of this weekend's operation. He cautioned that police will act swiftly and firmly against protesters who violate the strict rules regarding when and where they can protest.

Tommy Robinson - Figure 7
Photo Sky News

He mentioned that a large amount of officers are working as part of a well-thought-out strategy to ensure the safety of individuals and deter criminal activity.

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