Tommy Robinson supporters arrive in London for 'massive' protest

Tommy Robinson

Today, large groups of people who support Tommy Robinson gathered and marched through the middle of London. At the same time, some people who don't agree with him also gathered in Whitehall to show their opposition.

The police have given a warning that they have recognized particular factions within the protests that have a past of engaging in violence - these include individuals with football banning orders, individuals affiliated with 'hooligan groups', and individuals who formerly partook in anti-lockdown protests.

It's been reported that a significant portion of the protesters are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, despite the fact that the demonstration is far from over.

Robinson, who goes by his real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon, started a protest around 1pm at Victoria station along with a big group that carried Union Flags and the Flag of St George. They planned to march towards Parliament Square. A livestream post on Twitter/X had over 100,000 views in no time.

Scotland Yard confirmed that many police officers were deployed to control the protests across the capital, with around 400 officers from other police forces outside London being brought in as well.

Additional Youth Demand protestors have been apprehended as they violated the terms of their agreement to remain on the sidewalk within the heart of London.

Robinson uploaded a video on X platform wherein he urged people to come together and march. He mentioned that the double-standard policing and justice system in the country are bothersome, and people are fed up with it. Robinson emphasized that it's high time to demand the stepping down of the dishonest met commissioner Mark Rowley.

Stand Up To Racism has planned a stationary counter-protest to occur on Whitehall around noon as a reaction to Robinson's march. Authorities have advised that the city may experience high traffic due to various fan events associated with the Champions League Final taking place tonight.

On their website, Stand Up To Racism announced they are committed to standing in unity to combat any actions or behaviors that aim to separate us.

Tommy Robinson organized a protest that seemed to be demanding that Sir Mark Rowley step down from his position.

The demonstration parade in London towards Parliament Square is being led by a man known as Tommy Robinson, who was born with the name Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

On Saturday, flags were seen fluttering outside of Victoria Station while individuals got ready to march towards the capital city.

A group of individuals participate in a demonstration parade in London, which was arranged by Tommy Robinson, whose actual name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

According to the Metropolitan Police, it is anticipated that groups associated with football-related violence from various regions in the UK will be present at the event.

A demonstrator with a tiny flag of England adhesed on their forehead has rallied with the multitude as it paraded through the city center.

A group of demonstrators have made their way to London to participate in a protest march. It is anticipated that the Metropolitan Police will closely monitor the event.

People have come together in Whitehall to demonstrate against both Tommy Robinson and The English Defence League.

Before the demonstration started in Victoria, the attendees were chanting football songs.

A few individuals attempted to kickstart supportive chants for Palestine with slogans like 'To the river'. Furthermore, it was spotted that one Israeli flag was being held up by someone in the crowd.

When it comes to the demonstrations, the Metropolitan Police stated: "The protest has reached Parliament Square, where individuals are delivering speeches and there will be a screening of a movie."

The police have recognized some people in the gathering who have a previous record of engaging in violent behavior.

Several individuals have received football banning orders and are linked with hooligan organizations from different areas of London and the United Kingdom.

There is also a group of people who were widely recognized for participating in demonstrations against restricted movement measures imposed during the pandemic and causing chaos as a result.

Although no incidents have occurred yet, a few individuals in the audience appear to be under the influence of alcohol. The occasion is still ongoing for several more hours.

'We base our policing strategy on this and additional information and we consistently evaluate it throughout the day.'

The police have guaranteed that they will dispatch a considerable amount of officers to prevent people in Parliament Square and Whitehall from gathering.

Tommy Robinson was seen participating in a demonstration in London where they demanded that Mark Rowley step down from their position.

Tommy Robinson (middle), who goes by the name Stephen Yaxley Lennon, led a demonstration from London to Parliament Square.

Tommy Robinson gave a speech during a rally at Parliament Square in London.

The Metropolitan Police have stated that they anticipate the attendance of groups associated with football-related disorder from various regions of the UK at the event.

and his supporters, who held a rally in central London on Saturday. SUTR and other groups wanted to show their opposition to Robinson's far-right views and his divisive rhetoric against Muslims and immigrants. The counter-protesters gathered peacefully and marched to Buckingham Palace, where they held a rally of their own. They called for unity and solidarity and stressed the importance of standing up to hate and bigotry. They also criticized Robinson for using fear-mongering and hate speech to advance his agenda. Overall, it was a successful and peaceful demonstration against hate and intolerance.

Individuals who opposed the views of the Far Right gathered together along the path holding up signs with messages indicating their determination to put a halt to their ideologies.

Authorities have reported that they apprehended several demonstrators affiliated with the organization Youth Demand. These individuals violated the terms stipulating that they must remain on the pavement.

The authorities charged them with trying to cause significant disturbances by obstructing the flow of traffic on York Road, which is situated near London Waterloo station.

The force has announced that over 2,000 law enforcement agents will be overseeing the protests and the events related to the Champions League Final at Wembley on Saturday.

TfL has stated that the Jubilee and Metropolitan lines may experience high traffic, and has predicted the possibility of station closures.

While walking down Millbank, a few individuals from the assembled group ignited smoke flares and sounded air horns.

Robinson appeared on the platform at Parliament Square and was greeted with claps and cheers from his followers.

Clothed in Stone Island attire, the 41-year-old individual was accompanied by thespian Laurence Fox who addressed the assembly stating: 'I feel immense pride in being a citizen of Great Britain. The liberty to express our thoughts is the most crucial freedom of all. We ought to defend our privilege to voice our opinions before all other liberties.'

He also labeled the police as 'dishonest' and 'inequitable' for detaining demonstrators who possessed flags representing the United Kingdom.

He expressed that the lives of individuals residing in Britain with principles corresponding to the nation's culture are also significant.

Amid loud applause, he exclaimed, 'This nation belongs to us'.

Afterwards, a lady performed her own rendition of Emeli Sande's "Read All About It". Robinson admired her performance by saying, "That is stunning, friend."

A youthful male ignites a crimson flare as he participates in the extremist demonstration in downtown London.

Laurence Fox delivers a speech as he participates in a demonstration at Parliament Square, which was arranged by Tommy Robinson.

Demonstrators are displaying the St George's standard in front of the Parliament building while they rally in favor of Tommy Robinson.

Carl Benjamin, a Youtuber from Britain who supports right-winged views and was once a UKIP member, also addressed the assembled group. He mentioned that we have actual challenges to deal with, and the mainstream parties are not capable of providing us with the solutions required. Therefore, we need to tackle these issues ourselves.

It is important to bear in mind that our individual behavior can affect the outcome for everyone. Don't forget that your pride and honor as an English person are at stake and are owed to the esteemed members of your ancestry. Our heroic forebears are observing and rooting for us to emerge victorious, and it is our duty to do so for the sake of future generations.

We must convey a positive and comprehensive statement to the people of Britain, and we have the intention to follow through.

Robinson mentioned that more than 360,000 individuals were tuning in to view the rally via live streaming. He also stated that the mainstream media had erroneously concluded that their efforts had come to a close.

Gerard Batten, a previous leader of UKIP, also spoke briefly to the audience.

Commander Louise Puddefoot, who's in charge of the operation this weekend, stated that the officers have been in talks with the planners of both demonstrations over the last few weeks.

Our main focus is making certain that individuals who choose to express themselves through lawful demonstrations, whether participating in the primary march or the opposing protest, are able to do so in a secure and protected environment.

Police officers are going to monitor these protests like they usually do, without any bias. Their main goal is to ensure the safety of all attendees and the community as a whole. They will act definitively against any illegal activity or any disruptions aiming to cause major disturbances.

We appreciate the organizer of the demonstration for publicly discouraging violence on Saturday. However, we are worried about the significant number of attendees who are reportedly associated with football hooliganism.

Tommy Robinson, the leader of a far-right group, addressed a crowd at a demonstration taking place in London.

British far-right activist, Tommy Robinson, had supporters who were waving flags of Union Jack and England while they were waiting to march.

The roads were teeming with demonstrators, all dressed up in Union Jacks, who had joined the parade.

A demonstration led by Tommy Robinson has commenced from Victoria and will end at Parliament Square.

In the past, when these groups have gathered for protests, there has unfortunately been instances of violence towards the police. This has had an impact on how the police plan for and handle this specific protest, including how many resources they allocate and the strategy they use.

The circumstances are still suitable for the parade to proceed according to the arranged path starting from Vauxhall Bridge Road, then moving to Millbank, passing through Abingdon Square and eventually reaching Parliament Square.

According to a message posted on Twitter/X by the Met, individuals have been instructed not to enter the Westminster area, stay away from any bridge crossing the Thames, and avoid walking on the sidewalk. This is to avoid any significant disturbance that they have allegedly expressed interest in causing.

During the demonstration on the weekend, Robinson's crew exhibited placards demanding that Met Commissioner Mark Rowley be ousted from his position.

A declaration in a related request expressed dissent towards prejudiced law enforcement measures, and it requested responsibility from those who hold authoritative positions.

Another demonstration is expected to occur on Saturday afternoon, possibly smaller and unrelated to the previous events. This protest is organized by Youth Demand, a group that opposes the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

They have publicly stated their intention to take over highways and bridges.

Commander Puddefoot stated that the group has been very clear about their plans. They have declared their intention to go beyond lawful protesting and disrupt communities by obstructing roads and bridges that are crucial for maintaining traffic flow around London.

It is important for protest coordinators to let the authorities know about their plans for a protest, so that appropriate measures can be taken. However, there are certain groups, such as Youth Demand, who choose not to cooperate with this requirement.

If they did, we would remind them that we will definitely honor their protest rights, but not allow them to cause significant disturbance.

Police officers will be sent to handle any situation that arises. They will utilize all the appropriate authority at their disposal, which could include enforcing regulations.

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