Tommy Robinson ‘could face jail’ over film screening at London protest

Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, a far-right activist, may be sent to prison for defying a court order by showing a documentary at a protest in London. The anti-racism organization Hope Not Hate reported this incident on Saturday.

The movie, Silenced, restated untrue statements about a Syrian refugee that resulted in him losing a defamation lawsuit in 2021. Robinson is scheduled to attend a high court session on Monday charged with contempt of court for producing the film.

Nick Lowles from Hope Not Hate stated on X that Tommy Robinson is showing the movie Silenced in Trafalgar Square, only two days before he goes to court for allegedly disobeying a court order that told him not to show the film. It looks like he will be going to prison.

The Attorney General's office has been informed that Tommy Robinson showed a film that he was prohibited from screening. This blatant disrespect for the law may result in him receiving the maximum two-year sentence. He has no one to blame but himself.

The police from the city said: "We were not aware of which movies would be played at the event. People who plan protests do not have to tell us what they will show beforehand. We do not have the authority to force them to do so."

Police working at the event may not have known about the legal case going on about a specific movie. However, now that they have been informed, they are looking into the situation to figure out the next steps.

Many people gathered in the heart of London over the weekend to participate in a demonstration led by Tommy Robinson, along with a separate counter-demonstration.

Beforehand, The Metropolitan Police announced that approximately 1,000 officers would be positioned throughout the city to maintain order and prevent any clashes between the two groups.

The news report stated that eight individuals were taken into custody and a number of first responders were attacked, but luckily no one suffered major injuries.

The group of people attending Robinson's demonstration assembled outside the Royal Courts of Justice before walking down the Strand to Trafalgar Square, where a rally took place.

Attendees were overheard singing phrases like "Rule, Britannia!", "England forever", and "We want our nation returned". The Metropolitan Police confirmed they are looking into videos circulating on the internet that contain "racially divisive and anti-Muslim" chants.

During the protest, the speakers criticized immigration, multiculturalism, and Covid vaccines. The crowd showed support by waving British, English, and Israeli flags and holding signs that said: "Not extreme, just correct."

The protest against racism, put together by Stand Up to Racism and Jeremy Corbyn's Peace and Justice initiative, started at Russell Square and made its way to Whitehall.

The protesters held signs that said "We all are travelers" and "No to discrimination against Islam" along with posters demanding peace in Gaza.

People were shouting phrases like "Tommy Robinson is a Nazi" and "Get the Nazi out of here".

Guests at the event featured Corbyn and Eddie Dempsey, who serves as the assistant general secretary of the RMT union.

Authorities have reported that two individuals were taken into custody for allegedly causing serious physical harm following an attack on a counter-protester. Additionally, one person was arrested for allegedly assaulting an emergency worker and committing a racially motivated public order offense after a police officer was kicked.

Four more individuals were taken into custody outside a bar in Whitehall for allegedly attacking emergency personnel, following an incident where four police officers were assaulted.

A man was taken into custody for suspected vandalism and a public order offence involving racial prejudice. He allegedly broke a pole holding a Palestinian flag and made a racially offensive comment.

During the day, a Trans Pride parade took place from Langham Place, close to Oxford Circus, all the way to Hyde Park Corner. The organizers decided to change the route to steer clear of Robinson's demonstration, starting from their initial plan at Trafalgar Square. At the event, a ninth individual was taken into custody by the police for allegedly attacking a steward.

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