The Wives review: I could barely make it through Channel 5’s schlocky thriller

The Wives

In the premiere of Channel 5's new thriller, The Wives, a close-knit family of brothers and their partners gathered at their usual vacation destination in Malta. However, the recent passing of one member, Annabelle, stirred up old secrets that had been kept hidden. Whether you find the ensuing drama captivating or absurdly over-the-top will vary. For me, it leaned more towards the latter.

The Wives - Figure 1
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True to the expectations of the genre, The Wives quickly set a rapid tempo and introduced familiar character types: stressed-out Beth (Jo Joyner) was finding it hard to cope with the puzzling vanishing of Annabelle from the previous year, Tash (Angela Griffin) and her spouse Sean (Jonathan Forbes) had been quietly residing in their getaway flat after losing their home in the UK, and recently divorced Sylvie (Tamzin Outhwaite) was on the lookout for casual encounters in the area.

Up to this point, it seemed quite predictable. Then, when Annabelle's husband Charlie (played by Jamie Morgan) showed up with his daughter Sky and his new partner Jade, we were introduced to three more stereotypes: the disengaged father, the moody teenager, and the scheming gold-digger.

Evening dramas like The Wives seem to exist in a strange, parallel world where no remark is insignificant. ("Let's not forget we're still here for each other," said Beth's husband Frankie while they enjoyed the sunshine on their balcony.) Characters often communicate in prophetic one-liners, and their actions align with limited, almost scripted personality traits. For instance, Beth's character profile might read as "caring wife and friend; determined to uncover the truth." After she accidentally confused Jade for Annabelle and, in a fit of drunken misjudgment, shoved her into the pool, we could easily add "harboring a secret" to her description.

Well-defined characters can quickly immerse audiences in a narrative without unnecessary delays, but the portrayal in The Wives felt a bit exaggerated and unrealistic. For instance, Charlie's character might as well have had a note that read “always eager to hook up with Jade,” as his over-the-top affection was evident in every situation—strikingly noticeable and somewhat distracting.

The dialogue came across as pretty careless. Although we're not looking for a melodramatic mystery to revolutionize the English language, one specific line seemed so out of place that it probably would have been cut if anyone had been really listening during editing. (Jade: “The sea feels amazing, babe. Just feel the waves on your skin.” Charlie: “It really does.” Huh?)

Despite its clichéd dialogue and exaggerated characters, the fundamental ideas behind The Wives had potential. The situation with Jade, who resembles Charlie’s first wife (Beth: “He’s basically dating a clone of his first wife”), along with Beth’s struggle to cope emotionally while trying to convince her sisters-in-law and husband to acknowledge her concerns, and Tash’s efforts to maintain a façade while facing serious financial troubles, hinted at the possibility of deeper storytelling.

Just when the story was starting to heat up, a new twist barged in like a clumsy bull in a delicate shop. “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll figure out the money,” Jade whispered into her phone, and Beth, who was staying up late, caught the tail end of the conversation. “Of course he believes in me. We’ve been together for two years."

One of the enjoyable aspects of a thriller such as The Wives is the built-up suspense – however, by quickly confirming our theories, the series took away the satisfaction of tension and resolution. I appreciate lighthearted entertainment that offers a comforting conclusion after a tiring day, but just because such shows are easy to enjoy doesn’t mean they’re simple to create. Ultimately, the first episode of The Wives felt hurried rather than something to fully appreciate. If it were up to me, I’d opt for a breakup.

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