The Acolyte Explained | Highlights from “The Acolyte”

The Acolyte

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Osha And Mae Reunite For Final Showdown

Check out Star Wars: The Acolyte, where a Jedi Master must confront a ruthless warrior from his past to solve a mysterious crime spree. Dive into all the episodes now available on Disney+ and follow along as delves into standout scenes and intriguing ties within the Star Wars universe.

Caution: This blog post contains information about the story and events of the eighth episode of The Acolyte, titled "The Acolyte."

Everything that has happened up until now has been building up to this point.

In Brendok, the paths of all characters come together once again. This week, Mae and Sol visit the abandoned and overgrown witches’ fortress, left neglected for 16 years after a tragic event. Mae and Sol seek redemption while Osha and the Stranger hurry to join them, trying to change the outcome of the constantly shifting future. The fortress holds dark memories and the characters must confront their past to shape their destiny.

Article 8: "The Disciple"

Osha is troubled by the vision he sees through the Stranger's cortosis helmet. He witnesses Mae successfully complete her mission by killing Jedi Master Sol without using a weapon, giving him a glimpse of a potentially dark future on their home planet. It seems like there may be a sense of poetic justice in this outcome. Mae transforms into the apprentice her Master desires, seeking retribution for the crimes committed by the four Jedi who were present on Brendok. In her eyes, they must pay for their actions, with the final Jedi losing his life in the same location where he had taken Mother Aniseya. It's a form of retaliation - an eye for an eye.

After bravely breaking free from Sol's captivity, Mae and the remaining Pip manage to steal the Polan's getaway vehicle in a style reminiscent of Han Solo. With a defiant farewell of "See you in hell, Jedi!", Mae navigates the perilous broken rings surrounding the moons of Brendok, a treacherous asteroid field that Sol would be ill-advised to pursue her into. However, he gives chase regardless. With Bazil's assistance in dismantling the targeting computer, both crafts manage to safely land on the surface in a rough landing.

Mae no longer seeks revenge. Instead, she wants Sol to face the consequences of his actions. Knowing Osha is alive has changed her outlook, and now she hopes Sol will confess the truth to all who will listen. As for Osha, her desires for the future are uncertain after her experience with the Stranger. She seems conflicted. Will she ever agree to be trained? She says no, but there is a hesitation before her answer.

As they leave, a mysterious figure can be seen in the caves with five sharp fingers. We can't tell exactly what the creature is in the dark, but we have some ideas.

Senator Rayencourt unexpectedly visited Master Vernestra Rwoh and expressed his concerns about her current actions. Despite his unsettling views, his visit may hint at future events. He warned Rwoh that someone may break under pressure, especially after learning about her secret murder investigation. Rayencourt plans to report this to the chancellor and initiate a formal inquiry.

On Brendok, the witches' fortress holds a sense of solemnity in its ruins now. The echoes of the Ascension's voices still linger, a haunting reminder of the past battles that took place there. A fierce lightsaber duel between the Stranger and Sol unfolds, showcasing a level of intensity we have never witnessed before. Despite not needing to invade the Stranger's mind, Sol proves to be the stronger fighter in this new confrontation.

Nevertheless, he lacks the strength to resist his own connections. Mae and Osha reunite tearfully in the charred bedroom that Mae had set on fire in the past, and their confrontation turns into a fair fight - they are so similar that their actions often reflect each other. However, their true conflict is with Sol, and in the courtyard, Mae intervenes to challenge Sol's control over her Master and retrieves the Jedi Master's lightsaber. Similar to how Luke Skywalker dealt with the revelation of his family on the second Death Star, she chooses to discard the lightsaber instead of using it as a weapon.

Everything we thought we knew about the sisters is turned upside down. Mae disobeys and Osha fulfills her own vision, completing Mae's mission by killing Sol without a weapon - in a way no one expected. Sol's confession pushes Osha to her breaking point. She trusted him, only to discover he had been lying to her for 16 years, shaping her beliefs with his version of the truth. The emotional exchange between Master and former apprentice is heartbreaking. Blinded by his feelings for his Padawan, Sol is speechless as Osha gives in to the darkness, draining the kyber crystal in his lightsaber as she ends his life. Her connection to the Force is restored, but in a corrupted state.

The change is finished when Osha lights up Sol's lightsaber and sees the consequences of her actions, the beautiful blade starts off as a shining blue before turning into a flowing red. It is clear now what she has evolved into.

After the group from Coruscant arrives to assess the damage, Vernestra uses the Force to sense something familiar in the Stranger. When she sees Sol's body, she decides to create a new false story to shield the Jedi Order from criticism, even though it tarnishes Sol's name. Rwoh tells the Senate that a rogue Jedi named Sol murdered his comrades, twisting the truth. This deception mirrors the initial cover-up that started this saga sixteen years ago, showing that both the Jedi and the witch coven resort to lies to protect themselves.

As the Jedi close in, the Stranger reverses time for Mae, turning her into an innocent 8-year-old once again. The roles of the sisters are now reversed, with Mae forgetting her past as an assassin and Osha facing uncertain consequences for her recent actions. Many questions remain about where Osha's decisions will lead her next.

As the movie ends, the sight of Yoda leaves us with more questions about how this story will impact the galaxy and alter the course of events. The credits roll and we are left curious about what Master Rwoh will reveal next.

Kristin Baver is the person in charge at and has written books like Star Wars: 100 Objects. You might recognize her as the person who hosts This Week! In Star Wars. She's a big fan of Sy Snootles and all things sci-fi, and she's always curious and eager to learn more. You can find her on Instagram as @KristinBaver.

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