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Li Haoshi, a Chinese comedian, learned a lesson about balancing humor and controversy. He made a joke about the People's Liberation Army and caused a big problem. Now, some people are canceling him. But others on Chinese social media have different opinions. It's a split decision.

This week, many people are talking about a controversial joke from a Chinese comedian. The joke is not politically correct. Even international news outlets are covering the story.

Comedian Li Haoshi, who performed as 'House' with Xiao Guo company, was accused of making insulting comments about the Chinese army at one of his shows. After this, he has been banned from social media and won't be allowed to perform in the future.

On May 13th, a show happened but filming it was not allowed. However, attendees still recorded a joke that caused controversy. Then, they shared it on social media and exposed House. Someone on Zhihu claimed to have secretly recorded the whole show. They shared the joke, which went like this:

Shanghai is a big city that follows high standards. The writer got two dogs from a mountain, but they were not really strays. The dogs were wild and strong, not needing help. The writer saw them like animals on TV. They were good at chasing and winning fights. The writer felt proud showing them off in the city. The problem was the dogs had lots of energy, too much for the writer.

The joke is triggered by the phrase "Good discipline, capable of winning battles." It is often used to describe and motivate the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The phrase was created by Xi Jinping in 2013. It is used along with "to obey the Party's command" to embody the Chinese military's principles.

The quotes "Obeying the Party's command," "Capable of winning battles," and "positive work ethic" were said in a funny way by House, a comedian from China. The picture shows where the quotes came from.

Describing two wild dogs with the army's motto is seen as disrespectful to the image of the PLA. The image of the PLA is considered sacred and must not be tarnished.

The joke was extremely inappropriate. People's Daily posted about it on Weibo. Performers in talk shows should be careful with their words. They need to stay within the appropriate boundaries.

The industry should agree on what jokes are okay or not. People's Daily said to speak freely but not too much. Use jokes with control.

In China, a talk show is called tuōkǒuxiù. This term means "talk show" in English. It usually refers to stand-up comedy shows. These shows are popular in China. Performers tell stories in a humorous and engaging way. They often improvise their performances.

Li Haosi's joke made the Chinese state media angry. People's Daily made a post on Weibo about it. The post used a hashtag that talks about the PLA and the link between the military and Chinese people.

People's Daily made another post about Li Haoshi and also honored China's PLA soldiers.

People's Daily supported the PLA and condemned disrespectful behavior towards soldiers. They used the hashtag "People's Daily Discusses 'House' Offending the Soldiers Sons of the People". The hashtag has 670 million views on Weibo.

Li Haoshi's controversy is a big topic for social media users. Many people talk about it on different platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, and Zhihu. There are three main opinions that keep coming up in these discussions. We will talk about them now.

You, who are called 'wolf warriors' and 'little pinkies', often unfairly accuse people. You should be the ones who are eliminated.

Lots of people on Chinese social media are discussing talk shows as "an art of offense." They're debating what counts as "acceptable humor." Some say performers should have freedom of expression and speech. They argue that no art is offensive, but sometimes real art can be offensive.

A Chinese blog talked about Li Haoshi, but it got removed from WeChat. The blog said people are worried. They don't just want performers to express themselves freely. They also want people to talk about different views. But they feel like they can't do that online. The 'House controversy' doesn't give them much space to debate.

People on Weibo are worried about the one-sided conversation. They think that the discussion is not nuanced enough. They are concerned about big censorship and no room for different ideas. One person says that "wolf warriors" and "little pinkies" are just trying to find witches to hunt. They think those people should be canceled instead.

Somebody said that people become more extreme when they comment a lot. Some posts disabled or filtered their comment sections, so you couldn't see any of the 244 comments listed.

Jokes and malicious slander are different. It's easy to tell them apart.

Most people disagree with those who support Li Haoshi's controversial comments. On Weibo, many say that "talk shows" shouldn't allow inappropriate speech. Public speeches have limits that people shouldn't cross. Entertainers should know these boundaries and not use their job to say problematic things.

A blogger said that comedians know their limits. If they offend their audience, they lose money. They also don't insult their boss or colleagues. They won't offend the PLA because they know the boundaries.

People think this: "Jokes are not the same as hurtful talk."

People discuss free speech online and often use the US as an example. Some Chinese netizens say that even in the US and Western countries, there are things you can't talk about without getting in trouble.

There's a Weibo account called "Xu Ji Observation" that’s known for promoting good online behavior and being in favor of “mass line” policy. The account recently pointed out how Americans get in trouble for disrespecting the military. Tom Brady, a quarterback, was criticized for comparing playing football to being in the military. Pete Davidson, a comedian, made a joke about a war veteran who lost an eye, and that didn't sit well with people. Both of them ended up apologizing.

Many agree with Xu Ji, but some say it's not fair. Chinese performers who get 'canceled' face more than just apologizing. Li Haoshi's situation shows apologizing is not enough. Learn more about China's canceled celebs.

We don't need talk show hosts or famous people, but we need our soldiers. They are the sons of our people.

Many people online say that we shouldn't debate freedom versus boundaries. They think we should talk about the comedian breaking the law. He insulted soldiers and that's illegal under the Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law.

Chinese state media is focusing on the importance of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the current controversy. Some netizens agree with this perspective. A joke by House has angered many Chinese social media users who support the PLA. Any jokes targeting the PLA are condemned.

Bloggers often praise the PLA's acts of heroism. They use patriotic images of soldiers with national flags. It reminds people of how they bravely helped during the Wenchuan Earthquake. It also reminds people of how they protect the South China Sea.

A lot of people like the comment. It says soldiers are important. Talk show hosts and celebrities are not as important. Soldiers protect their country. People need soldiers to stay safe.

People are talking about the Li Haoshi scandal online. The Chinese government thinks the joke is against the law. On May 18th, House's social media was turned off and people who work in the performing arts stopped talking to him. The Beijing Police will look into the situation because House insulted the People's Liberation Army, which made society unhappy.

Xiao Guo, the firm representing House, got a warning and lost 1.35 million yuan ($190,000) of "illegal gains." The police also imposed a fine of 13.35 million yuan ($1.8 million). The company has cancelled all upcoming shows in China and cut ties with Li Haoshi due to the punishment.

If you want to learn more about this topic, there are other articles you can read. These articles are related to the subject and can provide more information. Reading these articles can help you gain a better understanding. You can find these articles by searching online or visiting a library. Reading is a great way to expand your knowledge.

Chinese performers must follow new moral guidelines that emphasize loving the Motherland. Comedian Li Dan caused controversy after promoting a lingerie brand with a sexist slogan. Female comedian Yang Li was involved in the Intel controversy. Chinese entertainers who are canceled are referred to as "tainted celebrities."

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