Prime Minister to travel to Switzerland for major peace summit on Ukraine


Today, the Prime Minister will journey to Switzerland to confirm the UK's backing for Ukraine, as the initial high-ranking summit aiming at determining the future of the nation commences.

Over 50 leaders of nations are set to participate in the summit around Lucerne, which would become the biggest assemblage of global leaders solely dedicated to Ukraine since the start of the invasion.

At tonight's conference, the leader of the country will address the attendees by stating:

People who assist Russia by supplying them with weapons or parts for their weapons should pay attention to this summit happening today. They should take a moment to think about the cities of Bucha, Mariupol, and Kharkiv and contemplate the decision they have made.

They are aligning themselves with the attacker, which will put them on the losing side in history. Putin is not actually interested in achieving real peace. He has been actively working against this summit through diplomacy, insisting that countries should not participate. He has also made up false stories about being willing to negotiate.

It would be wise to question Russia as to why they perceive a meeting centered around fundamental concepts like maintaining territorial boundaries, securing food resources, and promoting nuclear wellbeing as a direct menace.

We need to collaborate with President Zelenskyy using our power to establish the guidelines for a fair and sustainable resolution, which adheres to global policies and the regulations set forth by the UN Charter.

This is the way towards ending the fighting for good. By doing this, we can demonstrate our support for Ukraine when they are prepared to discuss things.

This will demonstrate to Putin's accomplices in North Korea, Iran, and other places that we will safeguard the privilege of every nation to determine their destiny.

During the summit, it is anticipated that the Prime Minister will have a meeting with President Zelenskyy to emphasize the United Kingdom's backing for Ukraine. This includes making certain that any upcoming agreement for peace is viable and, most importantly, done in accordance with Ukraine's wishes.

The top leaders came together after the G7 conference in Italy. During the conference, the UK and other G7 countries declared 50 more sanctions against Putin's military and also committed to providing £242m to Ukraine for necessary purposes such as humanitarian aid, energy, and stabilization.

The United Kingdom has also come to an agreement with the Group of Seven (G7) to grant Ukraine a new loan amounting to $50 billion. This loan will be paid back using the additional earnings that will be generated by seizing Russia's central bank's frozen assets within Europe and other parts of the globe.

It is anticipated that the upcoming Swiss summit will be attended by Sir Tim Barrow, who serves as the National Security Advisor. The duration of the summit is set to span over a period of two days.

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