Supacell creator Rapman on superheroes, representation and cameos


Picture waking up one morning and discovering you possess extraordinary abilities. Would you choose to protect the world, or focus on saving yourself? This is the concept behind Netflix's latest science fiction series, Supacell, brought to life by Rapman.

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The new series, available now, follows a team of five regular individuals whose lives are completely transformed when they discover they possess extraordinary powers. Despite having few similarities, the one thing they share is their identity as Black residents of south London.

With incredible strength, time-bending powers, and the ability to soar through the sky, the team utilizes their unique abilities to keep themselves and their family safe. Michael Lasaki (played by Tosin Cole) is determined to unite these five extraordinary individuals in order to rescue his beloved.

This series is unique in the science fiction category, as it showcases a mainly African American cast. The creator behind Shiro's Story and Blue Story, Rapman, envisioned this series. We interviewed him to discuss the importance of representation, action scenes, guest appearances, and his vision for the show's influence.

What Inspired Supacell, Rapman?

I have always been a huge fan of this type of entertainment. I enjoyed watching Heroes, Misfits, and classic Batman shows. However, I had never come across a superhero tale that portrayed how an average individual would actually behave if they possessed superhuman abilities.

Next, I mentioned the concept while promoting my movie, Blue Story, and thought about how individuals from neighborhoods like south London would use superpowers. In 2020, I began creating and refining the series.

Who Inspired Your Series Creation?

I desired characters who were regular individuals. They are not extraordinary, they have imperfections and for some of them, the abilities are a gift and for others, it's a burden. For instance, Sabrina does not desire the powers but Rodney and Tazer adore them.

I desired a series that would remain engaging even without the superhuman abilities. I believe you can still find enjoyment in watching these five characters and their narratives.

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What made you decide on south London as the setting for the series? What is it about this location that makes it stand out?

I come from and grew up in South London, it's my stomping ground. I've resided in Lewisham, Catford, and Deptford, so I know South London like the back of my hand. I have experienced many memorable moments there, as it is my hometown, and I wanted to highlight its significance.

I haven't come across a show that accurately portrays the true essence of south London like Supacell does.

Why Did You Opt For Average Characters Over Superheroes?

I enjoy sharing stories that feel relatable. Sometimes they have special abilities or cool visual effects, but it's important for the characters to feel genuine. I've encountered someone similar to Tazer, and we interact with people like Michael who deliver packages without fully understanding their experiences. Even when the story is futuristic or fantastical, it's crucial for the characters to remain authentic.

Discover The Unexpected Cameos In The Series!

When we were casting for the role of the antagonist in the movie, we originally had a highly respected actor lined up for the part, but they ended up backing out. We were looking for someone with a strong presence, and when my executive producer recommended Ghetts, we decided to give him a chance. After his audition, we were blown away by his performance and knew he was the perfect fit for the role.

Next, when I was creating the character, I imagined what Digga D would be like, even though I didn't actually know him or Ghetts. I decided to speak to individuals who were familiar with them. Digga D had recently released a successful album that reached number one, so I wasn't sure if he would be interested in auditioning. However, he ended up auditioning, and Netflix was impressed with his performance on tape.

We also have Castillo on board, who was recommended by my director and producer, and he performed exceptionally.

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Did You Face Challenges Creating Supacell?

When Netflix agreed to produce the project, it showed that they were interested in the concept, but there were various obstacles to overcome. There were moments when I wished for extra filming time, or when they felt a particular scene was too intense, while I believed that the violence was necessary to effectively convey the story.

I faced some disagreements with the streaming platform as the show's creator and leader. It's important to have a strong will when faced with multiple people saying no, as everyone has their own ideas. However, during early screenings, the audience reacted positively to the show.

Balancing Positive Representation With Authentic Storytelling

I create a TV program that I personally would like to watch. I am focused on making something that I find enjoyable, and I hope that others will also like it. My goal is not to please everyone, but to create content that resonates with me as a viewer. If I let others' opinions dictate my creative process, I would never be able to bring my ideas to life. In a room of 10 people, there are bound to be 10 different viewpoints, so it's important for me to trust my own instincts and stay true to my vision.

In Supacell, there's a mix of humor, danger, excitement, and heartfelt moments. You'll witness uplifting stories featuring Michael, Dion, the sisters, and the father and son, mixed with a gritty urban vibe. If this doesn't suit your taste, there are plenty of other shows to choose from. Alternatively, you can always create your own content like I did by starting to write and share stories on YouTube.

What Were Your Favorite Moments With The Cast?

In the first episode, there is a part where Michael goes to the future and we witness Sabrina soaring through the sky, Andre effortlessly lifting a car, and much more. This all takes place in Piccadilly Circus, although it wasn't filmed there. Instead, we constructed the entire set ourselves and used CGI to enhance the scenes. One of the impressive features was a 30-foot tall green screen that wrapped around the set in a 360-degree angle.

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As soon as I arrived on set, it was absolute chaos - something you rarely see even in Hollywood. The atmosphere was electric and to top it off, we even had a surprise visit from Michael Ward. While there were plenty of memorable moments, the highlight was definitely having all the main actors together in one scene. It was a rare and special day.

Why Choose Sickle Cell Trait For Superpowers?

It always pained me to see a sickness that predominantly impacts individuals with darker skin. Then, it was during the period of George Floyd's tragic death, which garnered widespread attention and caused great anguish within the Black community.

Individuals were actively participating and speaking out to advocate for change, television networks were broadcasting stories pertaining to the Black community, and I personally felt compelled to make a positive impact by highlighting the experiences of Black individuals. In my opinion, there was insufficient attention being brought to sickle cell disease, despite the significant number of individuals affected by it.

I was curious if there was a condition that gave Black individuals strength instead of weakness. I wanted to challenge the norm, bring attention to sickle cell disease, and show support for those affected. My goal is to make a positive impact and bring visibility to this community.

What Are Your Hopes For The Series?

I want people to have fun and be entertained by my work, but more importantly, I want it to pave the way for more top-notch Black narratives. I envision Black zombie films, Black fantasy tales on the level of Game of Thrones, and Black sorcerers and wizards akin to Harry Potter.

This means that Black actors and creatives will have more opportunities for employment and have access to more opportunities.

What Do You Hope For Season 2?

I am feeling optimistic about the future of this project. I believe it has the potential to be successful, but ultimately it is in Netflix's hands. The storyline is evolving and becoming more intense for the characters. I am eager to see how it all unfolds.

Supacell can now be watched on Netflix.

Furvah Shah writes about entertainment and lifestyle for Cosmopolitan UK. She covers TV, movies, music, books, and celebrity gossip. Furvah has also written for The Independent, BBC, gal-dem, and Amaliah. She loves showcasing diverse talent and projects, and has interviewed celebrities like Halle Bailey and India Amarteifio. Furvah has been featured on Times Radio and BBC Asian Network. She has a degree in Media and Communications from Goldsmiths University and is a qualified journalist. In her spare time, she enjoys attending cultural events, eating Middle Eastern and Asian cuisine, browsing for fashion inspiration on Pinterest, watching Netflix, and cuddling with her cat. Follow Furvah on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

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