Rapman On Creating, Writing & Directing Supacell


Supacell is a fresh superhero series now available on Netflix. The show follows five regular Black individuals from South London who suddenly gain superpowers. Rapman, known for creating Shiro's Story and Blue Story, is the genius behind this original TV series. This makes Supacell the first show on the streaming platform written and produced by a Black filmmaker. With talented newcomers like Tosin Cole, Adelayo Adedayo, and Yasmin Monet Prince leading the cast, we caught up with Rapman to discuss the journey of bringing this concept to the screen.

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Photo Country and Town House

Rapman Interview: Supacell Insights

Hello Rapman! Your new show, Supacell, will be available on Netflix shortly - can you provide a brief summary of what viewers can expect from it?

Yes, it's happening very soon! Supacell follows the story of five regular Black individuals from South London who suddenly gain superhuman abilities. The show is honest and easy to connect with, offering a fresh perspective on the superhero genre. While it may not fit the traditional superhero mold like Marvel, it focuses on ordinary folks with extraordinary powers. Without giving too much away, the main theme revolves around love. Each character has someone special they care deeply about and are willing to defend and safeguard. I'm eagerly anticipating the show's release for everyone to enjoy!

When did the thought first appear in your mind?

I had been thinking about it for a long time, but it wasn't until 2019 that I finally vocalized it during an interview for my previous project. When the question of what comes next came up, the concept of Supacell just flowed out of me.

How did you go about writing?

It was challenging! Perhaps the most difficult aspect of the production for me. I believe this is because I was the one who wrote each episode. It seemed like a never-ending cycle of revising and receiving feedback – and it didn't really have an endpoint. I recall finishing filming on set at midnight, only to arrive at my hotel and begin rewriting scenes for the following day's shoot. Despite the difficulty of the process, it undoubtedly improved the scripts, which is always beneficial.

This will be Netflix's initial original television show crafted and overseen by a Black filmmaker - what is your reaction to this news?

I feel a sense of disbelief and accomplishment about this. But, I don't view it as just my own success. It represents a significant moment for the Black creative community. Though it shows progress, it also highlights the continued need for more diversity and representation in the entertainment world.

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Photo Country and Town House

How much does it matter to you that this project takes place in South London?

To me, this is really crucial! South London is not just the place I was raised, but it has a lively community with unique culture, narratives, and challenges. Opting to film in South London was primarily about offering representation and encouragement. I aimed for audiences to truly experience the essence, sounds, and vitality of South London, and to establish a connection with the characters and their narratives on a profound level. It's all about demonstrating that tales from underrepresented communities are not only legitimate but also captivating and deserving of being shared with a worldwide audience.

Did you have a big part in choosing the actors like Tosin Cole, Adelayo Adedayo, and Yasmin Monet Prince for Supacell?

I played a major role in the casting process. It was crucial to me from the start that we feature Supacell in order to showcase talented Black actors who may not be well-known and give them a chance to enter the entertainment field.

We haven't seen many genuine and easy-to-relate-to Black characters in this type of content before, so I made sure to choose actors who truly grasped and resonated with the characters. Tosin, Adelayo, and Yasmin are all incredibly skilled and did an outstanding job in their roles. The series wouldn't be the same without them.

Alongside the cast, we introduced the Supacell Six Scheme, a program aimed at providing opportunities for Black creatives to enter the television industry. In partnership with Netflix, we selected six individuals to gain experience in their desired field by shadowing crew members, connecting with industry experts, and taking part in additional skills development courses.

What was your experience like seeing these young artists turn your ideas into reality?

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Photo Country and Town House

I am thrilled and grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such an incredible team to bring Supacell to reality. I firmly believe that the success of any project lies in the strength of the team behind it, and I can confidently say that we have created something truly exceptional. I also hope that our collaboration with these talented young creatives will serve as an inspiration for others and set a positive example for future generations to follow.

What are you looking forward to audience gaining from the show?

Wow, that's a challenging question. In my opinion, the main theme of the series is love. Each character has a deep love for someone that motivates them to keep fighting. Michael wants to save the girl he loves, while Andre is fighting to reconnect with his son.

The main theme is focusing on safeguarding your loved ones at any expense, so I hope the show inspires individuals to reflect on and bond with the people they care about. It would be fantastic if the show motivated people to take action – whether it's expressing their love for someone, or reaching out and spending time with their loved ones. That would be impactful...

Can you recall any special moments from making the series?

There are too many memories to list them all, but one that really stands out is from when we were filming the scene at Piccadilly where our main characters show off their abilities in the future. This particular scene was filmed using a huge 30-foot, 360° green screen. I was amazed when I arrived on set that day! It was my first experience working with a green screen, and it made me appreciate how much progress I had made. It was a pretty awesome moment for me.

Of course, we're talking about super abilities, so I have to inquire: if you could possess any superpower, which one would you pick and what's the reason behind your choice?

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Photo Country and Town House

I love this question and it really got me thinking when I was writing Supacell. If I had to choose, I would pick teleportation without a doubt! Just picture being able to instantly teleport wherever you want at any time. You could go from hanging out with friends in London to attending a meeting in Los Angeles, and then relaxing on a beach in Greece all in the same day. It would completely erase the limitations of time and distance, allowing me to travel effortlessly. How amazing would that be, right?

Are there any upcoming projects that you are looking forward to? (If you can share with us!)

I am really invested in Supacell at the moment. I have dedicated four years to developing the series and I am fully committed to its launch. I also have some other interesting projects in progress, but unfortunately I cannot reveal any details yet. Stay tuned for updates!

Is there a project or idea that you've been wanting to bring to life but haven't had the chance to work on yet?

I have been lucky that everything I have set out to do has been successful. I am grateful for this and hope that my luck continues in the future.

Who has been the most influential person in your professional development?

I don't have just one favorite filmmaker. I admire many directors such as Spike Lee, Scorsese, and Tarantino. I draw a lot of inspiration from them and aspire to achieve similar success in my career.

What career did you dream of having as a child?

Ever since I can recall, I have dreamt of becoming a rapper or an actor.

Imagine if you could go back in time and share some wisdom with your younger self at age 15. What words of advice would you offer?

Great question! My answer would be to practice patience. By staying committed and consistently putting in effort, success will eventually come.

How can we improve our lives slightly?

Stay authentic and prioritize activities that bring you joy, rather than focusing on pleasing others.

Right now, I'm checking out Invincible on Prime Video.

Current book I'm enjoying: "Mr Untouchable" by Nicky Barnes

The most recent show I watched and really enjoyed was... The Sound of Freedom.

I am most excited to see how the world responds to Supacell!

One movie that I absolutely love is The Godfather Part I. It's my all-time favorite film.

Top Choice Song/Album: 'The Crossroads' by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony

A musician or group that I constantly listen to on repeat is SWV.

My top cultural suggestion is Supacell.

Indulging in cultural guilty pleasure... the TV show Friends.

All six episodes of Supacell are available for viewing on Netflix. Visit netflix.com to watch them now.

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