Chris Mason: Why finding out about Sue Gray’s salary really matters

Sue Gray

I’d like to share how we uncovered the details regarding the salary of the prime minister’s chief of staff, the reasons behind our decision to do so, and the significance of this information.

On Sunday, a government insider shared some sensitive information with me.

The news revealed that Sue Gray's annual salary is £170,000, which sparked considerable frustration over her compensation, her level of influence, and the feeling that many others in the government are undervalued and inadequately paid.

With a salary of £170,000, you're earning significantly more than the average income in the country. However, it's still lower than what many individuals, especially those in similar high-level roles within the private sector and some in the public sector, might make.

Similar to others working in the public sector, her salary will eventually be made public.

Just to be completely honest, I feel the same way.

However, the main point of this story isn't really about her pay itself.

This section discusses the various degrees of frustration and anger—whether justified or not—regarding her position and responsibilities in the government.

That’s what inspired the individual who notified me—despite facing significant professional danger—to share this information with me, which I am now passing on to you.

I've heard from various discussions I've participated in, as well as conversations that my colleagues at the BBC have had, that this individual is definitely not the only one.

This highlights the tense dynamics among certain officials in the government, just a few months after Labour secured victory in the election.

I stumbled upon this information over the weekend; I wasn't actively searching for it. It just came to me.

My informant decided to share the information with the BBC, believing that if we could confirm and validate the details – along with the broader sense of outrage – our various television and radio programs, as well as the online news articles, would help spread the story to a large audience.

My team, including chief political correspondent Henry Zeffman and others, worked together to confirm and validate the information I had received.

As journalists, it's important to question the sources of information, verify its truthfulness, and understand the reasons behind its dissemination. Our goal is to clarify what we do and do not understand, as well as the motivations of those sharing the information with us.

We need to regularly adjust our understanding of the intensity and extent of feelings like anger and frustration, considering the circumstances surrounding them.

In a matter of days, we confirmed through various independent sources that the information I received was indeed correct.

Importantly, it was clear that our informant wasn't the only one feeling dissatisfied with Ms. Gray.

When I discussed our findings with various high-ranking government officials, they didn't challenge the main points of our narrative.

We were also able to provide you with a broader understanding of salary trends among government employees and highlight how this government's stance on the matter differs from those of previous administrations.

Many people in the government are currently feeling upset and frustrated about our report, believing it to be very unjust towards Ms. Gray.

Since she doesn’t have her own public platform, she can’t address me directly in front of a camera like a politician would.

Her supporters believe there is a harsh and vengeful effort by some individuals to tarnish her reputation. Meanwhile, others are genuinely concerned that stories like this could deter people from pursuing careers in government, fearing their names might be dragged into public scrutiny.

The key point to understand is that there's a conflict at the highest level of this newly formed government, and it's essential for me to share this with you.

My responsibility is to provide you with a clear understanding of what truly happens within the government, including its flaws and shortcomings.

That's what I've aimed to accomplish here, along with the rest of our team.

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