Swindon social workers vote to strike over pay cuts

Strike action

Written by Barrie Hudson on July 31, 2023.

"Swindon Social Workers Send Strong Message: Unanimous Strike Vote, Says GMB."

All the social workers in the Emergency Duty Service unanimously agreed to participate in a strike, with every member of the department who is a part of the GMB union supporting the decision.

Strike action - Figure 1
Photo swindonlink.com

Emergency Duty Service (EDS) is the after-hours service offering round-the-clock urgent assistance to at-risk individuals residing in Swindon.

The Emergency Duty Service at Swindon Borough Council consists of seven social workers, including two supervisors, and half of them specialize in mental health.

According to the union, the council has declared that these employees will experience a reduction in their monthly income by approximately £700 starting on 1 September. This change is a result of a recent assessment and adjustment of wages, wherein the 20 percent additional compensation for working in unconventional hours will no longer be provided.

The labor union is cautioning that a substantial reduction in wages will compel employees to seek similar positions in different administrative bodies or under different employers, putting the sustainability of the service at risk in the future.

Discussions between Swindon Borough Council and GMB are set for Wednesday morning - 2nd August - to address the matter and prevent a strike.

Andy Newman, the Branch Secretary of GMB, stated that the entire department's unanimous decision to engage in strike action delivers a very definite message to Swindon Borough Council.

Social workers have desperately resorted to going on strike, a measure they deeply loathe taking, yet circumstances have coerced them into this extreme action as a consequence of an impending reduction in their wages.

GMB is engaging in discussions with the leaders of the council in search of a resolution, and I am confident that a solution can be reached if there is willingness from both sides. Swindon Borough Council must comprehend the magnitude of their mistake in this matter.

The service provided in Swindon is widely recognized throughout the country as an exceptional example of efficient and effective practices. What makes it even more remarkable is its ability to maintain its cost-effectiveness without the need to hire costly external staff members.

The proposal by the council to slash the pay of EDS staff, which was hastily created during the previous Conservative administration, puts everything at risk. They want to get rid of the extra 20% of their basic salary that EDS employees currently receive for working outside regular hours.

GMB has created thorough financial assessments that indicate that if these employees were to depart, it would result in a surge of £300,000 in expenses for employing agency staff in the ongoing fiscal year. Moreover, these losses would escalate even further in the years following.

We deeply commiserate with the recently elected Labour administration of the council who have inherited this chaotic situation. However, if a remedy is not found, Swindon Council will ultimately incur higher expenses for a deteriorating service, resulting in the departure of skilled individuals and a significant decline in employee motivation.

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