Key moments from week four of Trump hush money trial

Stormy Daniels

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Last week saw the end of the fourth week of the Donald Trump trial in New York, and the third week of witness and expert testimonies. This included testimony from Stormy Daniels, who is known for her work in adult films.

At the beginning of the week, Ms Daniels provided in-depth information about her purported relationship with Mr Trump. This resulted in Michael Cohen, the ex-president's attorney and confidant, offering her $130,000 to keep silent.

The testimony provided by Ms. Daniel was juicy enough to prompt Mr. Trump's defense team to request two mistrials or a change to the gag order allowing the ex-president to talk about her.

The requests were rejected by Judge Merchan and he cautioned Mr Trump about the possibility of being incarcerated if he breaches the prohibition on discussing the case publicly again.

The prosecutors are planning to summon their last batch of witnesses, which includes Cohen, during the upcoming week and then conclude their case.

Before that time, let's go over some important points from week three.

Possible rewrite: There is the possibility that Trump might be imprisoned if he continues to flout the court's instruction to refrain from making public statements regarding ongoing legal proceedings known as a gag order. This legal constraint is meant to uphold the impartiality and fairness of the trial process, and violating it could lead to charges of contempt of court or obstruction of justice, among other consequences. The legal jeopardy facing Trump underscores the serious nature of his legal troubles, as investigators and prosecutors scrutinize his actions and associates for potential criminal activity. A gag order is not an unusual or extreme measure in high-profile cases like this, and compliance with it is expected from all parties involved. If Trump disregards or challenges this restriction, he could face severe legal repercussions that could impact his freedom, reputation, and political future.

Judge Merchan cautioned Mr. Trump that if he persists in breaching the rule prohibiting him from discussing the case in order to safeguard the jurors, witnesses, the court personnel and their loved ones, he could face imprisonment.

The judge stated that since the accused has been found guilty of criminal contempt for the tenth time, through three different legal proceedings, it is evident that fines would not be effective in discouraging him from going against the court's lawful instructions.

Following his trial, Mr. Trump expressed his dissatisfaction with the jury selection, citing that it was predominantly comprised of individuals affiliated with the Democratic Party and therefore he felt it was treated in an unjust manner. He shared his concerns during an interview with Real America's Voice in April.

In free English, Judge Merchan expressed that the ex-president's statement gave rise to the possibility of fear for the jurors' and their loved ones' safety.

The legal team presented information about forged business documents.

During the case, jurors were provided with an in-depth analysis of the supposedly manipulated business records by two important members of the Trump Organization's workforce: Jeffrey McConney, who serves as comptroller, and Deb Tarasoff, the accounts payable supervisor.

During the briefing session, Mr McConney and Ms Tarasoff discussed Cohen's bills and how they were transferred to the then-CFO, Allen Weisselberg. The bills were clipped along with the checks, and Mr. Trump put his signature on them using a black Sharpie. The majority of the checks were issued from Mr. Trump's personal checking account.

During the court proceedings, the jury was presented with various evidence such as emails, accounting records, pay stubs, and payroll checks. These papers proved that these jurors were categorized under legal expenses or hired as legal retainers.

In a legal proceeding, Stormy Daniels attests to having engaged in a sexual encounter with the current President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Ms Daniels spoke for nearly four hours about personal information regarding the supposed relationship that caused the controversy leading to the $130,000 sum.

In the courtroom, Ms Daniels recounted the story of her first encounter with Mr Trump. She explained that they crossed paths at a well-known golf competition in Lake Tahoe during the summer of 2006. Later that day, she received an invitation to dine with him. She was given specific instructions on which elevator to take to reach his penthouse suite at the hotel.

According to her statement, she got out of the lift and was met by Mr Trump who was dressed in what she thought were silk or satin pajamas. She requested him to change into something else.

During their conversation, Ms. Daniels stated in her testimony that she became increasingly irritated by Mr. Trump's lack of humility. She recounted that he consistently attempted to "outdo" her and centered conversations around himself.

The performer in adult movies declared that she hit him on the rear with a Forbes magazine that she had rolled up before. Consequently, he became considerably better-mannered.

‘You resemble my offspring’

During the trial, Ms Daniels testified that at one point, she remembered Mr Trump stating to her that she reminded him of his daughter: intelligent, blonde, and attractive. Additionally, he mentioned how individuals often underestimate his daughter.

It is reported that Melania and Trump do not share a bedroom and sleep apart from each other.

In court, she explained that Mr. Trump presented her with a picture of Melania, but assured her not to be concerned about his recent marriage because they didn't share a bed.

Trump's attempt to declare a mistrial has been unsuccessful.

Todd Blanche, the lawyer representing Mr. Trump, has raised concerns regarding Ms. Daniels' shock testimony. He claims that her testimony has no substantial value and is solely intended to humiliate Mr. Trump. By doing so, Ms. Daniels aims to manipulate the jury into disregarding crucial evidence and pay attention only to her statements.

The judge, Merchan, turned down Mr Trump's plea for a new trial. However, he expressed astonishment that the defense team didn't protest against a larger portion of Ms. Daniels' statement.

Daniels confesses to disliking Trump.

The questioning became heated during the cross-examination conducted by attorney Susan Necheles towards Ms. Daniels.

At a certain moment, Ms Necheles inquired Ms Daniels about her feelings towards the past president. She questioned whether the adult film actress had animosity towards Mr Trump.

"Affirmative," stated Ms. Daniels.

"Do you wish for him to be incarcerated?" inquired Ms. Necheles.

Ms. Daniels stated, "I believe that he should be responsible for his actions."

Ms. Necheles repeated her question and Ms. Daniels replied, "Without a doubt, if he is proven guilty."

Stormy Daniels maintains her position and safeguards her profession.

On Thursday, the defense continued questioning Ms Daniels, with Ms Necheles pointing out inconsistencies in her story about meeting Mr Trump for the first time back in 2011 when she was interviewed for In Touch magazine.

Despite Ms Necheles’ efforts to discredit Ms Daniels’ testimony and source of income, Ms Daniels maintained a composed and resolute demeanor throughout the exchange.

Ms Daniels insisted that her recollection of events remained consistent, and the only variation was in the platform it was conveyed on. She pointed out that the publication in question, In Touch, is primarily focused on providing entertainment and therefore presents a condensed, abridged version of the facts. In her own words, "It's a brief interview that's missing several important details."

Ms Necheles inquired about your profession of over two decades, which involved writing, performing, and overseeing erotic films. Do you possess extensive knowledge of making fabricated sexual accounts seem authentic?

Ms Daniels expressed her surprise by saying "Wow" and even took a moment to laugh, which was the closest the trial came to a mic drop moment. She also mentioned that she wouldn't phrase it in the same way. However, she confirmed that the sexual activity depicted in the films was real, just like the encounter that took place in that hotel room.

She said, "If that account was false, I would have written it more effectively."

In his recent interview, Daniels discussed his upcoming tour called 'Make America Horny Again'.

Ms Necheles inquired about Ms Daniels' tour at strip clubs in 2018, titled "Make America Horny Again."

Ms Necheles inquired from Ms Daniels whether she was presenting herself as an individual who could bring about the indictment of President Trump to those who disliked him.

According to Ms. Daniels, she did not choose the tour name and it was not her decision.

"These individuals are customers of the strip club who appreciate my performances," answered Ms. Daniels.

Madeleine Westerhout, who used to work for the Trump administration, shared an emotional testimony about her experience working with Mr. Trump. She spoke with warmth and nostalgia about her time as an aide for him.

She spoke about the management aspect of the Oval Office, specifically dealing with the payment documents signed by Mr. Trump and sent to the Trump Organization located in New York.

A request for mistrial and changes to the gag order has been dismissed by the judge.

The legal team of Mr Trump made a request to Judge Merchan to alter the gag rule. They argued that the former president must be allowed to offer a response to the comments made by Ms Daniels in the court, as she was no longer under the oath.

Mr. Blanche asked for a new trial as he felt that Ms. Daniel's testimony was biased. He accused the prosecution team of making a reference to rape by letting Ms. Daniels state that Mr. Trump did not use a condom during their sexual encounter.

Judge Merchan rejected the request to change the order forbidding disclosure of information and rejected the request to start the trial again.

The former 'gatekeeper' of the White House has exposed flaws in Donald Trump's defense.

On Friday, Ms Westerhout handed back the stand and stated that Mr Trump was agitated when Ms Daniels accused him in 2018. She also mentioned that she understood that Mr Trump knew it would cause damage to his family.

However, on Friday, during her testimony under interrogation by Mr. Trump's team, she revealed that he had never disclosed this information to her.

"I'm not sure if he actually uttered those words, but I could sense that the atmosphere was uncomfortable," she stated. "In other words, he never explicitly brought up his family during the discussion."

The judge supported the prosecutor's objection to the inquiry and the respondent's reply, which was canceled and not considered as evidence.

A judge has instructed the prosecutors to request Michael Cohen to stop communicating with the media and making public statements. Cohen, a former attorney for Donald Trump, has been making frequent comments to the media after he was arrested last year for campaign finance violations, tax fraud, and false statements charges. The judge is concerned that Cohen's public statements could jeopardize his case and the ongoing investigations. The prosecution team will convey the order to Cohen and ensure he obeys the judge's instructions.

Mr. Trump's lawyers have been urging Judge Merchan to find a solution to silence Michael Cohen, as he is set to testify about how his TikTok videos are causing an issue.

The judge reached a middle ground: the prosecutors are required to convey to him that he must remain silent as directed by the judge.

in front of Congress to testify against Donald Trump. Get ready for some intense political drama next week as Michael Cohen, former personal lawyer to President Donald Trump, gets ready to testify against him in front of Congress. This explosive testimony is sure to be a major event in the ongoing controversy surrounding the Trump administration. Be sure to keep an eye on the news and stay tuned for updates as this story unfolds.

It is anticipated that Cohen, who plays an important role as a witness in the case, will provide testimony as soon as Monday. The prosecution team is aiming to conclude their presentation of evidence.

Joshua Steinglass, who is the Assistant District Attorney, informed Judge Merchan that there are just two witnesses left and they might conclude their testimony by Friday.

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