Stella Creasy sends message to culprits who attacked her Walthamstow office and circulated 'malicious' leaflets

Stella Creasy

A candidate running for the Labour Party has stated that she will not be frightened after her office was vandalized and untrue leaflets were spread around.

Stella Creasy - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

Stella Creasy shared images of the vandalism at her office in Walthamstow, in northeast London. She is currently campaigning to retain her position in the upcoming general election on 4 July, a seat she has held since 2010.

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The window and glass door had multiple punctures and there were fractures running through the glass following the assault.

Police stated they think the office was singled out sometime between 3:10am and 3:30am on Sunday.

Ms Creasy also mentioned that there have been leaflets distributed that are both untrue and intended to harm.

Ms Creasy posted on her social media accounts regarding the incident that occurred at her office last night.

I am not scared of you and you have no place in the political system.

Just like those spreading harmful and untrue flyers.

Stella Creasy - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

The police are actively working to apprehend you. We will seek the harshest punishments for this undemocratic attack. I am confident that the people of Walthamstow will not be intimidated or swayed by your violent actions.

A representative from the Labour Party stated to Sky News that they strongly disapprove of any forms of intimidation targeted towards candidates from any political party.

It is important for our democracy that parliamentary candidates can campaign without restrictions.

The Metropolitan Police stated that they are now looking into the vandalism at Ms. Creasy's office.

Detective Superintendent Dion Brown, a high-ranking officer in charge of policing Waltham Forest, stated that it is completely unacceptable for the workplace of a potential London parliamentary candidate to be attacked in this manner.

A quick investigation is happening now, and police officers have arrived at the location and are already pursuing leads, which will involve thoroughly reviewing all the CCTV footage that is accessible.

Stella Creasy - Figure 3
Photo Sky News

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If you saw the destruction happening or have any details, please contact 101 and mention reference number 2621/23jun, according to the police.

Ms Creasy served as a member of the frontbench team during the leadership of Ed Miliband and Harriet Harman in the Labour Party.

The person who is 47 years old has been a vocal opponent of Jeremy Corbyn and mentioned that the party led by him is lacking energy and direction.

Additional updates in the world of politics: Several more individuals being looked into in relation to the Tory betting scandal. Union leader suggests that Labour should take a break and consider borrowing more for the UK.

Ms Creasy was inundated with many rape threats and other messages filled with hatred towards women on her Twitter feed in 2013. This happened after she showed her support for feminist advocate Caroline Criado Perez, who was urging the Bank of England to feature a woman on the £10 note.

Stella Creasy - Figure 4
Photo Sky News

In the past year, Ms. Creasy shared that her local council had looked into a situation where a man, using a fake name, expressed concerns about her "radical opinions" potentially harming her children and suggested they be taken away from her.

The man, who had no personal relationship with Ms. Creasy or her children, apologized after the complaint was rejected.

The additional contenders running for office in Walthamstow are:

Imran Arshad, a member of the Workers Party of Britain

• Mohammed Ashfaq, Freelance • Mohammed Ashfaq, Unaffiliated

Dan Edelstyn, a self-reliant individual

Sanjana Madan Mohan Karnani, a member of the Conservative Party, wrote a post in the blog section.

Martin Lonergan, a member of Reform UK

• Ruth Theresa Rawlins, self-reliant - alternative words include autonomous, individualistic, self-sufficient

Rosalinda Ayo Rowlands is a member of the Green Party.

Nancy Taaffe, representative of the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition

Rebecca Taylor, member of the Liberal Democrats

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