Solar eclipse 2024: Where in the UK to see celestial spectacle

Solar eclipse 2024 UK

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According to experts, a solar eclipse scheduled to occur on Monday will directly pass over North America, and some areas in the UK will witness a partial visibility of it.

A large portion of the United States will witness the total eclipse of the Sun, causing a temporary transformation of daylight into darkness. This phenomenon is caused by the Moon's complete obstruction of the Sun's rays.

Complete absence of light will continue for a maximum of 4 minutes and 28 seconds. Anyone not situated directly underneath the path of totality will witness the sky darken to some extent because the Sun will be partially concealed.

Across many regions of the United Kingdom, a partial solar eclipse will be visible as it traverses through the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the western region of England.

The cosmic occurrence is scheduled to happen during sundown in the United Kingdom, right before the Sun vanishes underneath the skyline roughly at 8pm. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of clouds may obstruct the view for most people.

If you want to witness an amazing sight in the UK area, your ideal destination would be the western shore of Ireland. However, the current predictions from Met Éireann for the evening of Monday suggest that there will be lots of rain and thick clouds across most of the area.

Glasgow and Edinburgh are expected to have similar weather conditions with an estimated 10-11 per cent reduction in visibility. However, the weather forecasts are looking more promising for areas such as Wales, northern Scotland and South West England.

Car specialists have advised British motorists of the potential danger of getting sidetracked by the display.

Graham Conway, the managing director at Select Car Leasing, stated that it is crucial to avoid directly looking at the Sun because it can cause temporary blindness, which is quite apparent when driving.

Make sure your headlights are turned on and be ready for unexpected changes in lighting conditions. Additionally, remain cautious of other drivers and pedestrians who may be distracted by the sky and not paying attention to their surroundings.

A new study in the scientific journal JAMA Internal Medicine has revealed that the previous solar eclipse in 2017 caused an increase in fatal road accidents in the United States.

The authors reported a rise of 31% in deadly accidents on 21st August 2017. They ascribed the partial cause of this spike to the significant flow of traffic generated by people commuting to and from places to watch the eclipse.

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