Valproate redress scheme proposed

Sodium valproate

The Patient Safety Commissioner has recommended a plan to provide compensation for families affected by valproate exposure.

Valproate is a medication that is frequently recommended to people with epilepsy to help prevent seizures. It is also prescribed for the treatment of bipolar disorder.

It has been associated with severe developmental problems in kids who were exposed to it in the womb. Nevertheless, for numerous individuals who have epilepsy, it is still the best medication for managing their condition.

Prior to this year, only females were subject to the regulations regarding the prescription of valproate. The Valproate Pregnancy Prevention Programme guarantees that women who are taking valproate are informed of the potential hazards during pregnancy and are utilizing an extremely successful form of birth control.

On January 31st, 2024, the regulations shifted such that individuals who are below the age of 55 are not permitted to receive new prescriptions unless two experts concur that no other useful or bearable therapy is available. Alternatively, there must be solid reasons why the reproductive hazards do not warrant concern.

As per the statement of the Patient Safety Commissioner, numerous youngsters have come into contact with valproate which caused them to endure cognitive and bodily handicaps.

Dr. Henrietta Hughes, who you see in the picture, presently holds the position of Patient Safety Commissioner. The office aims to have an impact on the government, offer guidance on policy-making, and put forward patient issues to the Department of Health and Social Care.

The proposed solution for compensation involves two distinct phases. The initial stage aims to recognize every individual who has been negatively impacted and guarantee that they receive their overdue financial compensation without any further delay. According to the commissioner, this initial payment would be approximately £25,000. Subsequently, an assessment of each patient's unique requirements will be conducted, and an appropriate amount of compensation will be granted based on their individual needs.

The document also outlines ways to make up for the harm that was caused that don't involve money. These include assistance with housing and better opportunities to receive education, benefits and support services for those who have been impacted.

The proposal implies that the compensation organization would function autonomously from the government or its affiliated entities.

Dr. Hughes announced the release of his report, stating that it unequivocally supports the need for reparations. The report goes into great detail regarding the numerous daily struggles that individuals affected by this issue face. It has been discovered that those who have been exposed to Valproate require specialized care, but every aspect of the system, including diagnosis, treatment, and support services present obstacles.

The compensation plan is an important measure in recognizing the difficulties that families affected by valproate have experienced.

Being exposed to valproate while pregnant increases the chance of the baby having spina bifida, malformations in the face and skull, malformations in the limbs and organs, and difficulties with learning and development.

According to Rebekah Smith, who is the deputy chief executive of Epilepsy Action, the Cumberlege review of 2020 suggested establishing a reimbursement plan to cover the expenses of giving further medical attention and assistance to those individuals who have suffered needless injuries owing to sodium valproate.

Even though the authorities stated multiple times that they were thoughtfully thinking about implementing a compensation program, they didn't act on it. Instead, they suggested that families who were affected could take legal action for medical malpractice. This option would be expensive, both in terms of money and feelings, and it would take a lot of time.

Epilepsy Action has been backing the demand for remuneration to be granted to approximately 20,000 youngsters who have suffered as a result of valproate for a considerable period. Certain kids demand around-the-clock assistance, which families have had to bear the entire expense of for extended periods.

We are glad to see the Patient Safety Commissioner making another request for compensation. It is our sincerest wish that the government takes heed of the injured patients and grants them the financial assistance they have been waiting for, which is long overdue.

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