Prince of Wales surprises Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield by awarding them CBEs at Headingley Stadium

Rob Burrow

The Royal Family member known as the Prince of Wales journeyed to Headingley Stadium located in Leeds in a surprise appearance to honor Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield with their CBEs.

Rob Burrow - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

The rugby league legends received CBEs in the New Year Honours List for their efforts towards motor neurone disease (MND) support.

At the stadium in Leeds, the Prince of Wales gave the pair awards and also praised them for their remarkable commitment towards generating funds and raising awareness for MND.

Burrow competed in sports on a global level and achieved eight victories in the Super League before being informed of his MNS diagnosis at 37 years old. Following Burrow's diagnosis in December of 2019, which came two years after his retirement, his ex-teammate Sinfield has successfully collected over £15 million in funding.

Rob Burrow - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

The powerful image of Sinfield bearing Burrow while crossing the finish line at the Leeds Marathon last year showcased the strong bond they share as friends.

Sinfield managed to accomplish the feat of running seven 26.2-mile races in a singular week, each one taking place in a separate city.

On Thursday, Burrow and Sinfield were at the rugby stadium where the Prince of Wales gave them their CBEs. Their wives together with Burrows's three children were present during the presentation.

The prince conversed with his two pals inside the dressing area and mentioned, "I have selected some exclusive gifts that I will present to you today."

Rob Burrow - Figure 3
Photo Sky News

I spoke to Kevin to confirm that you weren't interested in going down to London to receive your CBEs. So, I brought them here to Leeds for you to receive them in the comfort of your own home, together with your loved ones. I believe that today is an ideal day to do this.

Discover more about the valuable friendship and support shared between Kevin Sinfield and Rob Burrow in this enlightening blog post.

The prince said to Burrow: "You have done an incredible job, Rob. Your inspirational work has earned you numerous thank yous and congratulations. Everyone is proud of you."

"We have been monitoring your situation and the significant funds you have raised, and you are positively impacting individuals affected by MND."

Rob Burrow - Figure 4
Photo Sky News

The offspring of Burrow, namely Macy and Maya, gave William some bags with presents intended for his three kids.

Handing over the CBE to Sinfield, the prince expressed his joy, saying, "Congratulations, congratulations! The work that you have accomplished is truly astonishing."

You have brought a lot of attention to MND and your strong connection with your brother has been truly remarkable to witness. It serves as a motivation for all of us to lend a helping hand to those in need.

The tremendous support you have generated through fundraising and caring for one another in the fight against MND is massive. Remember to take care of your joints and overall health, but the impact you have made is truly remarkable.

Rob Burrow - Figure 5
Photo Sky News

Burrow greeted the prince at the site using a device that tracks eye movements and spoke these words: "I extend my warmest greetings to you and express my gratitude for gracing us with your presence at Headingley, the renowned abode of Leeds Rhinos. It's an exceptional privilege to meet you today."

Following the prince's acknowledgment of him as a source of motivation for those affected by MND, Burrow shared that he didn't intend to become an inspiration. He simply aimed to assist others going through the same ordeal as him.

I am striving to lead my ideal life with the circumstances that have been bestowed upon me.

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