Thanet cousins work with Ramsgate FC to create activity service for adults with disabilities

Ramsgate FC

The Margate Man vs Fat group gathered money for the initiative spearheaded by Dan and Gary Burgess [Dan is wearing red on the left while Gary is on the right].

Ramsgate FC - Figure 1
Photo The Isle of Thanet News

In January, a brand-new activity service catering specifically to adults with mental health concerns, physical disabilities, and/or learning disabilities is set to open at Ramsgate FC's stadium. The service is being spearheaded by two cousins hailing from Ramsgate.

Gary and Dan Burgess, along with their partners Kate Raines and Jodie Polidano, together with family members Steve and Michele Burgess, have a goal of creating a venue that offers a wide variety of affordable and accessible activities. These activities include bingo, sports, karaoke, and arts and crafts.

At the moment, Dan and Gary are employed at a supported living location in Deal. However, their family is situated in Ramsgate and they aim to extend their services to the island.

Gary mentioned that many of the individuals we assist often visit day centres, which typically charge around £60-70. Although these centres offer valuable services, they can be too expensive for some of our clients to attend.

We are establishing a program called It's Your Choice in collaboration with Ramsgate FC, and we anticipate that each session will cost £6.

Dan stated that they noticed day centres for disabled individuals in the area tend to be costly and situated in rural areas that are challenging to reach via public transportation. As a result, they established It's Your Choice, an inexpensive day programme designed for disabled adults that is easily accessible.

"It's Your Choice" enables adults with disabilities to explore and discover new things, socialize, and participate in affordable activities that they may have never experienced before, creating an enriching experience altogether.

The service for activities is managed by a family and is collaborating with Ramsgate Football Club.

"Launch And Charity Match Event"

In order to garner financial support for the service, a charitable match was held last Sunday between Margate Man vs Fat and managed to generate a sum slightly exceeding £400.

Additionally, a kick-off celebration will take place at WW Martin ground of Ramsgate FC on December 16. The event will entail a lucky draw with exciting rewards such as two premier league football tickets and entrance tickets to Disney on Ice in a private box at the 02 Arena.

In addition, attendees can join in archery samplings and enjoy live music performances by vocalist Warwick Eldred.

Gary, a 39-year-old individual, expressed his interest in raising funds, but emphasized that it should not be for personal profit, rather it should cover the service costs. He narrated his childhood memories of attending Ramsgate FC games with his family, where his grandad used to be a steward. When Gary and his cousin discussed fundraising ideas, his cousin suggested the football club they both cherish. Gary shared how the club was incredibly supportive by providing assistance in DBS checks, clothing, and marketing the raffle. He appreciated the generosity of Ramsgate FC for allowing them to use their facilities.

The fundraiser event for open day is happening at Ramsgate FC located on Prices Avenue. The event is scheduled for December 16 starting at 11 am and ending at 3 pm. In addition, there will be food and beverages for everyone to enjoy. However, only adults are allowed to attend this event.

The expectation is that around 40-50 individuals can be accommodated per session when they commence in January.

There are plans to initiate one weekly session from 10am until noon which will require a payment of £6. If individuals wish to stay longer until 2pm, they can do so by paying an extra £4.

Gary said, "In case of success, we can increase the number of days. Our aim is to construct it and attract visitors."

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