The United Kingdom is appalled by the deeply distressing scenes emerging from Rafah: UK statement at the UN Security Council


The United Kingdom is extremely upset by the upsetting events in Rafah after Israel's airstrikes over the weekend. The Foreign Secretary has asked Israel to conduct a thorough, transparent investigation quickly.

In simple terms, the UK is firm in its stance. We are against carrying out a large-scale military operation in Rafah unless there is a viable plan in place to safeguard the countless civilians who are still present there. Unfortunately, we have yet to come across such a plan. Due to the conflict, tens of thousands have already been forced to leave Rafah, some for the second time, and have had to move to areas where living conditions are inadequate. They are lacking in basic needs such as shelter, nourishment, water and necessary medical care.

We express our strong disapproval of the actions taken by Hamas in endangering innocent civilians by using them as human shields. We urge Israel to exercise caution and only target military objectives while also taking measures to avoid causing harm to civilians and their property in compliance with international humanitarian laws.

Next, it's extremely important to provide additional assistance to the individuals residing in Gaza who are going through severe crisis. Recently, Israel has agreed to several commitments to enhance the supply of aid to the area and has pledged to inundate Gaza with aid. To achieve this goal, Israel has decided to escalate the daily ration of aid-trucks to 500, permit the Ashdod Port to receive humanitarian aid, and create extra crossing points for aid in North Gaza.

Although we appreciate the efforts made towards fulfilling promises, such as the delivery of flour from Ashdod Port to Gaza by WFP, we feel that there has been insufficient progress overall, and the amount of aid being provided is not enough. The decision by Egypt and Israel to permit UN agencies to distribute aid is a step in the right direction, but recent activities in Rafah have led to an increase in the demand for aid, while the closure of the Rafah crossing point and a decrease in aid supplies through Kerem Shalom have hampered relief efforts. The current humanitarian situation is extremely dire.

We are urging Israel to fulfill their promises promptly. They should allow a substantial amount of aid to enter through every crossing point, including Rafah. Additionally, Israel must make sure that the environment in Gaza is secure enough for the aid to reach the people who are in dire need of it. This involves developing a deconfliction system that would ensure the safety of humanitarian staff while distributing aid, and providing the UN and its organizations with the necessary resources to operate at a bare minimum level.

To conclude, Mr. President, the ongoing agony of the Palestinian civilians could come to an end if Hamas surrenders their weapons. It is Hamas who is responsible for this misery. We request Hamas to release the prisoners who have been captive for more than seven months without any delay. It is crucial that we reach an agreement that brings an end to the conflict, enables uninterrupted delivery of life-saving assistance to Gaza, and ensures the release of all hostages.

Next, we need to collaborate with our global allies to transform the break into a lasting and enduring truce.

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