Rachel Reeves speech at Labour conference – The Labour Party

Rachel Reeves

Rachel Reeves MP gave an address which was transcribed in the form of a blog post.

The person in charge of making financial decisions for the opposition party in the British government is known as the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer.

It is an honor to be here speaking to you all as the Shadow Chancellor.

I pledge this promise to you and to our nation on this day:

Labour will bring back economic stability after the chaos caused by the conservative government's poor leadership.

We aim to improve the quality of life.

We need to reconstruct our government services.

Make investments in domestic businesses scattered across all regions of our nation.

We will work collaboratively to help Britain reclaim its future.

This week is very significant.

We have been meeting in these rooms for a while now and we have the ability to have conversations, but we lack the ability to take action.

After thirteen long years of being the opposition, it serves as a reminder of the everlasting political reality:

We can only implement our beliefs when we have authority.

With Keir Starmer as our leader, we finally have the chance to achieve that goal.

However, we must not become complacent.

We need to strive for every vote if we want to succeed.

We must exhibit our party's discipline, determination, and vision to restore Britain through daily hard work.

The objective of Labour is to revive faith in the world of politics.

The optimistic expectation that enables us to approach the upcoming days with assurance.

In this current stage of financial stability.

Security is an essential component for any glimmer of hope to exist.

If you are unable to rest peacefully at night, you will not be able to aspire towards great dreams.

Feeling peaceful because you have enough money saved for a time when unexpected expenses may arise.

Furthermore, the awareness that reliable government facilities will be accessible for you and your loved ones during unforeseen circumstances.

The power that enables a community to endure unforeseen disturbances on a worldwide scale.

Hope can grow from a strong base of security.

When it comes to the upcoming election, the decision is clear: the conference must choose.

After enduring five years of disordered and uncertain Tory governance, which has negatively impacted the lives of workers across the country, now is the time for a new Labour Party that pledges reliability, investment, and financial safety to create a better future for working people.

It is our responsibility to demonstrate that the Labour party is prepared to assist, prepared to guide, and prepared to reconstruct the United Kingdom.

Playing chess helps you develop the skill of anticipating and planning moves ahead of time.

However, I did not foresee the chaos that has consistently taken place over the years from this particular Conservative administration.

Brexit with no strategy in place.

After that, their reckless spending plan.

The cost of power - escalated.

The cost of purchasing groceries for the family has increased.

Furthermore, the monthly payments for the mortgage have increased by a significant amount, totaling hundreds of pounds.

It's important to remember that around this time last year, the Conservatives' rush to decrease taxes for wealthy individuals had negative consequences. The economy was thrown into disarray, causing disruption in the market, and ordinary working people bore the brunt of the aftermath.

This is the reason why it's not safe to rely on the Tories when it comes to managing our economy.

What observations did we make about the Conservatives last week in Manchester?

A government lacking motivation for the betterment of the United Kingdom.

They are so prepared for the opposing team that they are acting as if they have already arrived.

Focusing on oneself, instead of the external world.

Waiting in line to support the radicals instead of removing them from their group.

Reiterating information that is already familiar to us:

Liz Truss is still holding her leadership role in the Conservative Party even though she is no longer in Downing Street.

We approve of their gradual prohibition on smoking, as it seems to be the only reasonable decision they have made.

Nonetheless, I worry about the future of the Conservative Party.

Given the current scarcity of cigarettes packets, what will they use to draft their upcoming policy?

What about the head of government?

Rishi Sunak was given the opportunity to criticize the political views and actions of Liz Truss.

He wanted to ensure that he would never make the same errors as she did.

If he lacks the strength to confront them within the first year, what probability do you assign to him after five years?

Have no uncertainty: the greatest threat to the economy of Britain would be another five years of the Conservative Party being in power.

However, the primary goal of the Labour party's economic agenda is to revive the growth of the United Kingdom.

There is no point in just stating that we desire economic expansion without presenting novel strategies for accomplishing it.

It all begins with comprehending the current state of the world.

The globe has undergone significant changes due to modern advancements, the COVID-19 outbreak, armed conflicts, competing major powers, and the environment emergency.

To put it simply, the version of globalisation that we were familiar with is no longer existing.

The disturbance in the supply chains across the world has exposed the dangers of giving priority to only the quickest and most inexpensive options.

Our capacity to produce the necessary objects for the protection of our country has decreased.

Huge disparities have been created between various regions of the nation.

Over and over, we have been affected by global factors beyond our control.

In this era of uncertainty, the government can no longer ignore the origin and creators of products, which may not have been sufficient in the past.

Running an economy solely on the efforts of a small group of individuals, a handful of industries, and select regions is not ideal.

The current situation of the world requires Britain to come up with a new strategy for running businesses.

I refer to my method as 'securonomics'.

This implies the government prioritizing economic stability above all else.

Ensuring the safety of family finances.

Ensuring the safety and protection of our country's financial well-being.

In order to safeguard ourselves from global shocks, we need to strengthen our capability to produce, manufacture, and market products within Britain.

Leaders in various countries have comprehended something that our government has yet to grasp: the notion that prosperity does not originate from a select few individuals but is reliant on the efforts and input of the masses.

This article is about how important it is to appreciate the hard work and commitment of people who work in regular jobs and contribute to the economy on a daily basis.

Individuals who work in the care industry, postal sector, retail industry, and those who venture into entrepreneurship, developing novel ideas and conducting scientific research.

Developing from the grassroots level and expanding from the center towards the edges.

A reconstructed economic structure to prioritize the welfare of laborers.

Hope stems from being secure.

The Labour party is dedicated to restoring stability.

To bring back that sense of optimism.

The Labour party is prepared and willing to provide assistance.

Prepared to reconstruct the United Kingdom.

At the conference, I acknowledge the enormity of the challenge that lies ahead of us as well as the issues that we would take on if we were to assume power.

They require persistence, perseverance, and difficult choices.

We cannot use the excuse of being tired of Conservative ideas to implement policies that do not align with our current economic situation.

We should not overlook the individuals we aim to advocate for.

In order to attain transformation, strict self-control is required.

It is only fair for employed individuals to have high expectations.

If you are reckless with the budget meant for the public, you are jeopardizing the financial stability of individuals and families.

When the costs of food, energy, and housing increase dramatically, it is the common people who bear the burden.

I encountered a mother in Scarborough a few months back as an example.

A nurse who specializes in mental health had relocated with her young family to her mother's house in order to save money for a down payment on her own house. She stayed at her mother's for five years.

She had a dream that she was just about to achieve. However, even after making many sacrifices, she discovered that the expenses associated with the mortgage were higher than her earnings.

She was unable to encounter them.

There are numerous stories like this one, numbering in the thousands.

I come across anecdotes everywhere I go.

For those who have put in significant effort, made all the correct decisions;

The aspirations of many individuals have been shattered due to the decisions made by the current Conservative administration.

Individuals whom we cannot, and shall not, disappoint.

Therefore, a Labour administration will not deviate from strict financial regulations.

Let's not engage in the Tory's tactics of sabotaging our economic establishments.

The preceding administration of the Labour Party bestowed freedom of operation to the Bank of England.

I began working as an economist at the Bank, and I personally witnessed how it greatly benefited Britain's economic success.

We will make sure to safeguard the autonomy of the Bank, the Office for Budget Responsibility, and our government workers.

As Chancellor, I am proposing a fresh Charter for Budget Responsibility, which will serve as a new technique to control our finances.

Ensuring through legal means that any administration implementing notable and enduring modifications to taxation and expenditure will be evaluated and projected by a distinct estimate from the OBR.

We will not tolerate a repeat of the harmful impact that Liz Truss and the Conservative Party have had on the economic stability of families.

No longer will Prime Ministers or Chancellors have the ability to hastily implement proposals that lack financial analysis, are not closely examined, and completely removed from practical economic circumstances.

However, I want to talk specifically to those who believe that making challenging decisions aligns one with the Conservative party.

I would like to address this group by saying:

Being economically responsible doesn't hinder progress for the labor force.

The basis on which advancements are established.

Tough decisions, yet these are choices of the working class party.

Opting to support our local town centers and independent enterprises by mandating that big online technology companies contribute their fair portion.

One option is to impose a fair windfall tax on the massive earnings of energy companies, thus ensuring that regular folks do not suffer the consequences of a crisis they had no hand in causing.

We have decided to eliminate the non-dom tax status and invest that funding into our country's healthcare system.

If you reside in the United Kingdom, it is necessary that you pay your taxes here as well, especially after considering the conference. Additionally, by supporting the Labour party, you can ensure that this takes place.

When I serve as Chancellor and draft my inaugural budget, I will cease the usage of a tax loophole that enables private schools to dodge value-added taxes and business rates. The saved funds will be channeled towards enriching the educational experiences of the 93% of children who attend public schools.

If Rishi Sunak is looking for a confrontation about this matter.

If the political group that has gathered kids inside temporary cabins as the roofs of schools fall apart desires to argue about who has the greatest hope for our offspring, then I respond: Let's do this.

We are prepared to provide assistance.

The blog section suggests that reading could positively contribute to the reconstruction of Britain.

My purpose in pursuing a political career was not to increase taxes for those who are employed.

I actually desire for them to be at a decreased level.

However, the Conservative party has imposed a total of twenty-five increases in taxes on the working class and businesses. Meanwhile, they have not taken action against the highest earners who evade taxes by exploiting loopholes, and the government's excessive spending has only increased.

We must be just as cautious with how we use taxpayers' funds as we are with our own personal funds.

I recollect my mother would frequently be seated at the kitchen table, examining her bank statements and receipts.

We weren't in dire straits, but we didn't have any extra cash to spend.

My mother valued every single penny.

The experience I gained at the Bank of England taught me the same lesson.

Prioritizing responsibility is essential.

For a considerable period, conservative administrations have permitted funds to be squandered and citizens deceived.

Labour aims to combat fraudulent activities, unnecessary expenditure, and ineffectiveness.

Today, I am pleased to declare three additional areas where Labour is taking action against wastefulness.

Initially, we will put an end to the practice of Conservative Party officials using private jets for their travels.

What is causing fear in Rishi Sunak as he travels in his personal airplane?

We are going to make sure that the rules for government officials using private airplanes are followed, which will result in saving a lot of money for the public.

Next, we will cut back on the amount of money spent on government consultancy, which has increased by almost four times in just six years.

Advisors may have a significant impact, although citizens should receive equivalent benefits for their funds.

We are going to implement stricter regulations.

In order for a government agency to hire consultants, they must provide evidence that doing so will offer a cost-effective solution.

If they are unable to do so, their appeal will be rejected.

Our objective is to reduce the amount of money spent on consultancy by 50% during the upcoming legislative term.

Lastly, we shall pursue those who gained from the excessive consumption during the pandemic.

As of today, it is estimated that fraudulent activities related to the Covid-19 pandemic have cost taxpayers a staggering £7.2 billion.

Each and every one of those checks were personally signed by Rishi Sunak, who currently holds the position of Chancellor.

Despite efforts, only a meager 2% of all illegitimate covid-related funds have been retrieved.

I am pleased to announce that we will be selecting a Commissioner to investigate corruption related to the Covid pandemic.

Backed up by a team of skilled detectives, armed with the necessary authority and the mission to go to any lengths.

The aim is to pursue individuals who have stolen from the government, take legal action against them, and recover all of the funds they have fraudulently taken from taxpayers.

The funds rightfully belong to our National Health Service.

This item should be present in our educational institutions.

It is under the jurisdiction of our police department.

Regarding the meeting, we demand a refund.

We are prepared to assist.

We are prepared to take charge.

We are all set to reconstruct and revamp the United Kingdom.

The Labour party will ensure just taxation and judicious spending.

However, dear audience, I must inform you:

It is not possible to achieve growth by simply taxing and spending.

A crucial aspect for a thriving economy is the infusion of business investment.

Investment can provide businesses the opportunity to grow, generate employment and compete with foreign competitors. With fresh infrastructure such as new plants, factories and research centers, companies can choose to invest in Great Britain instead of other countries like Germany, France or America.

However, as of now, we are trailing far behind our fellow countries when it comes to private sector investment in relation to our GDP. We have spent significantly less on new equipment and facilities, amounting to billions of pounds in difference.

Does that imply that individuals from Britain lack diligence?

UK companies, spanning across various industries including life sciences, creative sectors, digital services and finance, have the ability to take the lead and set a global example.

Their progress has been hindered by the government's disorder and instability.

Labour's objective is to increase investment as a percentage of GDP to match the level achieved during the previous Labour administration and reach the same level as other comparable countries.

Including an extra £50 billion to our annual GDP.

Valued at one thousand seven hundred pounds for each household in the United Kingdom.

However, it is also important to acknowledge that expecting businesses to solely bear the burden, without government involvement, is not a viable solution.

Just like our counterparts, we also believe that the government has a responsibility to support and reduce risks in investing in emerging and expanding industries.

Our plan involves providing catalytic investment with the help of a fresh National Wealth Fund.

Being financially responsible means understanding when it's not a good idea to spend money.

Investing involves ensuring that you receive value for your money.

We have decided to establish a new National Wealth Fund and we have determined a goal for it:

With every pound we invest, we will boost three times the amount of private investment.

During the conference, have no uncertainty:

Regardless of the political games the Conservatives are willing to engage in regarding our energy transition.

Regardless of their eagerness to disregard the cautions of corporations, financiers, and labor organizations.

Despite repeatedly prioritizing short-term political gain over the well-being and safety of the citizens of Britain;

The Labour party intends to invest in the British industry and make decisions that will benefit them in the long run.

Reducing expenses while generating employment opportunities; This is the goal of implementing energy-efficient measures. By decreasing energy consumption, households and businesses can save money on their utility bills. This can also lead to the creation of new jobs, as technicians and installers are needed to carry out the upgrades. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings is an effective way to achieve these benefits. Upgrading insulation, windows, heating systems, and lighting can all result in significant energy savings. This not only reduces utility bills, but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Additionally, investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines can also drive down costs while creating skilled jobs in the installation and maintenance of the equipment. Overall, implementing energy-efficient measures is a win-win for both the economy and the planet. By reducing expenses and generating employment opportunities, we can work towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Opportunities for individuals working as plumbers, builders, and electricians;

There are career opportunities available for individuals who specialize in science, design, and engineering.

These cities, namely Grangemouth, Middlesbrough, Swansea, and Hull, are places where green hydrogen and carbon capture and storage initiatives are being implemented.

Steel production occurs in Sheffield, Scunthorpe, and Port Talbot.

There are offshore wind farms located in Fife, Plymouth, and Newport.

The production of electric vehicle batteries is now in progress in the cities of Coventry, Sunderland and Blyth.

There are employment opportunities available for retrofitting homes in various locations across the United Kingdom such as Keighley, Rochester and Warrington. These jobs can be found in villages, towns and cities throughout the country.

Prepared to reconstruct the United Kingdom.

In order to encourage investment, bring back financial stability, and stimulate growth, it is imperative that construction in Britain recommences.

The Conservative Party claims that constructing new things in Britain is no longer possible.

In reality, the primary barrier to constructing infrastructure, investing, and expanding within this nation is the Conservative Party.

Take a glance at what happened to HS2.

A significant transportation endeavor was not accomplished, and another commitment was not fulfilled.

As a result of the government's inability to manage expenses effectively.

When the government finally acknowledged the issue, the project had already exceeded the budget by £30 billion.

What is the question to be addressed: A lot of people are concerned about the current political climate. Many are experiencing anxiety and fear about what the future holds. It's important to stay informed and engaged, but it's equally important to take care of yourself. Make sure to take breaks from the news and social media, and do things that bring you joy and relaxation. Seek out support from friends and family, or consider talking to a mental health professional. Remember that you are not alone in your concerns, and there are resources available to help you cope.

How was it even possible to reach that stage?

If I held a position in the Treasury, I would constantly engage with the Chief Executive of HS2 over the phone.

Asking for responses - and remedies - in support of the general public who pay taxes, enterprises, and people who travel.

However, this particular administration has continuously displayed a consistent behavior.

Britain is currently struggling with completing construction projects and delivering them on time, which has earned it the title of the "sick man of Europe."

The HS2 project is estimated to cost ten times more compared to the French equivalent.

That is the reason why Louise Haigh, our Shadow Transport Secretary, will request an investigation from an impartial professional regarding HS2. This is to gain insight that can be utilized in future endeavors.

Numerous significant government projects are experiencing delays, exceeding the planned budget, and at risk of not being completed.

The responsibility lies with the government to ensure that significant undertakings are accomplished within the designated schedule and budget.

I won't stand for the disregard shown towards taxpayers' money that has been witnessed in recent times.

I refuse to ignore any hesitation, procrastination or inadequacy.

I will ensure that those accountable are held responsible.

I will ask for action when they are not providing good value for the amount of money paid.

I have assigned Darren Jones, who holds the position of Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, with a task.

To collaborate intimately with professionals in the field;

To carefully scrutinize every significant capital project that is currently in progress, analyzing each line in detail;

We need to ensure that when the Labour government comes into power, we are fully prepared to kickstart construction in Britain.

If the Conservative Party refuses to construct;

If the Conservative Party fails to construct; there are no fewer than three smaller parties poised to take its place;  There are a minimum of 3 minor political groups ready to assume its position; the Liberal Democrats, the Greens,  those being the Liberal Democratic Party and the Green Party, and the Brexit Party.  And the Brexit Party.

We are going to address our outdated system for making plans.

Since 2012, the duration for making decisions regarding national infrastructure has gone up by 65%, which means that it now takes four years.

Labour will bring a transformation.

Today, I am revealing our strategies to promote construction in Britain.

The implementation of significant changes that will hasten the construction of vital energy, transportation, and housing infrastructure, is a rare occurrence that only happens every few decades.

In order to accelerate the building of battery plants, enhance life sciences, and establish 5G infrastructure - the necessary components for our prosperity in the future years.

To combat the legal disputes that consume both time and funds prior to the commencement of construction.

To ensure that a national infrastructure benefits the local community where it is hosted;

This can also manifest in reduced energy expenses.

It's time for our government to rise up to the level of aspirations that our individuals and communities have for their families.

A government supporting the construction industry instead of those who oppose it.

A governing body that will initiate the construction of structures in Britain once more.

Together with the Labour party, we shall make it happen.

Allow me to provide you with an illustration:

Currently, it is taking up to 15 years for fresh advancements to link up with the power network, resulting in a delay until the latter part of the 2030s.

Projects with a value of £200 billion are currently in a state of uncertainty and delay.

Today, in collaboration with Ed Miliband, I am pleased to reveal that the Labour Party intends to restructure the United Kingdom.

Protecting the supply chain is crucial for us to enjoy decreased expenses.

To hasten the building process while cutting costs, implementing a competitive bidding system for new grid construction.

British citizens have the right to have a share in their energy system. Therefore, Great British Energy, which is owned by the public, will aim to participate in the competition through a bidding process.

Reduce expenses, permanently.

Enhanced safety of energy supply for the United Kingdom.

Additionally, there are other things to consider.

Our focus will be on enhancing the planning capability of local authorities so that they can make decisions more expeditiously.

Now, let's discuss the methods through which we are planning to finance it:

The recent surge in interest rates has dashed the hopes of countless individuals who aspire to purchase their own homes, especially since the prospect of homeownership was already unattainable for numerous individuals.

It's unfair that while numerous individuals encounter financial hardships, various properties are being purchased by foreign buyers who may own them but choose to leave them unoccupied.

The cost of housing is increasing, which makes it more difficult for families and young individuals to purchase their own home.

One year ago, Keir Starmer announced a goal for the future Labour government to help 70 percent of UK households become homeowners.

A dwelling should serve as a cozy and welcoming abode rather than just a financial investment.

As the conference approaches, it is high time that we construct the dwellings required for the younger generation.

In order to encourage the growth of the construction industry in the UK, we have decided to increase the tax on foreign buyers known as the stamp duty surcharge.

The Labour party's focus is on constructing, not obstructing.

The Labour party is recognized as the entity that promotes and prioritizes the expansion of the economy.

There is no longer any question about it;

Labour is the political party that strongly supports and promotes the concept of owning one's own home.

Individuals who are employed require the capabilities to thrive in the current market and the assurance to make use of them.

Parents are undergoing difficulties balancing their caregiving obligations and work commitments.

The essential employee who is having difficulty affording their housing expenses;

The aspiring business owner who is having difficulty obtaining the necessary funds to transform their ingenious concepts into profitable ventures;

It's not possible to establish a strong economy when it's based on weak and unstable foundations.

As a result of the copious amount of economic data available;

Offering employees higher salaries and increased job stability can truly have advantageous effects on a company.

Furthermore, there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence provided by people.

A plethora of kids are experiencing a childhood of poverty.

A lot of parents are not eating meals.

Numerous individuals anxiously anticipate a phone call to confirm if they will be working that day or not.

As mentioned by Angela Rayner yesterday;

The upcoming Labour administration plans to propose a fresh agreement for individuals who work:

Prohibited, zero hour contracts.

The controversial practice of "fire and rehire" has been abolished.

From the very beginning, it is important to ensure that every individual is granted fundamental rights.

The previous administration of the Labour Party was the one that eventually followed through on Keir Hardie's commitment to establish a universal minimum salary.

Since the inception of our movement, the primary focus has been on combating the issue of inadequate wages that lead to poverty.

Therefore, the upcoming administration led by Labour will take additional measures:

Unlike the Tories, it's not a mere renaming of the minimum wage.

If we consider the actual expenses of living, and establish a wage that meets those requirements, then we can achieve a legitimate living wage.

The role of the Chancellor of the Exchequer has been in existence for a period of eight centuries.

During that period, no woman has ever held that position.

When we gather again for the conference, my plan is to speak to this audience as the initial woman to hold the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer in Britain.

It would be the greatest honor of my life to accomplish that.

However, what holds greater importance is the immense level of accountability that comes with it.

It is our duty to exhibit to our daughters, including mine, that there should be no boundaries to their aspirations.

It is also our duty, just like the women of the Labour Party before us, to push for the advancement of women.

Even though it has been 50 years since the Equal Pay Act was implemented, females in the United Kingdom receive income that is 15% lower compared to males.

Based on the current patterns, it could be as far out as 2044 until the disparity is eradicated.

Females cannot wait for such an extended period of time.

We shouldn't be obligated to do so either.

For a significant period, women's exertions have been insufficiently appreciated.

I requested Frances O'Grady to investigate ways in which we can make more progress and achieve the goal of completely ending the gender pay gap during the next Labour government.

Prepared and eager to reconstruct the nation of Britain.

We modified this gathering to give ourselves an opportunity to transform our nation.

The upcoming election will have the Labour party focusing their efforts on promoting their economic policies.

On a daily basis, we will reveal the actions carried out by the Conservative party that have affected our nation.

The queries that individuals need to pose to themselves prior to the upcoming election are uncomplicated:

Do you and your loved ones experience a higher standard of living compared to what you had thirteen years earlier?

Have our hospitals, educational institutions, and law enforcement agencies improved in comparison to thirteen years ago?

To be honest, can you think of anything in the UK that functions more effectively now than it did when the Conservative party took control thirteen years ago?

If you believe that Britain has improved after a span of thirteen years;

If you believe that our nation has reached the pinnacle of its potential;

After everything that has been said, if you still choose to entrust the future of yourself, your offspring, and our nation to the Conservative Party;

If that's the case, I might be unsuccessful in convincing you.

However, if you share my belief that Britain has the capability to perform at a higher level;

The United Kingdom has the potential to improve its economic situation.

If you agree with me that it's high time to prioritize security and turn down the possibility of another five years of turmoil and deterioration, then come and join us.

Come and be a part of our goal to reconstruct the United Kingdom.

Come and be a part of our goal to restore Britain's future.

Breathing new life into our city centers. As the world continues to shift towards online shopping, it's becoming increasingly important to revitalize our high streets. The streets that used to be bustling with activity, shops, and cafes now lie empty and forgotten. However, there is hope. With a little bit of creativity and investment, we can bring our city centers back to life. The first step is to gather a group of local business owners, community leaders, and residents to discuss ideas and strategies. This could include setting up pop-up shops, hosting community events, or offering incentives for new businesses to open in the area. By working together, we can create a sense of community and bring people back to our high streets. Another important aspect is creating an inviting atmosphere. This includes making sure the streets are clean and well-maintained, providing seating areas, and adding greenery. When people feel comfortable and safe, they are more likely to spend time exploring the shops and cafes in the area. Lastly, we need to support local businesses. By shopping at small, independent stores, we can help to keep these businesses afloat and encourage more entrepreneurs to set up shop in the area. Supporting local businesses also means supporting the local economy and creating jobs. Ultimately, reviving our high streets is about creating a sense of community, pride, and connection. By working together and supporting one another, we can bring our city centers back to life and make them vibrant and exciting places once again.

Saving our public services; Our public services have long been neglected and require urgent attention. The lack of investment has resulted in a decline in the quality of services provided to the public. This has had a significant impact on the lives of ordinary people, particularly those who rely on public services, such as healthcare, education, and social care. It is time for the government to take action to address this issue. Funding needs to be increased so that our public services can be adequately resourced. This will require a shift in priorities and a willingness to make tough decisions, but the benefits will be worth it. Rescuing our public services will not only improve the lives of individuals but will also have a positive impact on society as a whole. It will help to reduce inequality and promote social justice, ensuring that everyone has access to the same high-quality services, regardless of their background. We must act now to ensure that our public services do not continue to decline. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to invest in the services that are so essential to our well-being.

Increased number of educators in our educational institutions;

Increased presence of law enforcement on our roads and sidewalks.

Increased number of medical professionals are in our healthcare facilities.

Helping families rise above poverty.

Revitalizing the development of the United Kingdom.

As a united force, we have the capability to reconstruct Britain and we are determined to make it happen.

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