Labour Conference 2024: Watch Rachel Reeves speech live

Rachel Reeves

Rachel Reeves is preparing to give her inaugural address as Chancellor at the Labour Party conference.

Reeves is likely to highlight the difficult challenges that lie ahead and the hard choices that will be needed in the Budget. She will also provide a clearer picture of Labour's vision for the nation.

We'll be providing real-time updates as the event unfolds – you can catch the speech live right here.

Tune in to @RachelReevesMP's live broadcast at the Labour Party Conference 2024:

Sure! Here’s a rephrased version: — The Labour Party (@UKLabour) September 23, 2024

12:44 PM: The audience gives a standing ovation in the conference hall.

After finishing her speech, Rachel Reeves was met with a thunderous round of applause from everyone in the conference hall.

She warmly welcomed Keir Starmer and her sister Ellie, who is the chair of the Labour Party. At 12:41 PM, she stated, "We will make decisions that are just and equitable."

Reeves has vowed to move away from simple solutions, asserting that Labour will consistently support working individuals. At 12:38 p.m., she stated, "We can achieve both a just society and a robust economy without compromise."

Reeves stated that she will consider her tenure successful if individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, similar to hers, are able to flourish during the Labour government’s leadership.

She has declared that starting in April, all elementary school students will receive complimentary meals at school.

"That's the type of Britain I'm working towards. That's the vision of Britain I stand for." 12:33 PM: A prohibition on zero hours contracts and a minimum wage that takes into account the cost of living.

Rachel Reeves has pledged to ensure that work is rewarding by establishing a minimum wage that aligns with the actual cost of living. 12:27 PM: "The time for trickle-down economics is finished."

Reeves has vowed to introduce a new industrial approach for the UK, stating that "the time for trickle-down economics is finished."

“She announced that the UK is ready for business again.”

12:24 PM: "The challenge is growth, and the answer lies in investment."

Reeves has emphasized the importance of investing in new technologies and various industries to boost economic growth.

She vowed to bring prosperity to all neighborhoods and to make Britain the top destination for launching and managing a business. 12:22 PM: "An ambitious budget."

The Chancellor has announced that she will not raise taxes for employed individuals, eliminate benefits for non-domiciled taxpayers, take strong action against tax fraud, and has assured that there will be no return to austerity measures. 12:19 PM: Minister for Covid-related corruption.

Reeves stated that she won't ignore the corruption related to Covid contracts, and she plans to designate a minister specifically to address Covid-related corruption.

"We want our money returned," she states, prompting a roaring applause from the audience.

12:17 PM: "I won't shy away from making difficult choices."

Reeves has explained her choice to implement a means test for the winter fuel payment, stating that it was the appropriate action given the situation she faced. Nevertheless, she emphasized that she doesn't make difficult choices without careful consideration.

12:15 PM: “I’m eager for transformation as well.”

Reeves has acknowledged that she gets why people are eager for change, but she points out that the careless actions of the Tory party have resulted in a significant negative legacy.

"They had little respect for everyday workers and were indifferent to the impact of their actions."

12:12 PM: "Don't allow the Conservatives another opportunity."

Reeves has urged individuals to remember how the Conservatives caused the economic downturn and noted that the Tories are unlikely to apologize to the public during their conference next week.

"They show no concern and haven’t gained any understanding. Make no mistake, if given the opportunity, they will repeat their actions."

12:08 PM: Protesters Interrupt Speech

While Reeves was discussing trust, a number of protesters interrupted her speech, urging the government to halt weapons sales to Israel.

"We are in power because we have transformed the Labour Party," she stated.

"12:05 PM: Labour Makes A Comeback"

Rachel Reeves opened her speech by declaring that Labour has made a strong return throughout the nation, achieving victories in areas where the party has never triumphed before and is also making a comeback in Scotland.

Reeves stated that the party has made history by appointing her as the first female Chancellor. She mentioned that she draws inspiration from the contributions of other influential Labour women such as Barbara Castle and Harriet Harman.

12:00 PM: Rachel Reeves Steps Onto The Stage

Rachel Reeves garnered enthusiastic applause when she stepped onto the stage at the Labour Party conference. She made history as the first Labour Chancellor to speak to the delegates in 15 years and as the first woman to hold the position in the UK.

Stay updated on all the news and discussions happening at the 2024 party conference by visiting LabourList, the top platform for Labour supporters covering everything related to the Labour Party.

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READ MORE: Outrage over the women’s conference allocating just 20 minutes for discussion on each proposal.

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EXPLORE MORE: Check out the complete schedule of LabourList events, featuring everything from karaoke nights to important panel discussions.

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