Celebrity Race Across The World winners crowned

Race Across the World

Blog entry posted at 10:01 pm on October 25th, 2023.

The final episode of BBC One's Celebrity Race Across the World had an exciting ending as the winner was revealed to be Alex Beresford and his father Noel. They made it to the last checkpoint before any other team and were declared the champions.

Despite facing strong competition from the two other pairs, Alex and Noel managed to reach Tromsø's Fjellheisen cable car Observation Deck first. Harry Judd from McFly and his mother Emma arrived only four minutes later, securing second place. Melanie Blatt, the All Saints star, and her mother Helene came in third.

Upon seeing that they had arrived in Norway in the lead by looking at the guest book, the father and son duo full of competitive spirit were filled with joy. They expressed their excitement by jubilantly jumping and shouting, with Alex exclaiming: "Yes, we made it, dad!" as he hugged his emotional father Noel.

As they looked back on their win, where they voyaged through 24 nations and covered more than 10,000km starting from Marrakesh, Alex exclaimed: "The feeling is phenomenal. At the moment, we're elated and overjoyed."

Noel expressed that it was an extraordinary experience. Alex kept encouraging him by repeatedly saying, "come on dad," to which Noel responded by assuring him that he was right behind him. Alex's motivation helped Noel keep going and now he feels fulfilled by the experience.

Alex expressed that this has been the most challenging experience he has ever faced. Despite the difficulty, he was grateful for the opportunity to journey alongside his father, creating a unique bonding experience that not every father and son get to share. This trip has left an indelible impression on him, and he will treasure it for the rest of their lives.

After reaching the Observation Deck, Harry and Emma praised Alex and Noel's victory and congratulated them. Harry expressed his disbelief and commended them, stating, "It's hard to believe it! You did an excellent job!"

He said, "We were just about there, but we gave everything we had. We gave it our all and left nothing behind. Where we came doesn't matter. I am extremely proud of my mother, what she accomplished was amazing."

Emma stated that she promised Harry she would not disappoint him in the race's early stages, and she is hopeful that she kept her word.

When Mel and Helene came in third place, they declared, "We completed the race, and that is what matters most. We have no remorse!" Following this, they rejoiced with their fellow participants.

In the exciting last episode, Alex and Noel were leading the race even though they had never been the first ones to reach a checkpoint before. Their journey started at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin where they had to travel more than 2,000km to reach the finish line in Tromsø. The father and son duo chose to go through Sweden and made a pit stop in Stockholm to make some extra money by shoveling snow at a local sauna beside a lake because their funds were running low.

Alex thought back on his race experience during his final work shift and expressed, "The race has been all-consuming, keeping us distant from the outside world, which has been beneficial. Dwelling on matters wastes time and energy; thus, one must shift their thoughts to progress physically. I'm content with my mindset now, and I feel that I've reoriented myself. I've never taken such a prolonged break from work, and this race has caused me to adapt my routine. I believe that I have grown to be more receptive, and it has been enjoyable letting loose and relaxing."

Alex had always dreamt of visiting Lapland, so he and their companion decided to make the journey from Sweden to Finland. Following their time there, they continued on to Norway and ended up travelling on the same bus as Harry and Emma on their journey from Narvik to Tromsø.

When Alex boarded the bus with their rivals, they expressed surprise, saying "I had no idea they were going to catch up. They must have had a strong performance. But no worries, we'll show them who's boss!"

At the same time, Mel and Helene were speeding down a highway heading towards the Norwegian border, completely unaware that the other teams had reached the same point at almost the same time.

Harry, Emma, Alex, and Noel got off the bus after completing a long and winding 233km journey. They started the last leg of the race by running towards the finish line. The GPS trackers assigned to both teams guided them to their first destination, which was The Arctic Cathedral.

As a final effort to ensure their victory, Harry and Emma hopped on a bus to the Cathedral, while Alex and Noel hitched a ride from a passing car. Mel and Helene, who arrived late, used up their last €20 to hire a taxi.

After arriving at the Cathedral, the groups were given directions to board the Fjellheisen cable car that would take them up to the Observation Deck. This is where they would be welcomed at the finish line.

The incredible adventure of a lifetime has taken the duo through all kinds of territories and traditions in this region. They zoomed through the splendid city of Marrakech in North Africa, cruised around the beautiful Mediterranean coast and sandy beaches, visited awe-inspiring historical and modern cities, braved the towering peaks of the Alps, journeyed through untamed Central Europe, experienced the enchanting and magical Baltic States, and even explored the frigid North of Scandinavia.

They have accomplished their journey's end without availing air transportation or modern amenities. They were left with no comforts and had to depend on their abilities, intelligence, resourcefulness, and toil to achieve their goal. They did not use credit cards or smartphones and only had money to finish their trip via air. Thus, they had to earn more money and ask for help from kind people they met on their journey.

Catch every installment of Celebrity Race Across the World on BBC iPlayer.

You can access images through the BBC Pictures website.

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