How Did Prince William and Kate Middleton Meet?

Prince William

The romantic relationship between Prince William and Kate Middleton has been extensively recorded, and now that The Crown season six has been released, both committed royal enthusiasts and casual viewers can witness the dramatization of their love tale.

Prince William - Figure 1

However, what is the true story of how William and Kate crossed paths?

According to the accepted tale, they first encountered each other during their freshman year at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, while living in the same dormitory, St. Salvator's Hall, in September 2001. In their engagement interview, Kate admitted to feeling extremely bashful when they first met and expressed how she turned red and hurried off.

They could have actually met a few years prior. A book by royal reporter Katie Nicholls, titled Kate: The Future Queen, claims that Will and Kate crossed paths before starting university. According to Nicholls, it was previously believed that the couple first met at St. Andrew's, but they actually met in the summer of 1999 when Kate was socializing with the "Glossy Posse," a group of friends that included William and Harry. Kate allegedly mentioned to friends on her gap year that she had encountered William once or twice.

Prince William - Figure 2

St Andrews University has a residence hall called St Salvators.

Let's talk about the interview about their engagement. Kate mentioned, "William wasn't around for a considerable amount of time in the beginning, he missed Freshers Week, so it took us a while to become familiar with each other. However, we became great buddies pretty quickly."

During the interview where they announced their engagement, Prince William mentioned that he and Kate Middleton first crossed paths in their university. They were both attending St Andrews, and they began as friends for more than a year before things progressed to a romantic relationship. As they spent more time together, they bonded over shared interests and had many enjoyable moments filled with laughter and excitement.

According to reports, William developed romantic feelings for Kate when they both attended a charity fashion event in March 2002, during their second semester at St. Andrews university. During the event, William apparently whispered to his friend Fergus that he found Kate attractive. However, at that time, Kate was believed to be in a relationship with a fourth-year student called Rupert Finch.

Prince William - Figure 3

In 2011, Prince William and Kate Middleton made a trip back to the University of St Andrews, which is where they first met.

During their second year at St. Andrews, Kate and William decided to live together along with two of their friends at a residence located at 13A Hope Street. It was during this phase that they fell in love with each other, and the rest, as they say, is history.

In another part of the last season of The Crown, there is a scene where a young Kate supposedly meets Princess Diana, although it never actually occurred. Additionally, the show poses a theory that Carole Middleton orchestrated their connection without anyone knowing.

Emily Burack, who prefers she/her pronouns, works as a news writer for Town & Country. Her work covers various topics such as entertainment, culture, the royals, and others. She used to serve as Hey Alma's deputy managing editor, a website dedicated to Jewish culture. Emily can be followed on Twitter and Instagram under the handle @emburack.

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