Climate change: Pope Francis warns world 'may be nearing breaking point'

Pope Francis

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Pope Francis - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

The recent occurrence of severe weather events in Greece, such as the Storm Elias, is being attributed to the effects of climate change.

Authored by Aleem Maqbool and Harry Farley, the following blog post has been reworded in conversational English: The article was written by Aleem Maqbool and Harry Farley. This blog has been paraphrased in everyday language:

A member of the BBC News team, whose role is to report on topics related to religion and faith.

The Pope, Francis, has cautioned that the planet is on the verge of collapse as a result of climate change and could be close to a critical point.

The pontiff expressed his disappointment towards international organizations for their inefficiency and also singled out those who deny the existence of climate change.

His forceful and assertive input has been printed in a significant recent version of his revolutionary environmental paper from 2015.

He stated that particular harm caused by climate change is already permanent and cannot be undone.

The Pope spoke out against those who ignore or downplay the reality of climate change. He emphasized that it is now widely accepted that climate change is caused by human activity, and that any attempts to deny or downplay this fact are no longer acceptable.

The head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has placed immense importance on tackling climate change during his time at the top. His most powerful and authoritative teaching document, called an encyclical, was published in 2015 and marked a clear change in direction for the Church's approach to this critical issue.

Ever since, the pope has continuously urged politicians to execute tangible measures to address the issue of climate change.

He also directed his criticism towards the "reckless ways of living", especially prevalent in Western societies.

According to him, individuals in the United States produce double the amount of emissions compared to people residing in China, and seven times more than those inhabiting the world's poorest nations.

The leader of the Catholic Church stated that a wide modification in the reckless way of life related to the Western example would bring about a noteworthy and enduring effect.

Stating that there is no hope would be extremely harmful since it would leave humanity, particularly those who are less fortunate, vulnerable to the dire consequences of climate change.

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Pope Francis has suggested the need for a fresh approach to decision making on a global scale, particularly in relation to international organizations. He emphasized that the current system established many years ago has limitations and does not seem to produce the desired outcomes.

He states that any action taken may be viewed as a mere maneuver to divert public focus, specifically directed at political figures. His concern lies in the sluggish adoption of environmentally friendly energy sources as a substitute for fossil fuels, which he believes is not prompt enough to yield significant results.

The Pope, Francis, noted that while there has been advancement during the COP gatherings, the absence of penalties for unfulfilled pledges is disheartening.

He said that certain suggestions in the most recent global contract, discussed at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, lacked specificity.

The pope cautioned not to rely too heavily on carbon capture technologies, comparing it to merely covering up a problem without actually fixing it.

He stated that believing that new technical interventions will solve all future problems is a dangerous kind of pragmatism that could lead to disastrous consequences, similar to pushing a snowball downhill.

Similar to his encyclical from 2015, Pope Francis' new statement provides both a moral and scientific justification for taking action against climate change.

Towards the conclusion of his appeal, he directly speaks to the officials in charge of global affairs.

I would like to ask those in positions of power: "Why would you want to continue holding onto your power when all it will result in is being remembered for your failure to act when the situation demanded it?"

"Further Details On The Story"

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