Ex-Post Office boss should hand back CBE over scandal says Tory minister

Paula Vennells

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A minister from the Conservative Party has stated that the ex-leader of the Post Office ought to return her CBE as a result of the controversy that led to postmasters being erroneously imprisoned.

On ITV's Good Morning Britain, Kevin Hollinrake stated that Paula Vennells, who served as the Post Office's chief executive from 2012 to 2019, should relinquish her title of honor on her own accord.

The minister in charge of postal services, also known as the business minister, stated that Paula Vennells was awarded a CBE for her contributions to the Post Office.

In the end, it is your obligation to take the blame for this situation since you are the head of the organization. If I were Paula Vennells, I would highly recommend relinquishing that role on my own accord.

Mistakes caused by Horizon software, developed by the technology company Fujitsu and utilized by the Post Office, resulted in the unlawful prosecution of over 700 individuals for fabricated charges of bookkeeping and robbery during the period of 1999 to 2015.

During intense questioning about the scandal, Mr. Hollinrake expressed his full backing for legal action against any individuals found to be involved in criminal activities, stating that he strongly believed in seeking justice for any wrongdoing.

He further stated that an investigation that is still ongoing must investigate "who is accountable" in both the Post Office and Fujitsu and that those individuals should be held responsible whenever it is feasible.

Sir Wyn Williams, a former high court judge who has retired, is leading a probe into the Post Office controversy that is regarded as the most egregious form of injustice in the UK's recent history.

The attention has now shifted to the scandal due to the recent release of an ITV series called Mr Bates vs the Post Office.

Toby Jones, portraying Alan Bates in the film, has devoted a considerable amount of time to fighting for fairness and righteousness. This is because numerous postmasters and postmistresses were falsely charged with stealing, committing fraud, and falsifying accounts due to defective computer systems. Bates has been tirelessly advocating for their exoneration for over twenty years.

Back in 1999, Fujitsu's IT system called Horizon was not working properly and started delivering false information about cash deficits in bank branches all over the nation. This situation brought misery to many individuals and families who ended up losing everything, from their employment to their houses.

A number of individuals ended their lives as a result of the pressure they were experiencing.

Till now, there hasn't been any action taken against the Post Office or Fujitsu staff in relation to the scandal. There hasn't even been a criminal inquiry conducted. Unfortunately, 60 affected individuals have passed away without receiving any sort of justice.

In the 2019 new year honours list, Ms Vennells received the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for her work in both the Post Office and the charity sector.

Before, there were requests for her to lose her title, which were made by the Communication Workers Union.

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