Nipah virus

What is Nipah virus?

Nipah virus is a deadly zoonotic virus that can be transmitted from animals to humans. The virus is primarily found in fruit bats, pigs, and other animals. In infected humans, Nipah virus can cause severe respiratory illness and encephalitis, leading to a high mortality rate. Outbreaks of Nipah virus have occurred in South and Southeast Asia, with the most recent outbreak reported in Kerala, India in 2018.

Symptoms and prevention

Symptoms of Nipah virus infection include fever, headache, dizziness, muscle pain, and respiratory symptoms. In severe cases, the virus can cause encephalitis, resulting in coma or death. There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for Nipah virus, so prevention is key. Avoiding contact with sick animals and consuming raw date palm sap, which can be contaminated with the virus, are important preventive measures. Health authorities also recommend practicing good hygiene and wearing personal protective equipment when caring for infected individuals.

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Nipah virus kills one teenager as health experts race to track 350 others
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