UK general election live: Nigel Farage calls for 'zero' net migration as Tories pledge visa cap - BBC News

Nigel Farage

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Nigel Farage - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Revised by Nathan Williams

The mentioned timings are based on the time zone of the United Kingdom.

Tory Strategy For Limiting Migrant Visas?

The Conservatives have pledged to limit the amount of visas granted to migrants, decrease the number allowed annually for the next five years, and offer Members of Parliament the opportunity to vote on the yearly caps.

The cap aims to restrict the quantity of work or family visas and yet exclude short-term employment options like seasonal agricultural workers.

The political group is not disclosing the specific quantity of visas to be permitted every year. However, they plan to provide Members of Parliament with the opportunity to hold a yearly voting session, which is a novel move for them.

How exactly does it function?

The Labour party contended that the party is restating ineffective proclamations from past years, and revealed that net migration has tripled since the previous election.

Ready For TV Debate?

Starmer has been questioned about his emotions leading up to the imminent inaugural TV debate.

"Excellent!" exclaims Starmer, expressing his eagerness to communicate directly with the electorate and present his case during tonight's event.

Ultimately, the decision is quite obvious, and I believe that voters will come to realize this tonight. Over the course of the past 14 years, we have seen no improvement from the Conservatives' handling of things. Thus, it's time for a change.

Leader Queried On Diane Abbott's Status

Has Keir Starmer talked to Diane Abbott ever since she posted a tweet which was deleted fast? In the tweet, Diane accused Keir of lying about showing her respect.

Although he did not provide a direct response, he expressed that Labour has resolved the issue with Diane Abbott. Additionally, he affirmed his stance that she has the liberty to participate in the elections on behalf of the party.

Starmer is questioned about the departure of seven members of the Labour party in Slough due to concerns about the treatment of Abbott and other related matters.

Starmer responded by saying that they have amazing groups campaigning for votes in each area of the country for this upcoming election.

"We're doing well, we're presenting a constructive case regarding the decision facing the nation."

Starmer Reiterates Desire To Reduce Immigration

Following his conversation with retired individuals (as mentioned in the prior article), Keir Starmer has engaged with journalists at a cafe located in Bolton.

He was questioned regarding immigration and voiced his opinion that the Conservative party failed to regulate it properly, leading to a situation that is currently unmanageable.

According to his statement, the Conservative Party is presently discussing the implementation of a limit on immigration visas. Nonetheless, the leader of the Labour Party has countered that they haven't specified any numbers, labeling it as a "limitation without a specific limit."

Starmer claims that the situation is complete disorder, and that those in charge have lost their grip.

When questioned about if Labour will specify a number for reducing migration, Starmer expresses the desire for immigration to decrease but refrains from giving a specific figure.

He expresses his desire to address the root problem of lacking skills and subpar employers who compromise labor standards.

Starmer Meets Elderly Locals At Bolton Café

A journalist who covers politics, is currently stationed in the town of Bolton.

"Where do you typically rest your head at night?"

Pauline caused a lot of amusement by questioning Keir Starmer about his sleeping arrangements.

While stopping by a café in Bolton, he had the opportunity to converse with retired individuals who were extended an invitation by the Labour Party to meet with their leader.

Sir Keir responds by saying that it's quite a bold question. He assures that everything is fair and honest, as it should be.

Pauline expresses her admiration and notes that Keir Starmer appears to be more at ease compared to when he initially assumed the role of leader.

He mentioned to a different audience that as he goes around campaigning, his child is in the process of taking their GCSE exams.

While I am engaged in this activity, my teenage son is tackling his General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. Yesterday, he had a mathematics exam.

Energy Policy For Labour Takes Center Stage Before TV Debate

The first one-on-one confrontation of this election season between Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer will take place on tonight's television debate.

Before that clash, Labour has decided to prioritize its energy policy today.

According to the party, the UK should lessen its dependence on fossil fuels imported from foreign countries. The party highlights the hazards of relying on energy from nations like Russia, as it poses a significant threat to the UK's security and exposes the nation to global incidents, such as the substantial price hike that transpired when Russia invaded Ukraine.

On the other hand, the Labour party is advocating for their proposal to establish a fresh institution called Great British Energy. This would be funded through an enhanced windfall levy imposed on current large energy enterprises.

The political group claims that implementing this modification will result in more funds being used for producing cleaner, eco-friendly electricity generated within the country. This approach is expected to decrease the expenses for consumers and reduce the chance of being affected by global factors.

Morning Recap: Busy Schedule

"Tories Face Geographic Hurdles In Latest Poll, Says John Curtice"

This morning, we also received insights from Sir John Curtice who is an expert in polling.

During an interview on Radio 4's Today program, he was questioned about a YouGov poll that predicts a record-breaking election victory for Labour with 422 seats, as opposed to the Conservatives' 140 seats.

According to Curtice, the poll's outcome showed a vote share that closely matches what other polls have predicted.

Nonetheless, he emphasizes that geography plays a crucial role in our electoral system. According to this survey, it appears that the Conservative Party is losing support to a much greater extent in the constituencies where they are currently in power and attempting to maintain their positions, compared to constituencies where the Labour Party or Liberal Democrats are presently in charge.

According to him, this trend has also been noticeable in the recent city council elections of May this year and the previous year.

He mentions that there are debates on the extent to which this will occur, but he asserts that there is "abundant proof" from actual voting and ballot counts to show that this phenomenon is occurring.

Labour Focuses On Message, Not Polls Or Noise

On BBC Breakfast, Pat McFadden, who is coordinating Labour's national campaign, was questioned about a recent survey indicating that the party is poised to secure an unprecedented amount of parliamentary seats.

He mentioned that his team is ignoring all of that because no votes have been cast yet.

According to him, Labour is not paying attention to the "outside influences and surveys" because they are taking on a major responsibility by asking people to trust them and believe in democracy. This is a huge undertaking and should not be taken lightly.

"Crucial TV Debate Tonight For Labour," Says McFadden

On the morning edition of BBC Breakfast, Pat McFadden, who coordinates Labour's national campaign, spoke about Sir Keir Starmer's preparations for the upcoming face-off against Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, which is scheduled for this evening.

McFadden shared that Starmer is eagerly anticipating the upcoming event and is diligently preparing by considering all potential discussion topics.

McFadden believes that the upcoming debate, which is the initial installment in a succession of televised debates, holds great significance.

This is a significant moment...he (Starmer) will present his argument for transforming the country straight to a vast number of individuals.

When asked about the possibility of Starmer stumbling over unexpected questions, such as Sunak's inquiry to Welsh voters about the Euros, McFadden expressed doubt that it would occur.

"I believe Starmer's knowledge of football will prevent him from getting stumped on any related question," as he has a keen interest in the sport.

Biggest Migration In History Drops, Still Significant

Over the weekend, the Labour party pledged to decrease net migration in the event of a successful election (which refers to the difference between individuals arriving in the country and individuals departing from it).

Presently, the Conservative party is promising to limit immigration (without specifying a quantity).

Remembering the background for these two commitments is valuable.

The number of people moving to the UK from other countries is at an exceptional level for the country's history. In the year 2022, while the Conservatives were in power, this number has increased to an all-time high of 764,000. Although there was a 10% decrease the following year, the number remains very high, and it's worth noticing that it decreased from the highest record ever.

Many people believe that the number of people migrating to this country will reduce in the upcoming years. This may be due to the expiration of student visas.

The authorities have made stricter regulations for relatives who want to enter the nation, as well as raised the minimum wage requirements. Those knowledgeable in the matter claim that preliminary information indicates that the modifications to the regulations are having an effect on decreasing the quantity of arrivals.

Last weekend, the Oxford Migration Observatory's Dr. Madeleine Sumption informed the BBC that regardless of the election results, there will most likely be a significant decrease in net migration.

Thus, the head of the government states that "the strategy is effective". The movement of people is expected to decrease, though it will still be at an unprecedented rate.

However, it is true that net migration has risen considerably during the Conservatives' tenure, as Labour has pointed out.

Brexit Ended Cap On Skilled Workers

As a home and legal correspondent, my job is to provide information and news stories about both the legal system and home-related topics. This typically involves staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the legal world, such as new laws or court cases, as well as trends and news related to home improvement, decoration, and real estate. My role as a correspondent requires me to conduct research, interviews, and write articles that are engaging, informative, and accurate. This involves working with editors and other reporters to ensure that my work meets the highest standards of journalism. Given the diversity of topics I cover, it is essential that I am able to communicate effectively with a broad range of audiences. Whether I am writing about complex legal issues or offering tips on DIY projects, I strive to present information in a clear, concise, and accessible manner. Ultimately, my goal as a home and legal correspondent is to inform, educate, and entertain my readers, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

The proposal made by the Conservatives to limit immigration marks a change from their previous stance in government. During the Brexit negotiations, the party had restructured the immigration system.

In 2018, the Migration Advisory Committee suggested that the limit on skilled workers ought to be removed.

According to the party, if Rishi Sunak is re-elected to Downing Street, the same group would be called upon to suggest a new limit.

What was the advice given to the government by the elite group of scholars six years ago?

The report stated that the cap causes confusion for employers and it seems illogical for a migrant to be seen as valuable one day but not the following day when the cap comes into effect.

Wearing a cap can be seen as a crucial aspect of a political plan to present the idea that everything is being taken care of, but it should be noted that it has financial and societal consequences.

In our view, the Government could achieve a reduction in migration figures through adjustments to other aspects of the program, which would be more financially effective.

Last year in December, the administration abolished the limitation while presenting a fresh proficient workers visa after Brexit. Afterwards, the Home Office has been solely in charge of the number of visas granted.

SNP's Strategy For Oil & Gas?

The political correspondent for BBC Scotland --- BBC Scotland's political correspondent wrote about how the Scottish government's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic has been scrutinized. They discussed how the opposition parties have been questioning the government's decisions, particularly regarding the re-opening of schools and the handling of care homes. The political correspondent also highlighted how the Scottish government has been pushing for greater powers to deal with the pandemic, including control over quarantine measures. However, the UK government has been reluctant to give up control over certain aspects of the response. Overall, the piece provides an overview of the ongoing political debate surrounding Covid-19 in Scotland, and the different perspectives that are being put forward by various parties and stakeholders.

The topic of oil and gas took center stage during the initial televised political debate in Scotland last night.

During the STV show, John Swinney, the leader of the SNP, stated that Labour does not have a plan for a "fair transition" which may result in an industry wasteland similar to that witnessed during the Thatcher era.

The Scottish government minister, Shirley-Anne Somerville, also expressed the same sentiment on the Today programme of BBC Radio 4.

The Labour party has made a statement that they have the capability of generating up to 70,000 fresh employment opportunities.

For 17 years, the SNP has been in power, and just like John Swinney, Somerville faced many questions on whether new oil and gas developments would be allowed.

According to her, any new areas being developed will potentially undergo a test to ensure they are compatible with the climate.

According to Somerville, the government is currently examining energy policy, but the guidance provided by the civil service is that it cannot be made public while the election is ongoing.

However, she was asked why the party was unable to respond to the question directly. This is an issue that the SNP's adversaries will persist in raising.

What Are The Tories' Thoughts On Their Poll Rankings?

Cleverly has been queried about his advice to his fellow Tory party members, which is to avoid feeling anxious. This advice comes amidst the release of a recent poll indicating that Labour is poised for a sweeping win.

He responds by saying that even though he's been a party chairman, "regardless of the opinions stated in polls," he advises his party crew to go out and visit residences, converse with voters, hear out their thoughts, clarify the party's stance, and continue to campaign up to the very last hour on July 4th.

"That was the guidance I provided in 2019, and that's the recommendation I am currently offering."

"How Does Titanic Compare?" - A Clever Inquiry

Cleverly is posed with a question about whether the current situation may present a risk of the prime minister being perceived as the commander of a sinking ship similar to that of the Titanic.

In his statement, he suggests that citizens ought to examine the suggestions presented by the Conservative Party and contrast them with the opposing perspective.

The man asserts that the Conservative proposal has resulted in a decrease in the rate of inflation, deployed twenty thousand fresh law enforcement personnel to patrol the roads, and pledged allegiance to the Trident armament program, among other accomplishments.

Amidst these times of difficulty, challenge, and unpredictability, he urges individuals to scrutinize the intricacies of the Conservative scheme and contrast it with the Labour party's plan as they could potentially assume power in the next government.

Might Tories Exit ECHR?

The Home Secretary, James Cleverly, has been questioned on the possibility of the Conservatives exiting the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), which is something they've contemplated previously.

According to Cleverly, the UK is a country that follows the law but the most important thing is to manage its borders and this will always be given top priority.

When asked whether the Conservative Party will include a proposal to exit the ECHR in their manifesto, Cleverly stated that he will not reveal any information prematurely.

Once more, he is questioned about Reform UK and their freshly appointed leader, Nigel Farage, who voices the opinion that the United Kingdom should depart from the European Court of Human Rights.

According to Cleverly, Reform UK will not join any new government. Additionally, Cleverly claims that Reform UK will not propose any options for voters to consider during the upcoming election.

Some background information: The ECHR is an agreement that outlines the privileges and autonomy individuals possess across 46 nations that have signed it. The European Court of Human Rights supervises this treaty.

The European Union isn't related to the court, since it belongs to a distinct organization known as the Council of Europe. This institution was established following World War Two.

Pressing For A Precise Migration Goal

According to Cleverly, Labour has always been against the border control policies introduced by the Tories.

Nick Robinson of BBC confronts him with the fact that after 14 years of being in office, if a political party keeps making promises about immigration but fails to deliver, people will no longer trust those promises unless the party can provide a valid explanation for their past failures.

According to Robinson, the Conservative party only pledges to decrease migration when they face pressure from parties like Reform. However, once in power, they tend to prioritize the interests of businesses over immigration reduction.

Cleverly has stated that their latest policy intends to achieve equilibrium between conflicting viewpoints, as both the financial and societal aspects of migration hold significant weight.

Robinson inquires if the person, who criticized Labour's lack of migration policy, will disclose a specific number regarding net migration.

Cleverly doesn't respond in a straightforward manner but instead mentions his party's plan, stating that their goal is to decrease the figures.

EU Membership Hindered Immigration Cap - Cleverly

Cleverly is being questioned about his appealing yet problematic statement towards the electorate to lower the influx of immigrants, and he's being queried about why the Conservative party hasn't accomplished this feat despite their 14-year reign in power.

According to his statement, during the majority of the time the conservatives were in charge, we were part of the European Union. Consequently, he believes this hindered them from restricting the quantity of people entering the country.

He was asked about the fact that the figures increased after the United Kingdom exited the European Union. Cleverly replied that after the departure, "we have experienced a sequence of extraordinary occurrences".

The statement involves individuals departing from the United Kingdom and subsequently coming back owing to Covid, along with extending assistance to Ukrainian refugees, Afghans, and Hong Kong residents, according to what he stated.

According to him, the government took action to reduce the figures and he also mentioned that the Labour party was against it.

"Cleverly And Curtice Discuss UK Politics On Today Show"

Home Secretary James Cleverly and election specialist John Curtice are presently featured on the Today show.

Cleverly went on BBC Breakfast this morning to discuss his party's latest strategy for restricting visas for individuals from foreign countries working in the UK.

To view the live coverage, simply click on the play button located at the top of the page.

Davey's Last-Minute Stunts: A Peek Into His World

Continuing with Ed Davey's appearance on BBC Radio 4's Today show.

The Lib Dem leader is being told that according to polls, lots of people are now considering Reform UK as an alternative to the Conservative and Labour parties.

According to Davey, he has a strong belief in the success of his party and is feeling quite assured about their victory. He anticipates that they will secure a significant number of seats and doubts that Reform UK will gain many at all.

During the interview, the topic of the Lib Dems' love for eye-catching tricks was brought up. Davey's past experiences include going down a water slide, biking down a hill, and falling into a lake while paddle boarding.

"Can I share a secret with you?" he asks. "They only inform me a couple of hours in advance."

He claims that his party is enjoying themselves and suggests that they should consider the voters' worries and express their opinions, while also stating that they should not become too self-important.

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