General election live: Sunak 'still fighting' for votes as Labour say millions remain undecided - BBC News

Nigel Farage

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Nigel Farage - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

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Co-leader Touts Green Party's Appeal To Women Voters

As the 4th of July election approaches, the team at BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour will be conducting interviews with the leaders of the major political parties.

Earlier today, the programme featured a statement from Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party, where she expressed that her party has much to provide for female voters.

She additionally talked about the manifesto of the Greens, highlighting their ideas regarding fair pay, adaptable workplaces, raising the allowances for caregivers, identifying misogyny as a crime of hate, and their proposals for supporting childcare.

When questioned about the promise to decrease medical procedures during childbirth, which the party withdrew their support for last week, Denyer confirmed that it was never intended to be included in their official statement and expressed regret for any distress this may have caused.

The entire interview is available for listening here.

Did Rent Increase By 20-30% Since 2021?

During an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Nigel Farage, the head of Reform UK, recently stated that rental prices have increased by about 20-30% since 2021, and the amount may differ depending on where you are in the country.

It is accurate to consider the changes in private rental costs over this timeframe.

The Office for National Statistics reported that Northern Ireland experienced the largest increase, with a 29% rise in rent over the three years preceding February 2024.

As of April 2024, there was a 25% increase in rents in Scotland. England experienced a 20% hike in prices during the same period, while Wales saw a rise of 21%.

Top Election Campaign Pics: First Half Highlights

We've reached the middle point and there's no denying that it's been a significant amount so far.

There have been numerous promises, statements, arguments, discussions, and plenty of recent news.

We have many more things in store for you. However, we decided to celebrate this significant achievement by reminiscing about some of the more enjoyable moments. After all, why not?

Labour's Poll Lead Downplayed By Streeting

During a recent trip to West Yorkshire, Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, talked to journalists and was questioned about the chances of Labour achieving a substantial victory.

"I don't trust the results of the surveys," expressed Streeting.

He has been going from house to house in constituencies where Labour must emerge victorious to secure a majority. He asserts that there are countless voters who are still undecided.

In my opinion, the Conservative Party seems to be acting in a very calculated manner right now. They are telling people that they don't need to go out and vote if they want to see change. The Conservatives are suggesting that people can relax and not vote at all, or they can vote for a smaller party with their long list of promises, because it's a sure thing that Labour will win the election anyway. This is what Streeting believes.

The BBC has a poll tracker that you can view by clicking on this link.

What To Ask Keir Starmer In My Interview?

The speaker on Radio 4 Today

I am conducting interviews with the heads of the seven most prominent political parties in the United Kingdom as part of a BBC Panorama program leading up to the upcoming election on July 4th.

Tonight is the turn of Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour party.

What is of utmost importance to you in this election? Which particular matter will impact your decision to vote? Is there any current event or situation that the policymakers should be aware of that is affecting you?

We're centering our election coverage around your experiences and inquiries through our initiative, Your Voice, Your Vote.

Please share your suggestions on what questions I should raise to Starmer by sending an email to [email protected] or by completing the provided form.

Tune in tonight at 7:00 PM on BBC One, iPlayer, or this webpage to catch The Panorama Interviews featuring Nick Robinson.

For Better Time Management

Forget about your calendars, let's get straight into it. I'm going to give you five important dates to keep in mind to help you stay informed about the upcoming election.

We're here to assist and support you throughout the entire process.

'From India To UK: Why Am I A Burden?'

When talking about the subject of immigration, Nigel Farage was questioned about his omission of the advantageous impacts immigrants have on the UK society.

Sidharth from Derby reached out to explain that he migrated to the United Kingdom from India back in 2007 and has since been employed in the hospitality sector. He mentioned that he and his spouse have dutifully fulfilled their tax obligations while also contributing to the economy.

"I don't understand how I am a burden," Sidarth inquired of Farage. "Migration has proven to be very beneficial."

Farage said, "We definitely need skilled migration, but we cannot keep allowing a massive influx of unskilled immigrants while many of our own citizens are stuck on welfare."

According to Farage, corporations might desire workers with no specialized knowledge in order to pay them the minimum wage, but he argued this would not be beneficial for the entire nation.

The Migration Observatory reported that jobless migrant laborers in the UK were less inclined to file for jobless aid compared to native workers throughout the year 2022.

Is Farage Accurate On Migrant Dependants?

Let's go back to Nigel Farage and his statement regarding legal migration. Earlier, Farage expressed that 50% of individuals who migrate do not work and rely on others for support.

The time period was not explicitly mentioned, but upon reviewing the most recent data on visas issued, it becomes evident that this assertion is inaccurate.

Around one-third of the visas that were granted in the period ending March 2024 were given to individuals who were dependent on someone else.

What he's saying about the figures for work visas is mostly accurate.

Of all the employment visas granted during the period from March 2023 to March 2024, nearly half (48%) were given to those who were dependent on the visa holder.

Individuals under the care of someone holding a visa as a skilled worker or student in the UK are unable to receive benefits, however they have the permission to seek employment.

Poll Shows Reform UK Outpaces Conservatives - Trott Warns Of Significance

Laura Trott, who holds a prominent position in the Conservative party, was questioned about whether the party should shift their attention from Labour to Reform UK, since a recent survey indicated that Reform UK was leading the Conservatives.

The Conservative Party is making efforts to earn each vote in this election. We still have half the election left, so there is a chance for shifts to occur," she states.

However, it's a clear indication," she continues, suggesting that if this were to occur on voting day, it would grant sizable and unchallenged authority to the Labour leader Keir Starmer in terms of increasing taxes.

According to her statement, if you choose to vote for a different candidate or political party other than Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives, it can indirectly support Keir Starmer's appointment as the prime minister.

Labour Manifesto Launch Sparks Criticism From Conservatives

We have news from Laura Trott, who is the Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Recently, she held a press conference in London where she criticized the proposals put forward by the Labour party.

According to her, the crucial aspect of Labour's manifesto is what they have omitted, and she argues that Labour deliberately overlooked 18 possible tax increases.

According to her, the Labour Party's manifesto is a manifesto designed to trap people with taxes. She believes that tax increases are an inherent part of the party's beliefs.

She emphasizes heavily on the topic of capital gains tax and accuses Labour of having a hidden agenda of imposing it on people's main homes.

During the press conference, a reporter asked her about her party's calculations, which indicated that the tax burden would be higher in 2028/29 compared to the current situation.

Trott has mentioned that tough choices had to be made due to Covid and the conflict in Ukraine. However, he emphasizes that there is a distinct decision to be made in the upcoming election regarding which party will decrease taxes and which will increase them.

The Labour Party has made it clear that they won't increase taxes for individuals who earn their living through employment. Additionally, they've stated that their manifesto doesn't include any measures that would require a hike in the capital gains tax.

Check out the review of the significant propositions of the Labour party by the BBC at this location.

Conservatives' Impact On Migration: What Changed?

Nigel Farage spoke earlier about the fact that legal net migration has been exceptionally high under the Conservatives.

Net migration refers to the overall balance of people entering and leaving a certain country within a year, with the intention of residing there for at least the same length of time.

In 2022, the number achieved an all-time high of 764,000 but then declined a bit to 685,000 in the previous year.

The number began to increase in 1997 and despite David Cameron's promise to decrease it to "tens of thousands" before the 2010 election, which was also repeated by Theresa May, it did not happen.

The movement of people between countries, known as net migration, decreased significantly due to the pandemic. However, it has since climbed to unprecedented heights.

Sunak Fights Hard For Each Vote

The person serving as the Deputy Political Editor has attended the G7 summit.

This morning, Rishi Sunak didn't hint at altering his campaign plan while chatting with reporters privately.

The individual did not reiterate his Defence Secretary's caution regarding a Labour "super-majority," but it seems apparent that he desires potential Reform supporters to concentrate on this possibility and disregard the enticing prospect of voting for Nigel Farage.

Despite the time left before the election, he showed a surprisingly positive attitude and stated that he's still striving to win over every voter. He's relying on the manifesto to win support and hoping that the voters will prioritize policy over individuality.

Farage And Ap Iorwerth Tackle Voters' Worries

We've been listening to Nigel Farage, who heads the Reform UK party, and Rhun ap Iorwerth from Plaid Cymru for a few hours now. They've been fielding questions from voters on Radio 5 Live.

On this page, we gathered information about a variety of topics. Experts discussed climate change, Brexit, NHS dentistry, and the cost-of-living crisis. You can check out the questions and answers by scrolling down. We also fact-checked some of their statements with BBC Verify.

We have additional information coming soon - shortly we will examine other comments expressed by both rulers.

We are currently tuning in to the press conference by Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Laura Trott. We will make sure to provide you with the essential points.

"Come To Wales: Ap Iorwerth Urges For More Visitors"

Wendy rang up Nicky Campbell's program on BBC Radio 5 Live to inquire of Rhun ap Iorwerth why his party is interested in rejoining the EU after spending a considerable sum of money to leave.

He claims that it is costing a tremendous amount of money to be outside of the EU and is convinced that Wales would benefit the most by remaining in it.

According to Wendy, Brexit held significance for her due to her unease regarding the influx of refugees arriving in the UK.

According to Ap Iorwerth, it is essential to pay attention to individuals who express apprehensions related to the impact of immigration on public amenities.

The leader of Plaid Cymru states that he feels extremely proud that Wales has provided assistance to individuals who have escaped from Ukraine and Afghanistan.

Regarding individuals who move for economic reasons, he suggests that Wales should encourage a greater number of people to relocate to Wales in order to assist specific areas of the economy, like the healthcare industry.

He asserts that individuals who fail to meet the criteria for remaining within the United Kingdom should be "deported".

Parties' Plans For NHS Dentistry: What Are They?

Recently, we caught the Plaid Cymru leader speaking about the challenges encountered in NHS dentistry.

The topic of the state of the sector has been raised multiple times in the current election campaign. A resident named Emma, who lives in South Hams, Devon, submitted a suggestion through Your Voice, Your Vote, requesting that the BBC investigate this matter.

According to her, she has not been able to see a dentist under the National Health Service for half a year now, as the one she had been visiting ever since she was young has stopped offering NHS-related services.

Statistics released by the British Dental Association (BDA) in the previous year exposed that approximately 60% of dentists in the south-west region of England had intentions of reducing their involvement with the NHS.

What do the political parties have in store?

Earlier this year, the much-awaited Dental Recovery Plan of the current government was released. However, it did not include the much-needed changes in the contract that would ensure that dentists are properly compensated for the work they do for the NHS.

The Labour party has made a promise to restructure the existing national dental agreement and offer an additional 700,000 instant dental consultations.

The intention of the Liberal Democrats is to change the dental agreement and boost the amount of funds given to the NHS dental agreement. Additionally, they aim to raise the number of opportunities for individuals to receive dental training within the United Kingdom.

Further information is available at this location.

Which Language Do You Dream In: Welsh Or English?

Nicky Campbell from BBC Radio 5 Live inquires Rhun ap Iorwerth regarding his dreaming language - whether it's Welsh or English. Ap Iorwerth asserts that Welsh is his primary dialect and he conducts all his activities using it.

According to him, knowing both Welsh and English languages fluently holds great significance.

When you can think, chat, and interact using a different language, an entirely new realm is unveiled to you, according to his statement about being fluent in two languages.

I believe that speaking both languages should not only be limited to those fortunate enough to have Welsh as their mother tongue.

According to Ap Iorwerth, Wales needs to enhance its education system to ensure that everyone in the country can acquire bilingual skills.

"NHS Dentistry Struggles: Insights From Ap Lorwerth"

We have received a question from Jason residing in Wales, who has inquired about the plans set by the political party to make sure individuals have the opportunity to avail dental care services.

Ap Iorwerth has stated that dentistry is one of the areas of the NHS that is facing significant difficulties. Additionally, he has shared that he personally has been unable to find a dentist.

According to Ap Iorwerth, while he is receiving care from a personal dental practitioner, a lot of individuals are unable to bear the expense of doing so.

He suggests that it is crucial to provide adequate funding for the NHS and that it is imperative to establish a supplementary dental school in Wales to expand the number of dental professionals, given that there is currently only one such institution.

Jason says that he needs to cover a distance of 40 miles to reach Liverpool for receiving dental treatment from an NHS dentist.

Ap Iorwerth stresses the importance of preventing "privatization from gradually entering the NHS".

At times, I ponder about how we reached the point where dental care is no longer considered a part of the NHS, according to him.

Most Aren't Convinced Yet: Plaid Cymru Leader On Independence

Nicky inquires Rhun ap Iorwerth regarding the reason why independence hasn't garnered the same level of support in Wales as it has in Scotland.

The Plaid Cymru suggests that the opportunity to make a move is present, citing the resemblance of the current situation to Scotland prior to the 2014 independence referendum.

According to him, the majority of individuals remain unconvinced. However, he further explains that the matters that individuals claim to be the most concerned about, such as the wellbeing and education, can be enhanced by separating from a larger entity. He emphasizes that he is not seeking independence just for the sake of it.

Regarding the EU, he expresses that it would be beneficial for the UK to become a part of both the customs union and single market.

According to him, if Wales becomes independent, it would have the freedom to decide its stance towards the EU. He firmly believes that the best course of action would be to establish a very strong connection with the European Union.

My Message Applies To All Of Wales - Ap Iorwerth

Lesley phoned BBC Radio 5 Live and posed a question to Rhun ap Iorwerth regarding how his party can expand its influence beyond its core constituency so that it can effectively challenge the Labour Party.

According to Ap Iorwerth, Plaid Cymru will demonstrate their commitment to spreading their message across all of Wales.

During this campaign, I travelled to every constituency in Wales as I wanted to show people that I strongly believe my message is important for all areas of Wales.

According to the leader of Plaid Cymru, his party needs to demonstrate to the public that they understand and address their concerns regarding healthcare, energy, infrastructure, and supporting local communities.

Lesley feels as though she's residing in a Labour dictatorship and desires more individuals to take notice of the opposing viewpoint.

Ap Iorwerth has expressed that he does not wish to criticize Labour for their numerous elections victories in Wales. However, he believes that Labour is lacking in terms of political renewal and fresh ideas.

Farage's Climate Remarks Undesirable In Culture War

Rhun ap Iorwerth from Plaid Cymru is currently chatting with Nicky Campbell on BBC Radio 5 Live.

Campbell questions him regarding Farage's statement on Net Zero, which could lead to significant harm to individuals in terms of energy and fuel expenses.

According to Ap Iorwerth, neglecting the environmental crisis is a harmful aspect of the ongoing cultural conflict. In his opinion, disregarding this issue is akin to causing harm to oneself.

He brought up a suggestion made in Wales concerning shutting down certain blast furnaces and shifting towards recycling steel. He asserted that our concentration must be on a "just transition" which signifies taking care of the labor force and directing funding towards altering production methods towards more environmentally friendly options.

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