Nick Kyrgios defends controversial role in BBC’s Wimbledon coverage

Nick Kyrgios

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Nick Kyrgios has stood up for his position as a commentator on the BBC's Wimbledon coverage this summer, despite the broadcaster facing backlash for bringing on the polarizing tennis star.

Nick Kyrgios - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

In 2022, Kyrgios admitted to shoving his then girlfriend Chiara Passari onto a sidewalk during a disagreement, resulting in minor injuries for her.

The judge did not officially find Kyrgios guilty of the incident, calling it a "foolish" and "frustrating" act that was not planned beforehand. The judge also ruled that the offense was not very serious compared to other cases of common assault, and therefore, dismissed it.

The BBC's decision to hire him has faced backlash, with Caroline Nokes, the Conservative MP and chair of the women and equalities committee, stating: "The BBC should be ashamed of themselves... It's appalling and highlights the lack of respect our national broadcaster has for women."

Unhappy with how they are always paying their female employees less and pushing them out when they get older, they have now hired a man who confessed to attacking a woman to work with them at Wimbledon.

The BBC stood by their decision, stating in a press release: "Nick Kyrgios, being a prominent and active player, will offer his perspective and commentary on the on-court action based on his own playing experience."

We do not support or approve of his past actions or behavior, both on and off the tennis court. He is hired specifically to talk about tennis, not his personal life. He has worked for other big sports networks recently. The legal issues he was involved in are over and he has been open about them in public.

During an interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, Kyrgios expressed that the situation had been resolved and mentioned that he would improve the BBC's coverage.

"Just to let you know, I've already addressed and handled those issues," Kyrgios informed Morgan. "I'm currently in a wonderful relationship with my new partner, and I'm at a really positive point in my life where collaborating with the BBC is a great opportunity for me."

I understand that people will write articles and say things, and if it has a negative impact, that is not what I intended. My main goal is to have a good time and show a different side of myself that people may not expect. I believe it will be beneficial for me to share my perspective and contribute to the sport. Ultimately, I am focused on helping tennis continue to grow.

Kyrgios has gained a reputation for being the "rebel" of men's tennis due to several controversial incidents throughout his career.

When Kyrgios was questioned about whether public figures who have made mistakes should be given another opportunity, he responded by saying it all depends on the situation. If the actions taken are understandable, if the full story is known, and if it's evident that the individual is making efforts to improve and become a better person, then they should be given a second chance.

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