Eastenders star Nicholas Ball dies after 'short illness'

Nicholas Ball

Nicholas Ball, known for his role in Eastenders, passed away after struggling with a brief health issue.

Nicholas Ball - Figure 1
Photo LMFM

The individual who was 78 years of age gained their fame through their portrayal of the character Terry Bates, a gang leader in BBC's soap opera.

According to a statement from his representative, he passed away after a brief period of sickness.

He included that Ball had a "remarkable acting career on both theatre and film that lasted for an impressive sixty years".

We are deeply sorry to learn about the passing of Nicholas Ball. Our hearts go out to his loved ones during this difficult time. Our sincere condolences are with them. pic.twitter.com/AIJrIwSkma

The actor from Britain made an appearance in various episodes of television programs such as Red Dwarf, Jonathan Creek, and The Young Ones.

Following the announcement of Ball's demise, supporters have been expressing their appreciation and respect for him.

I came across a post on X which said: "It is with great sorrow that we have to say goodbye to the amazing Nicholas Ball. He played the first simulant in Red Dwarf and his performance was truly unforgettable. Rest in peace, Nicholas Ball."

The official social media page of Eastenders shared a post expressing their sorrow regarding the news of Nicholas Ball's demise. They extended their sympathies to his loved ones and friends in this difficult time.

Another person commented positively about Nicholas Ball's portrayal of Terry Bates in the popular TV show EastEnders. They referred to him as an excellent actor and highlighted that his character is often overlooked as a villain.

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