What is mpox and how do you catch it?

New mpox strain

Disease outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have impacted both kids and grown-ups.

There is a new type of the mpox virus moving rapidly in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and professionals believe it is the most harmful version they have encountered.

New mpox strain - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is commonly found in certain regions of western and central Africa, and instances of the disease have been increasing across the continent for many years.

In 2022, a global outbreak of mpox spread across Europe, Australia, the US, and various other nations.

How Common Is Chickenpox?

Mpox disease is brought about by the monkeypox virus, which belongs to the same group of viruses as smallpox, but it is not as serious.

The illness first passed from animals to people, and is most prevalent in areas near tropical rainforests.

In these areas, there are many instances and numerous fatalities from the illness annually - with young children under 15 being the most impacted.

There are two primary variations of the virus that are currently identified. The less severe strain sparked a worldwide epidemic in 2022, reaching almost 100 countries where the virus is not typically found.

The second, more lethal variant is widespread in central Africa and is responsible for the recently identified strain in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The two kinds have varying chances of getting sick and dying.

What Are The Signs?

Picture taken from Getty Images (Please note: This is a hypothetical response as the original text was not provided.)

Mpox, also known as monkeypox, is transmitted through direct contact with individuals who are infected.

The first signs of the illness may be a high body temperature, pounding head pains, puffiness, discomfort in the spine, and sore muscles.

After the fever goes away, a skin rash may appear, usually starting on the face before spreading to other areas of the body, like the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The skin condition, which may cause a lot of itching or discomfort, transforms and progresses through various phases before eventually developing a crust that eventually comes off. The sores may lead to permanent scarring.

The sickness typically goes away by itself and can last for anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.

Severe cases can result in sores affecting the entire body, particularly the mouth, eyes, and genitals.

What Is The Spread?

Mpox is transmitted from one individual to another through intimate contact with an infected person. This can occur through sexual activity, touching, speaking, or being in close proximity to someone who is infected.

The virus is able to get into the body through openings in the skin, the lungs, or through the eyes, nose, or mouth.

It can also be transmitted by coming into contact with items that have been infected with the virus, like sheets, clothes, and towels.

Being around animals that are sick, like monkeys, rats, and squirrels, can also lead to infection.

In 2022, the worldwide epidemic was mainly transmitted through intimate contact.

The ongoing DR Congo outbreak is mainly spreading through sexual activity, but has also been detected in various other populations.

Who Is Most Vulnerable?

Photo credit: Getty Images

There are immunizations that can safeguard against serious cases of the pox virus.

Many instances occur in individuals who engage in sexual activity, particularly in men who have sex with other men. Those who have multiple partners or new sexual partners may be at higher risk.

However, individuals who come into close contact with someone exhibiting symptoms are at risk of contracting the virus, such as healthcare professionals and relatives.

Recommendation is to stay away from people with mpox and make sure to wash your hands with soap and water if the virus is spreading in your area.

People with mpox should stay away from others until all their sores are gone.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using condoms for protection during sex for a period of 12 weeks following recovery.

Treatment For This Condition?

A treatment for smallpox may also prove beneficial in treating mpox, however, there is not a lot of research on its effectiveness.

Disease outbreaks like mpox can be managed by stopping infections before they happen. The most effective way to do this is by using vaccines.

There are three vaccines available, but typically only individuals who are at risk or have had close contact with someone who is infected are eligible to receive it.

The World Health Organization does not advise giving vaccines to everyone in a population right now.

More testing of vaccines for the latest mpox variants is necessary to determine the level of immunity they offer.

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