Netanyahu hails '50 years of support' from Biden during White House visit


Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his gratitude for Joe Biden's 50 years of backing for Israel during their meeting at the White House.

The gathering took place following the passionate address delivered by the leader of Israel to Congress. Meanwhile, a large group of pro-Palestinian protestors gathered outside to express their views.

The leader of Israel is under stress from both within the country and outside of it to bring the Israel-Gaza conflict to a close, which has been ongoing for nine months.

Mr. Netanyahu stated that he has been acquainted with Mr. Biden for four decades, and that the president has been familiar with every Israeli Prime Minister for the past fifty years.

"I would like to express my gratitude to you for your 50 years of dedication to public service and unwavering support for Israel. As a proud Jewish Zionist who has now embraced my Irish-American heritage as well, thank you for your continued commitment to the state of Israel," he commented.

Mr. Netanyahu expressed his anticipation to collaborate with Mr. Biden on important matters in the coming months.

The president of the United States playfully teased that Golda Meir was the initial Prime Minister of Israel he had encountered, with Yitzhak Rabin, who followed her, being present as a helper.

The two individuals were set to talk about Gaza, a truce with Hamas, and the potential freeing of hostages during their meeting.

Mr Netanyahu will also be meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris, who is expected to become the Democratic nominee following Mr. Biden's announcement of stepping down.

During his speech in the House chamber on Wednesday, Mr Netanyahu justified Israel's military actions in Gaza and sought support from American lawmakers.

He claimed that the demonstrators were aiding the enemy and called them "Iran's useful idiots".

Many supporters of Palestine marched through the streets of Washington to denounce Mr Netanyahu as a "criminal of war".

Law enforcement took into custody 23 individuals, with five apprehended within the Capitol premises.

Mr. Netanyahu’s speech received enthusiastic applause at times, particularly from the Republican attendees.

The conflict in Gaza has caused more disagreements between politicians in Washington, sparking arguments among Democrats whose more liberal members have been against the United States' backing of Israel.

Representative Rashida Tlaib was seen in the crowd with a sign that said "responsible for genocide".

Ms Harris was not able to go to Mr Netanyahu's speech because she had prior commitments, according to the White House.

Instead, she dedicated some time during the day to addressing a group from the longstanding black sorority Zeta Phi Beta.

Ms Harris has shown strong support for Israel. But this position has come with a political price for the Democrats.

Many people expressed their disapproval of Mr. Biden's decision to provide military assistance to Israel by casting protest votes in the presidential primaries.

Some of those upset by his position on war view Ms. Harris as an opportunity to heal the divide in the party and regain the support of voters.

Mr. Netanyahu is planning to meet with Donald Trump, who is running for president as a Republican, at his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida on Friday.

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