Sweden formally joins Nato military alliance


Sweden requested to become a member of the military coalition subsequent to Russia's complete takeover of Ukraine.

NATO - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Sweden has now joined Nato as its 32nd member, following its successful completion of the accession process in the capital city of the United States.

The documents were exchanged during a ceremony that occurred two years after Sweden submitted a request to become part of the military alliance, which happened as a result of Russia's complete invasion of Ukraine.

The leader of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson, expressed that "togetherness and cooperation" would be the main principles that will guide Sweden's actions.

US President Joe Biden declared that NATO is currently more robust than ever before.

The leader of the United States stated that Nato is now more cohesive, resolute, and vigorous. He also mentioned that alongside their latest partner, Sweden, Nato will persist in advocating for liberty and democracy for many years to come.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, expressed that it was not an easy journey but they always had confidence that they would eventually reach this point.

On X, the Secretary-General of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, expressed that Sweden has armed forces that are very able and an excellent defense industry. He also stated that the alliance has improved in strength and safety.

The leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, expressed his support for Sweden joining Nato and added that it would increase Europe's security by protecting it from Russia's harmful influence.

Russia has committed to taking political and military actions in reply to Sweden's decision, but the specific measures have not been disclosed.

In 2022, Sweden requested to become a part of the defence alliance following Russia's complete takeover of Ukraine. However, two members of the alliance refused to allow Sweden to join.

At first, Turkey did not give its approval because of a dispute about Sweden's supposed help for Kurdish separatists. Eventually, in January of this year, Turkey removed its refusal.

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, stated that Sweden was showing negativity towards the country, leading to a delay in the approval of Hungary's bid. Eventually, after much delay, the Hungarian parliament finally voted to pass the bid.

Every NATO member is required to provide assistance to a fellow member that is subjected to an attack.

Mr Blinken remembered how Sweden had a long-standing policy of staying neutral for 200 years before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He said that Nato's growth was not expected or predicted.

According to Mr Kristersson, they are modest but also have a sense of pride. They are committed to meeting all the expectations placed upon them.

"We divide the weight, duties and danger with fellow associates."

He stated that the security conditions in the area were currently at their worst since the conclusion of World War II, and additionally declared that Sweden was becoming a member of NATO in order to both offer and receive protection.

Last year in April, Finland became a formal member of the alliance thereby increasing the length of the alliance's border in Russia by two times.

A ceremony to hoist the flag commemorating Sweden's inclusion will be held in Brussels at the Nato headquarters on the first day of the week.

"Further Insights: The Story Continues"

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