What you need to know about microchipping as millions of cat owners face fines

Microchipping cats

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Starting from June 10, there will be a new law in place where cat guardians must have their felines equipped with microchips. Failure to comply with this law may result in a hefty fine of up to £500 for numerous individuals. It is highly suggested that all cat owners follow this new regulation.

Microchipping cats - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

An animal welfare organization declared that over 2 million felines in England do not possess a microchip.

Starting next week, it will be obligatory for all feline pets in England to have a microchip inserted before they reach the age of 20 weeks.

Officials aim to launch an initiative that will aid in reuniting countless missing pets with their guardians and discourage the stealing of pets.

Despite there being around nine million pet cats in England, up to 2.2 million of them still haven't been microchipped. This information was gathered from data provided by the organization Cats Protection.

It is not necessary to implant a microchip in free-roaming cats that are not reliant on humans for their survival and companionship. This includes cats that reside on farms, in the wild, or within communities.

People who own pets and have failed to implant a microchip will be given a time period of 21 days to do so, failing which they could be fined an amount of £500.

Cats Protection conducted a study that showed over a quarter of pet owners (26%) who didn't microchip their pets didn't do so because their cats never leave the house. Additionally, about one out of every seven pet owners (14%) said that their cat can be identified by its collar.

The charity stated that getting a cat microchipped by a vet typically has a price range of £20 to £30.

According to Cats Protection's head of advocacy, campaigns and government relations, Madison Rogers, many cat owners believe that they will never experience the distress of losing their beloved feline, but unfortunately, in the past year alone, 115,000 pet cats in England have vanished and not been found.

Felines possess remarkable dexterity and flexibility, which enables them to sneak away stealthily without our detection.

Numerous stray felines experience a scary existence outside. They don't have access to any sustenance, water, shelter or medical treatment, and are consistently in danger of suffering serious harm or even losing their lives due to various hazards, including vehicles and wild creatures.

Neckbands have the potential to slip off, sustain damage that renders the owner's data illegible, and if they don't have a speedy release method, they can get caught on deterrents such as tree appendages, resulting in harm to the feline.

A tiny electronic chip that is implanted in your cat is secure, will remain in your cat's body for its entire lifespan, and is connected to contact information that is stored in a protected database.

According to Alice Potter, an expert on cat welfare at the RSPCA, there are cats which are brought to them that do not have a microchip. Sadly, these cats may never be able to be united with their owners.

Approximately 11% of the cats that are brought to the RSPCA are not microchipped yet, according to statistics.

We have saved some cats that had microchips, but their information was not updated. This is actually more annoying because we have to keep these cats for a longer period of time while we helplessly try to get in touch with the owner using the incorrect details.

Nonetheless, we've witnessed numerous accounts of felines who have been reunited with their guardians thanks to a small microchip - demonstrating the positive impact this legal modification will have on the wellbeing of animals.

Sandra Sinclair, a teacher from Tooting in south-west London, was the owner of Nutmeg. The feline was discovered wandering around the streets of Ascot in Berkshire, which was a distance of 30 miles away from its home, after it had gone missing.

The cat got back with his kin after Cats Protection scanned his microchip.

According to Ms. Sinclair, it is unknown how he made his way to Ascot. There is speculation that he may have hitched a ride in a delivery van or possibly been taken by someone who admired his affable nature.

My relatives and I are extremely grateful for having our pet, Nutmeg, implanted with a microchip. The information stored in the chip is exclusive to Nutmeg and provides us with peace of mind.

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