Hull: Cat-microchipping success on first day of new law

Microchipping cats

Microchipping is an easy and almost pain-free procedure for felines.

On Monday, RSPCA Hull and East Riding received over 50 pets due to the implementation of a recent law concerning the microchipping of cats.

Microchipping cats - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

The event for microchipping at the animal rescue facility on Clough Road took place on the same day when a new legislation was implemented. According to the new rule, all cats are now required to have a microchip, not just dogs as before.

Microchipping is an uncomplicated and efficient method that guarantees pets can be recognized and brought back to their homes immediately in case they get lost.

The head honcho of RSPCA Hull & East Riding, Fred Owen, expressed his delight in the number of attendees and the affirmative feedback received from those who own feline and canine companions.

He stated that implanting microchips into our pets is an important measure to safeguard them. He additionally expressed how proud the organization is to assist members of the community in adhering to the recently implemented regulations.

A microchip is a minuscule computer chip that gets implanted beneath a feline's skin. This chip comprises a one-of-a-kind code that gets enrolled on a database coupled with the proprietor's contact information.

The fresh regulation is valid for every feline that has advanced beyond the age of 20 weeks. Additionally, it's necessary for cats that only stay indoors to also have a microchip implanted.

People who failed to chip their cats by the deadline of 10 June have the opportunity to do so within the next 21 days, or they may face a penalty of up to £500.

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