Tell us who your winner is after Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer head-to-head

Keir Starmer

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Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer faced off in their last debate before the 2024 general election, which will take place in just eight days.

Presented by Mishal Husain, this was the third showdown between the party leaders since the prime minister announced the election in late May.

After the initial debate on ITV, John Retoul claimed that Sunak was more fast and intelligent, however it wasn't sufficient. In contrast, a quick poll by YouGov indicated a very close result, with 51 percent believing Sunak was the victor and 49 percent supporting Starmer.

We are curious to hear your thoughts on the recent showdown between the leaders of the Labour and Conservative parties. Did you notice any changes in the tone of tonight's debate compared to the ones before?

Who emerged as the winner for you this time? What were the victories and challenges? Did the debates on TV during the election influence your voting decision in any way?

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