Keir Starmer speech: Key highlights as PM admits Budget will be ‘painful’

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer cautioned that the upcoming October Budget will bring some tough times, but stressed the importance of bearing this temporary hardship for future prosperity.

In a talk from the beautiful Downing Street Rose Garden, Starmer reassured the crowd of voters he encountered during his campaign that although his administration may make mistakes, their needs and concerns will always be the top priority.

Find Out More: Keir Starmer's speech reveals key insights into Labour's strategy and concerns.

He also expressed strong disapproval of the recent riots that occurred in various cities earlier this month and promised to improve the fundamental aspects of the country in order to enhance the well-being of working individuals.

Below are some of the main points noted in real time as Starmer gave his speech:

Read Entire Transcript At 12:30pm

You can find the complete speech by Keir Starmer on our website.

Unite Calls For Promised Change, Not Austerity 2

Sharon Graham from Unite has urged the Labour party to follow through on the promises they made during the general election and has criticized the Prime Minister's negative outlook.

In response to Keir Starmer's speech, Graham expressed that he is tired of hearing excuses about money management and discussions about making money.

We shouldn't make elderly people compete against workers, that is not a decision that should be considered.

"We are counting on Labour to bravely make the best decisions."

We must seek solutions instead of simply making cuts. Implementing another round of austerity measures will not solve the issues facing the UK.

???? We don't need a pessimistic view of Britain right now. It's time to witness the transformation that @UKLabour pledged. #Labour

Blog post on point. Great read. Check it out!

Northampton MP Praises Starmer's Honest Speech

Keir Starmer gave a straightforward and transparent speech today.

I'm honored to serve as a member of the Labour Party in this government. Source: Mike Reader MP on Twitter, August 27, 2024.

Conservatives Criticize Starmer's Speech

The Conservatives have shared their response to Starmer's speech, criticizing the Prime Minister's decision to reduce the winter fuel payment while allocating funds to "highly paid union agreements that outpace inflation".

Government decisions involve making selections.

Keir Starmer decided to remove Winter Fuel assistance for elderly individuals.

He decided to invest billions in pay deals for unions that would help combat inflation.

He decided to allow Labour donors to have unlimited access to Downing Street.

And he can also decide to increase your taxes if he wants to.

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"The Winter Fuel Payment Cut Is About Fairness"

The End Fuel Poverty Coalition is worried about the idea of checking if people are eligible for the winter fuel allowance based on their income. They are saying that some elderly individuals could soon be dealing with the biggest energy bills they have ever seen.

In response to the Prime Minister's speech, Simon Francis, the coordinator of the organization, stated that cutting the Winter Fuel Payment is not about a flaw in the system, but rather about ensuring fair treatment for elderly individuals dealing with rising energy costs.

This situation could lead to a serious public health crisis, putting further strain on the already overwhelmed NHS that the Prime Minister has pledged to improve.

Stopping energy debt, increasing the Household Support Fund, broadening Warm Home Discounts, and adjusting standing charges are all necessary actions that need to be taken quickly to lessen the effects of high bills and the reduction of the Winter Fuel Payment.

However, in addition to assistance during the colder months, the public also needs a specific schedule for when the tangible advantages of more affordable renewable energy and the Warm Homes Plan will be realized.

If the Prime Minister needs to find someone else to cover the costs of this support, we can't ignore the fact that every month we learn about more huge profits being made by companies in the larger energy sector.

"National Renewal Begins With Fixing Foundations"

Miatta Fanhbulleh, the Labour Member of Parliament representing Peckham, expressed her opinions on the Prime Minister's social media address by stating, "Our focus will be on serving the public and supporting the dreams and goals of individuals in the workforce."

The Prime Minister is correct, as Keir Starmer has stated.

Ten years of revitalizing the country start by repairing the basics.

No more tricks, no more temporary solutions, no more politicians just focusing on appearances.

We will run a government that prioritizes serving the public, dedicated to supporting the dreams and goals of the working class.

"Miatta Fahnbulleh tweeted on August 27, 2024."

10:30am Release Of Prisoners Was Not My Preferred Decision

Starmer stated that he was not happy about the choice to release certain prisoners in order to make more space in the prison system.

He mentioned: "I dedicated five years to convicting individuals and sending them to jail - the thought of releasing individuals who deserve to be in jail due to overcrowded prisons goes against all of the hard work I have put in over the years."

Yet, he pointed out flaws in the Conservative government's approach to prison construction, leading him to feel he had no choice following the widespread riots in the nation.

"We Need To Improve The NHS, Homes, And Schools"

During the election, someone asked Starmer if he was truthful. He replied that he didn't anticipate the country's finances would be in such a bad state when Labour took control.

He mentioned he did not want to implement measures like means testing the winter fuel allowance, but emphasized the importance of improving the NHS, homes, and schools, as pensioners depend on these services just like everyone else.

Starmer also mentioned that the government is ensuring that pension credit is accessible to those elderly individuals who require it the most.

10:20am: Endure Short-term Pain For Lasting Benefit

"We are left with no option but to do this, considering the circumstances we are facing."

Keir Starmer believes that the Budget in October will be difficult and is of the opinion that those who are more financially well-off should carry more of the load.

Rewrite: The latest news and updates from BBC Politics can be found on our Twitter account. Stay informed with the most recent information on politics and government.

The Prime Minister cautioned that the Budget in October will be difficult and stated that those who are better off should bear more of the burden.

He promised to tighten regulations on non-doms but also mentioned that he will "call on the nation to make significant sacrifices, asking you to endure temporary hardships for future benefits".

"I understand the challenges you have faced, and I know it may seem like a daunting request. It's not a situation I enjoy being in, but we need to move past the superficial solutions and focus on real change," he stated.

"We Can't Continue Like This"

Starmer stated that politics cannot return to its old ways and pledged to take concrete actions, not just make empty promises, to remove corruption that has persisted for 14 years.

He mentioned that his administration plans to make important changes before Christmas, such as speeding up the process for constructing new homes, utilizing the benefits of AI for economic expansion, and moving rail companies into public ownership.

"Downing Street Now At Your Service"

Keir Starmer spoke about the parties during lockdown in the Rose Garden and told the voters, "This garden and this building are now available for your use."

Labour Inherits Massive Economic Burden

The Prime Minister stated that his new administration has received a challenging situation from the previous government, both economically and socially. He acknowledged that there will be difficult times ahead before improvements can be seen.

He also mentioned the difficult decision to test individuals' income for the winter fuel allowance. He explained that while he didn't want to implement means testing, it was necessary to protect elderly people in need and improve the country's financial situation.

He stated: "I am not afraid to make tough choices now, even if they are not popular, as long as it benefits the country in the future. This is what true public service is all about."

Revealing Faults: Riots At 10.10am

Starmer has begun discussing the riots that occurred during the summer, stating that they exposed a society that is extremely troubled. He believes that this is due to ten years of division and decline, which has led to a rise in populism fueled by the failures of the previous government.

He also mentioned the government needs to regularly monitor the availability of prison spaces and their suitable locations to handle any potential rioters.

OBR Unaware Of £22bn Deficit

Starmer mentioned that the OBR was unaware of the £22 billion shortfall created by the previous government. He also stated that due to the previous government's irresponsible actions, the country ended up borrowing nearly £5 billion more than anticipated in the past three months.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The Prime Minister has begun his address, emphasizing his commitment to addressing the challenges the country is currently facing. He stated that the government's effectiveness would be based on its actions rather than its rhetoric.

He also mentioned that the government has accomplished more in the past seven weeks than the conservatives did in the previous seven years.

Prime Minister Giving Speech At 10am

We are eagerly anticipating Keir Starmer's arrival at the podium in the Downing Street Rose Garden, where he will deliver his inaugural speech as the new leader, which he assumed just last month.

"Expect Things To Worsen Before Improving"

Starmer will acknowledge that the condition of the country is "even more dire than we had anticipated" and clarify that the Conservatives created a £22bn deficit in the public finances before stepping down from power.

During his upcoming address, he plans to discuss the importance of transparency and informing the public about the decisions that need to be made.

Honestly, the situation is expected to deteriorate before it improves. The Prime Minister expresses reluctance in releasing prisoners prematurely, as it goes against their values and experience as Chief Prosecutor for five years.

“To be honest, if we hadn't made that tough decision right away, we wouldn't have been able to react to the riots the way we did."

"If we don't implement strong measures across all areas, we will not be able to address the fundamental issues in the country that require urgent attention."

Labour's Seven Weeks Trumps Tories' Seven Years

Keir Starmer will claim that the Labour party has accomplished more in the past seven weeks since assuming power than the previous government did in the past seven years. He will emphasize advancements in planning reform and the establishment of GB Energy and a national wealth fund.

He stated: "Two months ago, when I was on the steps of Downing Street, I made a commitment to this government to prioritize the needs of individuals like apprentices, teachers, nurses, small business owners, and firefighters - those who daily contribute to their communities and country. I pledged that we would address pressing issues and be evaluated based on our actions, not just our words.

That's why, during our initial weeks, we established a National Wealth Fund because we aim for all individuals and communities to reap the rewards.

That's why we have made it easier to make decisions about building 1.5 million new homes. That's why we have established Great British Energy to generate employment opportunities and reduce people's expenses. And that's why we have put an end to the labor stoppages that have harmed our nation for so long.

In just 7 weeks, we have accomplished more than the previous government did in 7 years. These are only the initial actions towards the transformation that people chose through their votes. I am committed to making this change happen.

"Change Takes Time"

Starmer is about to speak and he will mention that the damage caused by the previous Conservative government needs to be completely repaired. He will emphasize that simple solutions will not be enough.

He will explain: "I have previously mentioned that change does not happen quickly. If there are underlying issues within a system, they cannot be ignored or easily fixed. It is necessary to completely transform the system from its core. This may require more effort and time, but it is necessary for long-term success."

If not addressed, the decay will come back in familiar areas and continue to grow. It will be even more severe than before. We are both aware of this, which is why our focus has always been on repairing the fundamental aspects of our nation.

FIND OUT MORE: Starmer's speech will highlight the difficult decisions ahead after a decade and a half of following popular ideas that have ultimately led to a serious societal problem.

PM's Post Before Speech At 9.20am

I stood outside of Downing Street two months ago and made a commitment to lead a government that serves the people.

Today, I will discuss the challenges we face in the upcoming months to improve the fundamental aspects of our nation.

Tune in to watch my live speech starting at 10am.

- On August 27, 2024, Keir Starmer tweeted a message.

PM To Address Riots In Morning Speech

Keir Starmer will mention the violent protests led by far-right groups in several cities last month, stating that they not only displayed the problem but also went against the solution.

He will state: "The riots not only exposed the problem, they also showed the solution, which is not found in the negative disagreements of populism but in the unity of a nation the day after and the cleanup of their neighborhood."

That's our identity and what we believe in. We are individuals who look out for our community. Neighborhoods that unite against negativity and separation. First responders who fulfill their responsibilities, even in risky situations. And a government that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens.

Starmer's Pledge: Fixing The Foundations

In his upcoming address, Prime Minister Starmer will promise to increase the quality of life and ensure that those who work are in a better financial position.

He plans to announce: "We will put in the effort to remove 14 years of decay and turn around ten years of decline. We will address the core issues, safeguarding taxpayers' funds and improving people's quality of life. We will revamp our planning process to construct the necessary new homes. We will equalize workers' rights to ensure they have stability, pride, and recognition. We will enhance our border protection. We will combat crime. We will revolutionize public transportation. And we will provide our children with the chances they require to thrive."

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