Keir Starmer Labour conference speech 2024: Watch and follow live updates

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer is committing to create a “Britain that is yours” and to make challenging choices in order to achieve “hope at the end of this journey” during his inaugural address at the Labour Party conference after taking on the role of Prime Minister.

Keir Starmer - Figure 1
Photo LabourList

Starmer is speaking to delegates and members of parliament during his annual leader's address at this year's conference taking place in Liverpool this afternoon.

He is outlining the government's goals, emphasizing that making difficult choices now is just the beginning of a path toward a "national revival" that will once more prioritize the needs of everyday workers.

You can view his speech live below, and you can also refresh this page for real-time updates from the conference happening in Liverpool.

CHECK OUT: Key Events to Attend at the Labour Conference 2024 on Tuesday: Highlights from LabourList

3:53 PM: Responses from research organizations

Harry Quilter-Pinner, the acting executive director of IPPR, stated: “Today, Keir Starmer outlined his plans for a decade focused on revitalizing the nation and how this could benefit workers throughout the UK—offering increased wages, improved health services, safer neighborhoods, greater opportunities, and a more sustainable environment.”

The new government is dealing with significant challenges stemming from ten years of budget cuts and societal divides. However, it has kicked off its term on a positive note, introducing initiatives like the green prosperity plan, a national wealth fund, and transferring more authority to various regions throughout the country—changes that the IPPR has consistently advocated for.

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak stated, “After 14 years of standstill and downturn during Conservative rule, workers and their families are in urgent need of change.”

Today, Keir Starmer demonstrated his commitment to bringing about positive changes for communities throughout Britain and ensuring that everyone can benefit from their jobs.

"Labor unions are prepared to collaborate with him and his administration to quickly restore and improve the nation."

3:51 PM: Reactions from Labour leaders

Baroness Hodge remarked, “I found the speech to be very uplifting. It resonated with hope and strong values. What stood out to me the most was that after two decades, I finally heard a prominent politician speak so passionately and optimistically about immigration. I thought that was fantastic.”

3:24 PM: Responses from GB Energy

Following the speech, the think tank Common Wealth shared on X: “Keir Starmer announced that GB Energy will be established in Aberdeen, which is significant as the city is a hub of the oil and gas sector and will be essential in the shift towards sustainable energy. This is a positive development, but for GB Energy to succeed, it must pursue greater ambition and scale.”

Today, Keir Starmer announced that GB Energy will establish its headquarters in Aberdeen, highlighting the city's vital position in the oil and gas sector as it contributes significantly to the shift towards cleaner energy sources.

While this is encouraging, for GB Energy to truly benefit from it, they will need to aim high and operate on a large scale.

Sure! Please provide the blog section you'd like me to rewrite.

3:04 PM: A massive applause erupts as Starmer finishes his speech.

Starmer concluded his speech at the conference to a thunderous applause from the audience. As he exits the stage, his wife joins him by his side.

"Many believed we wouldn’t be able to transform the party, yet we did it. There were doubts about our ability to achieve victory throughout Britain, but we succeeded. Some claim we can't bring about a national revival, but we absolutely can, and we will."

"We have the ability to strengthen our economy, remove the issues caused by the Conservative party, establish solid foundations, and fulfill our promise for change. We envision a resilient Britain, created with dignity and honor. Together, we have demonstrated that this country is yours."

3:00 PM: "It seems he has an access badge for the 2019 conference."

A demonstrator interrupted the Prime Minister for a moment, to which the Prime Minister responded with a joke: "It seems like he has a ticket for the 2019 conference."

2:58 PM: "It’s important to honor all individuals."

"Everyone should have the opportunity to experience art, enjoy moments that inspire them, and explore creative fields that can expand their perspective."

2:55 PM: "We will raise our collars and confront the storm head-on."

The Prime Minister stated that the nation will overcome the difficulties passed down from the Conservative Party, emphasizing that the country values fairness and desires respect for its working citizens.

2:51 PM: “Adjusting the nation to better support the workforce”

Starmer has stated that the nation cannot handle additional issues like contaminated rivers, more COVID contracts, or further tragedies like Grenfell Tower. He emphasized the need to be more focused and determined in our approach.

2:48 PM: "We resolve our disagreements without resorting to violent behavior."

Starmer has criticized the racist behavior seen during the far-right protests this summer, stating, "We should engage in discussions about our disagreements, not resolve them through acts of violence."

“To anyone who believes that true patriotism means despising others just because they appear different, I want to make it clear: we recognize your stance, and we completely oppose it.”

2:47 PM: Starmer advocates for the comeback of, um, sausages?

Keir Starmer is asking for the sausages to make a comeback???

Sure! Here’s a rephrased version of that blog section: — The Exploding Heads (@Exploding_Heads) September 24, 2024

2:44 PM: Receiving a standing ovation while discussing the riots.

Starmer was greeted with a standing ovation after declaring that he will "never allow a small group of violent, racist individuals to instill fear in our communities."

2:43 PM: "We cannot overlook the importance of adequately funding policies."

Starmer states, “I won’t allow the careless economic policies of the Conservatives to hinder the working people in this nation.”

2:39 PM: "Return to Conservative austerity is off the table."

While Starmer acknowledges that some of his choices may not be well-received, he assures that there will be no return to Conservative austerity measures. He is dedicated to revitalizing public services and safeguarding the rights of working individuals.

He also mentioned that retirees will benefit more under Labour, especially in light of the reduction in winter fuel assistance.

2:37 PM: "This administration is dedicated to serving the public."

Starmer mentioned that he won't provide unrealistic expectations, emphasizing that his administration will focus on serving the public. He promised to engage with people honestly and openly, rather than relying on empty rhetoric.

"If we make difficult long-term choices today, we'll reach that light at the end of the tunnel much faster."

2:34 PM: "Populism offers simplistic solutions to complex issues."

Starmer is launching a critique against populism, claiming that they prioritize their party's interests over the needs of the country.

He specifically expresses concern about Rwanda and the impact it has had on the nation.

“For 14 years, the Conservative Party prioritized quick fixes over harnessing the government’s power to truly benefit our nation.”

2:32 PM: Starmer acknowledges that the journey ahead will be challenging.

Starmer is talking about the £22 billion in spending promises made by the Conservative government that have no funding set aside, along with the "political vacuum" it has created.

The audience let out a collective sigh when Starmer remarked, “we're all in this together.”

2:29 PM: "Housing will be available for our heroes."

Starmer has expressed that the government will honor individuals serving in the military and ensure that all veterans in need of housing will have a place to live.

The Prime Minister has similarly pledged support to young people who have aged out of the care system and to survivors of domestic violence.

"They will receive the safety they deserve. They will have shelter to call home. This country is theirs."

2:27 PM: Honoring the activists

Starmer has shared how his conversations with campaigners, particularly the families and survivors of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, have motivated him.

"They all demonstrate that the key distinction between service and government lies in the fact that genuine service requires a willingness to hear from individuals outside the boundaries of the state."

2:25 PM: "A Britain that is yours"

Starmer emphasized that his administration needs to demonstrate the positive impact of politics on people's lives. He stated the goal is to rebuild trust in the principles that have traditionally directed this country after 14 years of turmoil.

"We need to create a new Britain, rooted in the timeless spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. It's about the pride and aspirations of the working population. A Britain that is truly yours."

2:21 PM: Starmer reiterates his demands for a ceasefire.

Starmer has urged for an immediate stop to the fighting in Gaza and has asked for calm and a reduction of tensions along the border between Israel and Lebanon.

He reiterated his unwavering backing for Ukraine.

2:17 PM: The crowd gives a standing ovation for the move toward nationalization.

Starmer was greeted with a standing ovation as he highlighted several accomplishments of the Labour government to date, notably the nationalization of the railways.

“The shifting has started,” he remarked.

2:15 PM: "We may not have all the answers, but we will make each decision as a team."

Starmer stated that the journey of transformation has started, and although the government may not always make the best choices, every decision made by Labour will be a collective effort.

Starmer declares that insincere guidance aimed at those nostalgic for a performance-driven political era is unimportant, like water rolling off a duck's back—just superficial shine on a shirt.

Starmer has pledged to introduce a Hillsborough Law, aiming to address the issues faced by the people of Liverpool and the families of the 97 victims. He also seeks to tackle the broader injustices experienced by working-class individuals at the hands of those in positions of authority meant to help them.

Starmer has stated that the law will be enacted by the next anniversary of Hillsborough in April.

2:10 PM: Starmer expresses gratitude to Labour for their electoral victory.

Starmer expresses that this conference is a significant change from the time when he only had one person to impress when he first took on the role of Labour leader.

He discussed the struggle for the party's core values in Brighton back in 2021, stating, "We held our ground and emerged victorious."

"We should celebrate our success, especially with how Labour triumphed in every part of Wales and secured wins in both Wales and Scotland. This achievement is possible only because we transformed the Labour Party."

2:04 PM: Starmer is greeted with a standing ovation as he steps onto the stage.

Keir Starmer has just stepped onto the stage to a warm round of applause from the audience, marking the first time a Labour Prime Minister has spoken at the party's conference since 2009.

1:56 PM: The Prime Minister is about to make an appearance on stage shortly.

Keir Starmer is about to speak at the Labour Party conference any moment now – you can watch it live in the feed above.

In the meantime, check out this article by Stephen Beer and Patrick Diamond where they share their thoughts on what Starmer ought to include in his speech.

1:50 PM: General Secretary of Unite speaks in the auditorium.

Sharon Graham, the leader of Unite, is now seated in the conference hall in preparation for Keir Starmer's upcoming speech.

Earlier today, she expressed to Nick Ferrari from LBC that she hopes the Prime Minister will declare there won't be a repeat of austerity measures and will also present a plan to create jobs through investment.

1:45 PM: "Creating a New Britain"

Keir Starmer will explain to the nation that although making difficult choices may cause immediate discomfort, the benefits in the long run will arrive faster, leading to improved living standards and reduced waiting times in services.

He’ll express, “I transformed the Labour Party to bring it back to serving the working class. And that's precisely what we will achieve for the UK. However, I won’t rely on simplistic solutions or false promises.”

1:25 PM: Starmer's popularity declines.

Prime Minister Starmer's address follows the release of a recent Savanta poll indicating that his net approval rating has fallen by 28 points with voters from his own party.

The results of the poll indicate a decrease in support since the election, dropping from a +71 net favorability among Labour voters in early July to +43 currently.

1:15 PM: Delegates and Members of Parliament are starting to gather in the hall.

The hall is beginning to fill up as attendees await Keir Starmer's speech, which is scheduled to begin in under an hour. Due to high demand, it has been reported that only 100 Members of Parliament are permitted inside the auditorium for Starmer's inaugural address to the conference as Prime Minister.

11:25 a.m.: The Prime Minister is expected to assure everyone that there is hope on the horizon.

The Prime Minister will discuss Labour's hopeful outlook for the nation, which includes improved living conditions for all communities, a forward-looking NHS, reduced hospital waiting times, and enhanced public safety.

"The reality is that if we make difficult decisions for the long run right now, we can reach that brighter future—the Britain that you envision—much faster," Starmer will express.

He'll also mention: "Our mission hasn’t changed and never will. I transformed the Labour Party to truly represent the interests of working individuals. That’s precisely what we’ll achieve for Britain. However, I won’t rely on simple solutions or misleading optimism."

He will describe the modifications implemented in the opposing party as "lasting."

Starmer envisions a nation where you won’t have to alter your identity to succeed. He describes a country that not only serves you and your family but also acknowledges, values, and respects you as an integral part of our collective narrative. A Britain that feels like it truly belongs to you.

LEARN MORE: Starmer will emphasize that Labour needs to restore Britain, but it can't achieve this with simple solutions.

Stay updated on all the news and discussions at the 2024 party conference by visiting LabourList, the top dedicated platform for Labour supporters, covering everything related to the Labour party.

CHECK OUT: Highlights from the Labour conference: Five important happenings in Liverpool on Tuesday.

EXPLORE FURTHER: At the 2024 Labour conference, Unite has alleged that Labour is postponing the vote on winter fuel until the situation becomes dire on Wednesday.

READ MORE: Conference 2024: Rachel Reeves promises “a Budget to restore Britain” and criticizes Conservative wastefulness.

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