BBC election debate: Live updates as Starmer and Sunak go head to head

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak will compete in a debate hosted by the BBC as the last event of the general election campaign.

We will be sharing the latest news and opinions on the discussion down below. Check back frequently to stay up to date with the most recent updates.

We are eager to receive feedback from our readers regarding the discussion and how Starmer and Sunak did. Feel free to email us at [email protected] with your thoughts, and we will include them in our live blog.

9.50pm: PM Is 'very Shouty And Not Prime Ministerial'

Talking to the BBC in the spin room following the debate, Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting suggests that the Prime Minister was overly loud, kept interrupting, and did not display the behavior expected of a Prime Minister.

When questioned about doubts expressed by audience members regarding Starmer's confidence, Streeting responded by stating that Starmer successfully led the Labour Party after their defeat in 2019 and made significant changes. He emphasized that it was a challenging task that required determination, and he believes that Starmer has the qualities to not only reform the Labour Party but also to impact the country as a whole.

9.40pm: YouGov Poll Shows Debate Was Tie

Quick survey: Who do you think did the best in the debate tonight?

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are evenly matched in the latest polls.

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"Starmer Urges Vote Change: Choose Labour"

In his final remarks, Sunak restates the Conservatives' assertion of a £2,000 rise in taxes for individuals under a Labour government.

Starmer accuses Sunak of spreading falsehoods and warns him not to say it again. He urges people to take control and make a change on July 4th by voting for Labour to put an end to the chaos and rebuild the country.

Starmer Pledges Good Jobs And Homes For Young People At 9.30pm

This last question is from a voter in their twenties who believes that young people are feeling hopeless about finding jobs and homes. She wants to know what the leaders would do to convince her to remain in the UK.

Starmer pledges to create better job opportunities and increase the construction of new homes in the UK. He believes that young people should be able to buy their first home in their 20s instead of waiting until their 30s. Starmer emphasizes the need for more housing construction to address the issue of high rental prices for young individuals.

Starmer Rejects More Migration For Better Brexit

Next up on the agenda is repairing our "damaged" trading partnership with Europe. Starmer asserts that we won't be rejoining the EU, but he believes that we can negotiate a better agreement. Labour is determined to secure a superior deal compared to the one that Boris Johnson mishandled.

Sunak admits that there is a possibility of securing a more favorable agreement, but he argues that the cost would be unrestricted movement of individuals.

Starmer is calling his previous statements "complete rubbish". He is making it clear that the UK will not rejoin the EU, become part of the single market or customs union, or allow free movement. He is criticizing Sunak for being pessimistic.

When asked about the potential cost of a better deal, Starmer emphasized that he would be transparent about his boundaries. Sunak inquired if Starmer would be willing to accept increased migration as a compromise for a deal, to which Starmer responded with a firm no.

Can I Trust You To Prioritize Women's Needs?

Starmer mentioned that he has a team of highly capable and accomplished women, including Rachel Reeves, Angela Rayner, Yvette Cooper, and Bridget Phillipson.

Husain then addresses a query from a voter inquiring about the leaders' commitment to safeguarding women's access to single-sex spaces, regardless of whether or not individuals have a gender recognition certificate.

Starmer agrees and believes it is crucial to safeguard areas designated for women. He acknowledges that there is a minority of individuals who are assigned a gender they do not identify with, stating, "I will show them the same kindness and courtesy as I would to any person."

Is There A Better PM Candidate At 9:13pm?

The next person asking questions wonders if Starmer and Sunak are truly the top choices to become the next Prime Minister of the country.

Starmer discusses his time collaborating with the police in Northern Ireland, his involvement in the CPS, and his efforts to reform the Labour Party. He emphasizes that this upcoming election is a crucial decision and a chance to make a fresh start.

Starmer also mentioned that he is not shocked by the lack of excitement surrounding the two leaders. He believes that people have lost hope due to unfulfilled promises, the 'partygate' scandal, and the election betting scandal.

???? BREAKING: Voter Robert tells Rishi Sunak that he is just an average prime minister

To Keir Starmer: "You are being influenced by high-ranking members of the Labour Party."

"Are you both truly the top candidates for the position of prime minister in our amazing nation?" #BBCDebate

Rewrite the tweet using simpler language: - UK Politics shared on June 26, 2024

Starmer: Gov't Approach Causing Council Funding Crisis

Next up, we have a question from a pediatric nurse regarding how the leaders plan to assist financially struggling local governments.

Starmer expresses deep worry about the situation and points fingers at the government for not providing sufficient and organized funding.

He mentions that the Labour party plans to alter the payment system for councils, stretching them out over a longer period. He believes this method will allow for a more effective use of current funds when questioned by Husain about potential increases in council funding.

Sunak argues that the financial troubles faced by Labour councils are just a small glimpse of what could happen if Labour gains control, urging voters not to hand over control of councils and finances to the Labour party. In response, Starmer points out that Tory-run councils have also faced similar challenges.

How Will You Finance Your Promises?

Next, let's talk about how the political parties plan to finance their promises. Sunak promises that if you vote for the Tories, you'll see tax reductions. On the other hand, Labour is proposing potential tax hikes of thousands of pounds.

Starmer counteracts: "Not true." He argues that Labour's manifesto clearly outlines the party's expenses and how they will be funded. He also mentions that the party has strict fiscal regulations to ensure stability, pointing out the negative effects of unplanned tax reductions proposed by Liz Truss.

He also claims that Sunak made promises in his campaign without a plan to pay for them.

Starmer Earns Applause For Criticizing 'out Of Touch' PM

At the beginning of the discussion, Starmer received cheers when he referred to Sunak as "detached from reality".

???? BREAKING: Keir Starmer tells Rishi Sunak that if he paid attention to the people in different parts of the country more frequently, he might have a better understanding of their concerns.

The audience shows their appreciation in the form of applause at the #BBCDebate. ????????

"Today, we want to talk about the current political situation in the United Kingdom. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis from us!"

Starmer Says Small Boats Are UK Border Threat

The following individual wonders why it is not simple for the UK to completely shut down its borders since it is an island.

Starmer says that the increasing number of small boats crossing the Channel is a major concern for the UK's border security. He alleges that the number of crossings has reached an all-time high since Sunak took office as Prime Minister and accuses the government of failing to manage the borders effectively.

He states that absolutely no one should be making the dangerous trip across the Channel and stresses the importance of dismantling criminal gangs involved in human trafficking. He points to his previous role as head of the Crown Prosecution Service as evidence of his qualifications to tackle this issue.

Starmer Says Welfare Bill Must Decrease

Husain inquired if the welfare bill will increase under Labour, to which Starmer responded that it needs to decrease. He mentioned that this can be achieved by helping people find employment and addressing the long waiting lists in the NHS.

Starmer On Work: 'You Should Work If You Can'

The next person in the audience asks how the leaders plan to assist individuals in transitioning from relying on benefits to finding employment. Starmer agrees with her, emphasizing that work is not only about earning money but also about maintaining one's dignity. He shares with the audience that his father was employed as a toolmaker in a factory.

He believes that individuals who are capable of working should be actively seeking employment. He mentions that the Labour party has a strategy in place to assist individuals in finding employment, emphasizing the importance of improving Jobcentres and career services.

Starmer Avoids Question About Election Betting Scandal

Starmer avoids answering twice when Husain asks if he is aware of any other Labour candidates making bets regarding the election.

He points out how swiftly the party responded to the Kevin Craig situation and states that Labour's candidates are aware of his expectations for excellence. They have now experienced the repercussions of failing to meet those expectations.

How Will Leaders Restore Trust In Politics?

The discussion has officially started. The first person to ask a question wants to know how the leaders plan to rebuild faith in the political system, specifically mentioning the controversy surrounding election gambling.

Starmer believes in taking charge and setting a good example on important matters. He expresses concern that politics has become too focused on personal benefits. He is determined to change the course of politics back to serving the public.

McFadden: Voters To See Election Choice

Before the leader's debate tonight, Pat McFadden, the national campaign coordinator for Labour, expressed that the British people will have to decide between five more years of disorder under the Conservatives led by Rishi Sunak or a transformation with Keir Starmer and Labour.

On July 4th, Britons will have the opportunity to make a difference with their votes. Let's put an end to the confusion, move forward, and work on rebuilding our nation with Keir Starmer and a revitalized Labour Party.

Starmer And Sunak To Speak Soon

Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour party, and Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, are about to face off in the last debate of the 2024 general election.

The BBC is hosting a discussion in Nottingham, led by Mishal Husain. The discussion will go on for an hour and fifteen minutes, with an additional thirty minutes for response and review by Laura Kuenssberg and Clive Myrie.

Check out additional articles on the 2024 presidential election on our website.

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