Kate Beckinsale, 50, Responds to ‘Insidious Bullying’ Plastic Surgery Claims

Kate Beckinsale

For many years, Kate Beckinsale has been a prominent public figure, and as a result, some people think they have the authority to criticize her physical appearance. There are those who strongly believe that she has undergone various cosmetic procedures to appear younger. Kate, who is now 50 years old, has recently shared her thoughts on these accusations of plastic surgery (which she called "insidious bullying"), clarifying the matter.

Kate Beckinsale - Figure 1
Photo Prevention.com

The blog post contained two videos of Beckinsale filmed 20 years apart. In both videos, she looks glamorous and flirts with the camera. She shared a detailed caption defending herself against accusations. Beckinsale wrote that she didn't like discussing this topic, but felt compelled to address it because constant and cruel bullying can take a toll on a person. People have accused her of trying to look young since she turned 30. Her followers claim that she looks unrecognizable and has used Botox and fillers. However, she stated that she hasn't done any of those things. She considers this type of bullying to be tiresome and malicious.

According to Beckinsale, she is constantly bothered by people who harass her about aging, and most of the time, these people are women. She acknowledges that everyone ages, and she is not worried about it. Despite this, it upsets her that people assume she is obsessed with looking young when she is just grateful to be alive after experiencing anxiety and panic attacks for much of her young life. Unfortunately, she is bullied about getting older when her biggest fear used to be not living past her 20s. She finds it ironic that people assume she can't handle getting older when she has already overcome so much.

Beckinsale proceeded to analyze the distinctions between the two videos she uploaded. She mentioned that what sets them apart is her residence in the UK at the time, which made her skin paler. Furthermore, she used to excessively pluck her eyebrows and was a fan of the brown lipstick trend. As a young adult, she also had a fuller face, which is common for most of us.

She is aware that lots of people will still bombard her posts with unpleasant remarks. However, she is sharing this message to make it clear that it is wrong to constantly accuse others of false accusations based on their appearance or focus solely on age. She is currently struggling with coping with a loss and feels that these types of actions are a form of bullying. She politely requests that the negativity stops.

The rant happened because of Beckinsale's response to commenters who criticized her appearance in a post from the Cannes Film Festival back in June 2023. She defended herself by saying that she doesn't use Botox or fillers, but it's not by choice. She has a condition called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome that causes her to react badly to many things. Because of this, she can't take the risk of using these products.

Remember, it's never a good idea to make comments about someone's appearance without them asking for it, even if you believe that you are praising them.

Kayla Blanton is a self-employed writer-editor. She discusses issues regarding health, nutrition, and lifestyle for numerous publications such as Prevention, Everyday Health, SELF, People and other various publications. She is interested in discussing unique tastes that fuel our bodies, breaking down beauty standards and finding delicate ways to take care of ourselves. Kayla completed her bachelor's degree in journalism and has specializations in women, gender, sexuality, and public health from Ohio University. She was born and raised in the Midwest and currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and two pampered cats.

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