Who is Jordan Bardella? Marine Le Pen’s protege who made Macron call snap election

Jordan Bardella

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The triumph of France's far-right National Rally party in the EU parliamentary elections is being attributed to the influence of Jordan Bardella. Bardella, often likened to the famous French actor Yves Montand, has been hailed for his role in the party's victory.

Jordan Bardella - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

Bardella is a charismatic individual who was raised in a dilapidated neighbourhood of Paris by his mother as a child of immigrants. Although he grew up in high-rise apartment complexes, Bardella has managed to make a name for himself at the age of 28. Due to President Macron's surprise decision to hold a sudden election following his party's disappointing performance in the polls, Bardella may soon become France's prime minister.

The leader of RN, Bardella, dealt a substantial hit to President Macron and his party, Renaissance, garnering over 30% of the votes during the weekend. Bardella, alongside Marine Le Pen, will represent RN in their pursuit to secure a parliamentary majority.

Macron's choice to dissolve the French parliament and give the people a chance to express their opinions could lead to an increase in the far-right's political influence, which has been on the fringes for several years. The unexpected decision seems designed to surprise his opponents and motivate voters to show up in large numbers and oppose the far-right party in the upcoming 30th June parliamentary election, according to finance minister Bruno Le Maire, who called it the most crucial electoral event in France's contemporary political history.

Bardella was recognized as a talented member of the political party he joined when he was still a teenager. He became the president of RN in the year 2022. "He is not constrained by the negative connotations associated with the National Front's voting record," stated Le Pen in the past, and also commented that "he belongs to a new group of young leaders."

Jordan Bardella - Figure 2
Photo The Independent

Bardella is an adept communicator known for his meticulously constructed public persona and a vast TikTok following of over 1.2 million. He frequently emphasizes his upbringing in Seine-Saint-Denis, a Parisian suburb where he grew up in a tower block with his mother, a first-generation Italian immigrant. Bardella received his education at the prestigious Lycee Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle, a private school where it is rumored that his father covered the expenses.

After leaving his geography course at Paris-Sorbonne University to devote himself to politics, Bardella has attempted to describe his suburban upbringing as unsafe and unstable - setting himself apart from the establishment and criticizing the area's large number of immigrants and asylum seekers.

During a recent rally in Paris, Bardella stirred up his supporters, who were waving the French flag with excitement, by saying that the civilization of France could die if the influx of immigrants continues and completely alter the country's customs, culture, and way of life. Macron is urging the French people to unite and put an end to this kind of language.

Bardella has taken a more careful approach to some international issues compared to Le Pen. Bardella criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine but didn't vote on whether to send military assistance to Kyiv. He also stated in March that NR would only pursue their policy of leaving Nato's integrated command after the fighting had stopped. He believes that treaties shouldn't be changed during wartime.

Jordan Bardella - Figure 3
Photo The Independent

Bardella is very popular in France and has fans of all ages. Le Journal du Dimanche listed him as one of the top 50 popular figures in the country. Ipsos polling showed that about a third of 18 to 24-year-olds would vote for him during the recent European parliamentary elections. Bardella wants to create an "Europe of Nations" and replace the current European Union. He thinks that Europe has changed since 2016 when Brexit happened. Bardella hopes that the British can come back to discuss things if Europe becomes an "Europe of Nations."

During the start of RN's campaign for the European Union election in Marseille in March, the crowd's most enthusiastic applause was aimed not at Le Pen, but at her protégé, who she previously referred to as her "lion cub" with fondness, and now as "the lion". There are rumors that this individual is currently romantically involved with Le Pen's niece, Nolwenn Olivier.

On the other hand, according to those who disapprove of him, Bardella's expertise lies in presentation rather than substantial content.

"He's gathering a lot of voters by avoiding making any firm declarations," remarked François-Xavier Bellamy, who leads the conservative Les Republicains in Europe. His party just received its biggest loss in the election's history last week. "I immediately noticed that his beliefs could be easily changed," had commented Florian Philippot - who used to be Le Pen's assistant - to Politico.

Jordan Bardella - Figure 4
Photo The Independent

Pascal Humeau, who was the communication boss of RN, provided Bardella with comprehensive media training. He stated that Bardella initially repeated Le Pen's phrases and had limited knowledge about the state of France and the world. Humeau further stated that although Bardella appeared to be composed and managed, he lacked substance and depth.

According to Humeau, who spoke on the documentary Complément d’enquête, he had certain limitations in his level of understanding. Humeau also mentioned that it took several months of hard work to develop his confidence and excitement which emanates clearly now.

Bardella’s reputation suffered a blow earlier this year when France 2, a television network, accused him of posting racist content using a Twitter account with an anonymous identity from 2015-2017. Bardella has refuted the allegations and his political party has threatened legal action against the network's owners. Prior to this incident, Bardella had maintained a relatively untainted reputation.

Even though Le Pen's rising popularity was seen as a potential threat to her own status, she strongly defended her protégé. It has been reported that Le Pen grabbed NR's vice-president and pressed him against a wall in the National Assembly. She even threatened to expel him for making complaints against Bardella.

Le Pen stated to the media in March that it is possible for her to get into an accident involving a truck tomorrow. She mentioned that Bardella could take over her position as she has the necessary political abilities and trust.

On Sunday, Bardella and Le Pen presented a united front, with Bardella even offering to be the prime minister for Macron if NR wins the election. They both stated their intention to end the painful era of globalism, and expressed readiness to take charge.

Humeau labeled him as the current media predator who intimidates his adversaries and stated to The New York Times, "Ever since he was 17, his only aspiration has been to hold the positions of prime minister and president. I believe that he is unstoppable."

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