Biden backs Israel's account of deadly Gaza hospital explosion

Joe Biden

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a warm welcome to President Joe Biden.

Authored by Gareth Evans and Nadine Yousif, this blog post has been rephrased using unique vocabulary and language. Gareth Evans and Nadine Yousif are the writers of this article in the blog section that has been reworded with fresh phrases and expressions.

Joe Biden - Figure 1
Photo BBC News

Whilst visiting Israel, the United States President, Joe Biden, claimed that Palestinian militants were responsible for a lethal explosion at a hospital in Gaza, aligning with the narrative of the Israeli authorities.

When he arrived in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, Mr Biden expressed his profound sorrow and fury regarding the blast.

The military of Israel has stated that the reason behind it was a botched rocket launch by the Palestinians.

According to Palestinian authorities, the hospital was targeted by an airstrike conducted by Israel.

While on his trip, Mr. Biden additionally conveyed that Israel has consented to permit the entry of aid for humanitarian purposes from Egypt into Gaza.

Israel has prevented people from accessing food, water, fuel, and power since the conflict started, which has caused severe worries about the humanitarian situation.

According to the president, Israel gave permission for assistance to be sent on the condition that it only reaches civilians and not the members of Hamas.

Mr. Biden has also announced that an amount of $100m (£82m) will be provided by the United States to support the Palestinian people.

Not long after that, the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that they would not obstruct basic necessities like food, water, and medicine from being transported from Egypt to the innocent residents living in the southern part of Gaza.

Nevertheless, they have made it clear that no assistance will be permitted to cross their borders unless Hamas frees the hostages they are currently holding. According to Israel, approximately 200 individuals have been taken hostage.

The visit of Mr. Biden, which is considered very important, was not the main focus due to the explosion that happened in the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital on Tuesday evening. This incident escalated tensions and caused protests in various areas.

Nearly 500 individuals lost their lives in the blast, according to health authorities stationed in Gaza. A physician described the event as "a slaughter".

On Wednesday, the President of the United States arrived in Tel Aviv to a cordial welcome from Mr. Netanyahu. The two then proceeded to conduct a press conference together.

Mr. Biden expressed his profound sorrow and anger concerning the blast that occurred at the medical facility in Gaza yesterday.

After observing the situation, he informed Mr. Netanyahu that it seems the other team was responsible, not him. However, there are plenty of individuals who are uncertain about the incident, and we must work hard to address their doubts.

Reporters questioned Mr. Biden about how he came to the conclusion that Israel was not accountable. He responded by mentioning the information provided to him by his defense department.

A high-ranking American official informed CBS, the American counterpart of BBC, that the United States possesses its own set of intelligence, apart from what Israel provides. This intelligence includes communication interceptions and satellite photographs that have given the US a strong sense of certainty that Israel did not carry out the attack.

According to the official, there are hints that the rocket launched by a Gaza-based group was not intentional.

During the press briefing, Mr. Biden repeated his backing for Israel and censured the group Hamas, made up of Palestinian militants. This group carried out an unparalleled assault against Israel originating from Gaza on the 7th of October, which resulted in the deaths of around 1,400 individuals.

However, Mr. Biden also cautioned Israel not to be overwhelmed by anger, but to follow the protocols of warfare.

Health officials in Palestine have reported that more than 3,000 individuals have lost their lives in the Israeli military's retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

Joe Biden had originally intended to journey from Israel to Jordan, where he intended to hold meetings with President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine, King Abdullah, and President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt. Unfortunately, due to the hospital explosion that transpired on Tuesday, that part of his trip had to be called off.

View: Disorder in Gaza City following the bombing of a hospital.

Jordan has decided to call off the meeting and strongly denounced what it described as an atrocious act of war. The White House also affirmed that the choice to cancel the meeting had been agreed upon mutually. President Biden intends to reach out to both Mr. Abbas and Mr. Sisi during his journey back to the United States.

Hamas accused Israel of being responsible for the explosion at the hospital and deemed it as a "criminal act of war". Meanwhile, a representative for Mr. Abbas, who is currently situated in the West Bank that is under Israeli occupation, accused Israel of committing a "vile and atrocious crime".

The Israeli armed forces have stated that they possess evidence proving that they were not responsible for the explosion. They claim that the incident was caused by rockets accidentally fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad forces.

At the same time, the United States declared on Wednesday that it will impose sanctions on major members and agents of Hamas in order to restrict the group's income.

"Further Details On The Story"

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