Jill Biden Could Make or Break Biden’s Campaign. She Says She’s All In.

Jill Biden

If President Biden were to think about leaving the race, the first lady would play a key role in helping him make that decision, alongside Mr. Biden.

Jill Biden - Figure 1
Photo The New York Times

Katie Rogers writes about President Biden's administration, his family, and she has done reporting from Washington, D.C. She also wrote a book about the wives of former presidents.

After finishing the event in Atlanta on Thursday night, President Biden quickly realized that the debate hadn't gone well. In the moments following his difficult and sometimes unclear speech, he looked to his wife, Jill Biden, for support.

No matter what was going to happen in Mr. Biden's final run for president, following what may have been the most difficult moment in his lengthy political career, it was always going to be influenced by her. His spouse of 47 years had become a part of his life many years ago, initially hesitant about politics but ultimately supporting his aspirations and his conviction that he would one day become president.

Later, her husband who is 81 years old gave her a glance following a terrible 90 minutes performance.

The initial communication from the first lady was straightforward: they had faced challenges before, but she was fully committed and believed they should continue competing. Those familiar with her mindset shared that she viewed it as just a rough evening, which would eventually pass.

Elizabeth Alexander, who has worked with Mr. Biden since his time in the Senate, shared that their bond goes deeper than just having shared experiences.

After the debate, Dr. Biden faced a challenge as she relied on her experience as a political partner to support her husband and project a sense of confidence and normality. Despite receiving praise from supporters, she also had to navigate through criticism from those accusing her of pushing an elderly man to continue on. Dr. Biden, like the president, has a talent for understanding the emotions of a crowd and adapting her message accordingly.

If Mr. Biden were to think about leaving the race, and let a younger candidate take his place, the first lady would play a crucial role in helping him make that decision, second only to the president.

"Jill is the ultimate and most crucial influence. She has a deep affection for him, as well as a comprehensive understanding of his character. When it comes to major decisions, Valerie and Jill are usually the ones calling the shots," explained John Morgan, a prominent donor to Mr. Biden. He was referring to the president's younger sister, who has overseen almost all of his political campaigns.

Certainly, when prominent supporters of the Democratic Party communicated on Friday, whether through text, calls, or face-to-face, one of the first inquiries they discussed was how they could potentially arrange a meeting or discussion with the first lady.

After being involved in politics for almost fifty years, the Bidens see themselves as individuals who plan for the long term. At this moment, they both do not want the narrative of the president's lengthy political journey, marked by sorrow, persistence, and relentless determination, to conclude on a platform in Atlanta, facing former President Donald J. Trump, whom they both dislike.

"She's rooting for him to win, not just for his sake but for the sake of the country," Ms. Alexander expressed. "She's his number one cheerleader because she has faith in him and is concerned about what would happen to our country if things went in a different direction."

Before an audience of supporters on Friday, the first lady expressed support for the views shared by Democratic Party leaders, like Vice President Kamala Harris, who believe that despite Mr. Biden's poor performance, his previous years of successful legislating should not be forgotten.

Dr. Biden shared with donors in Manhattan that after the debate, Joe didn't feel well. She reminded him that one 90-minute event shouldn't define his entire presidency.

Dr. Biden realized that the debate did not go as planned. The president was supposed to go on stage and reassure everyone about his age, but instead, he showed up with a hoarse voice after days of practice at Camp David. The White House claimed he just had a cold.

She heard Mr. Trump making fun of him. “I have no idea what he said at the end of that statement,” Mr. Trump commented when Mr. Biden stumbled over an answer about immigration. “I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

She heard the ex-president criticize Hunter Biden, the son of Mr. Biden whom she had cared for since he was a child and supported during a recent legal case involving weapons. She sat in the front row of the courtroom as the most difficult parts of his struggle with addiction were retold.

She observed her husband's surprised expression and open-mouthed gaze while Mr. Trump continued speaking furiously, taking in the situation with frustration but struggling to respond.

Later on, Dr. Biden walked alongside the president, who descended the stairs carefully. This touching moment gained popularity online. At a watch party arranged by the campaign that the Bidens attended after the debate, she commended her husband for his showing. However, some critics believed she was only congratulating him for getting through the debate.

"You responded to every question, you were knowledgeable about all the information," she stated. "And how did Trump respond?"

"False!" exclaimed the audience.

All of a sudden, the first lady, who had managed to avoid major controversies for the past three and a half years, is now facing criticism from those who think she has been trying to conceal his declining abilities.

Representative Harriet M. Hageman of Wyoming said on social media that Jill Biden and the Biden campaign engaged in elder abuse by putting Joe Biden on stage without being adequately prepared for a battle of wits.

The Drudge Report, a well-known website with conservative views, posted a negative picture of the Bidens on Friday with the title "CRUEL JILL CLINGS TO POWER." The founder of the website, Matt Drudge, who used to support Mr. Trump, has now changed his opinion on him.

The first lady and her team have been aware of similar allegations circulating on conservative platforms and spreading to the general public. Ms. Alexander explained that Dr. Biden sees her undefined role as a way to serve others, rather than the false power grab narrative created by online conspiracy theories.

She mentioned that the first lady occasionally felt restricted by the responsibilities of the position, which is full of expectations and potential challenges.

"You need to show support, but not too much that people doubt your intentions," Ms. Alexander explained, attributing much of the problem to the internet, automated accounts, and a conservative network that spreads "every conspiracy theory."

The people who give advice to the president and first lady say that she doesn't have the power to decide on her own to stop the president from running for re-election and choose another candidate instead. They recognize that she has a special influence and control in his life, but they believe that Mr. Biden is the one making decisions about his campaign.

One of Mr. Biden's top advisers, who wanted to remain anonymous, said that too much responsibility is being placed on Jill. However, as long as Mr. Biden wants to run for office, his advisers say that she will stand by his side.

"When Joe faces challenges, he always bounces back," she explained to the donors in New York. "And that's exactly what we're doing now."

: Katie Rogers writes about the activities and news at the White House. She has spent many years writing about the President, the President's family, and what it's like to live in Washington D.C. She also writes about different topics like politics inside the country and abroad. She wrote a book about the wives of the President. To learn more about Katie Rogers, click here.

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