Jessica Alves reveals she is a sapio sexual

Jessica Alves

Jessica Alves is currently searching for affection and has disclosed that she's a sapiosexual.

The ex-participant of Celebrity Big Brother, who is 40 years old, admitted that she is willing to establish a long-lasting relationship and discover her significant other. Her numerous surgeries allowed her to find happiness within herself.

During a Thursday appearance on This Morning, the celebrity revealed to Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley the characteristics she requires in a partner and also disclosed that she identifies as a sapiosexual.

When Ben inquired about Jessica's ideal companion, she responded with: "Uh, someone who's reasonably clever, diligent, daring, and enjoyable. Not necessarily comical, but rather entertaining to spend time with."

'I find intelligence attractive,' Ben and Cat then interrupted the star as they seemed perplexed and unaware of the phrase.

During an appearance on This Morning last Thursday, Jessica Alves, aged 40, openly discussed being a sapiosexual and clarified what qualities she seeks in her ideal partner.

The ex-famous person who appeared on Celebrity Big Brother admitted that she's now prepared to enter a stable relationship and locate her ideal companion. This decision comes after she has completed numerous surgical procedures and is now content with her physical appearance.

Jessica went on to say, "In essence, what draws me in are people who possess intelligence."

As per the information given by WebMD, sapiosexuality refers to an individual being sexually drawn towards individuals with exceptional intelligence to an extent that they deem it as the most crucial quality in a spouse.

Jessica looked stunning as she flaunted her surgically enhanced features in a deep turquoise power suit for her public appearance.

For 21 long years, she invested an enormous sum of one million pounds into more than one hundred surgical procedures. However, she has recently expressed her satisfaction with her appearance, stating that she no longer wishes to undergo further surgeries.

When discussing her transformation, she expressed that she has previously sensed as if she was a dog grasping at its own tail, until she reached a juncture where she felt she no longer desired anything else.

I've had all the surgeries available to me and I'm now at the end of that path. There's no other option left for me.

As I have now reached the age of 40, my ultimate desire is to lead a fulfilling life and inspire others through the valuable lessons I have learned throughout my journey. It brings me immense satisfaction to assist others in learning from my experiences.

Nevertheless, she disclosed that there is still one more task on her wish list - to undergo an additional surgical procedure targeted towards her vocal cords.

During her appearance on the Thursday episode of This Morning, the celebrity shared with the show hosts Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley her essential requirements in a partner. She also revealed a surprising fact that she identifies herself as a sapiosexual.

During their conversation, Ben inquired about Jessica's ideal companion. To which she replied, "Someone who is reasonably clever, driven, daring, and enjoyable to be with. I want someone who is amusing to be around, not necessarily hilarious."

. "I'm somewhat attracted to intelligence," the star was saying before Ben and Cat interjected, admitting they didn't understand what he meant.

Jessica went on to clarify, "Essentially, I find intelligent intellects to be alluring."

Jessica appeared stunning at the event where she flaunted her surgically enhanced chest in a deep blue power suit.

Over the course of 21 years, she has devoted £1million to more than 100 surgical procedures. However, she has declared that she no longer intends to undergo any further surgery and is currently content with her appearance.

When discussing her transition, she mentioned: 'Previously, I felt like a dog chasing its own tail and eventually got to a stage where I believed I had no further needs. I've undergone numerous surgeries and have covered everything imaginable, so there's nothing else left for me to do.'

At the moment, I am currently aged 40 and my main goal is to live my life to the fullest while providing inspiration to those around me. My hope is to educate others by sharing my past experiences.

Jessica stated that she underwent surgery on her vocal cords four years ago. She expressed her desire to have another procedure done, clarifying that it is for functional purposes rather than cosmetic.

She mentioned, "I'm not particularly fond of my voice. I tend to decline opportunities for radio appearances because I dislike listening to myself."

During March, the celebrity acknowledged that she had started to use dating apps such as Bumble and Tinder to look for a good-hearted, truthful, industrious partner, after experiencing heartbreak from previous young lovers.

According to Jessica, she has become cautious about her emotions since going through a painful breakup. She is preparing herself financially in case she decides to get married at some point in the future.

In the context of her search for romance, Jessica informed MailOnline that despite having been on a number of dates with various individuals, she remains unattached at the age of 40 and has not yet met her ideal partner.

Even though I have reached the age of 40, my spirit remains youthful, leading me to gravitate towards men who are younger than myself. Unfortunately, these relationships often end with heartbreak.

I have recently begun using Bumble and Tinder to explore dating options, and my experiences on these apps have been quite distinct. On Bumble, I have found that male users tend to approach me with more seriousness and show courtesy by inviting me out on dates. They exhibit gentleman-like behaviour, which is quite refreshing. However, on Tinder, my experience has been different; most men are only interested in casual sexual encounters. Unfortunately, this is not what I am looking for, and I have had to navigate through these encounters cautiously.

Many users often think that my profile is not genuine, causing my account to receive several reports and get deactivated. This leads me to contact Tinder or Bumble to prove that my account is actually legitimate and belongs to no one other than myself, Jessica Alves.

Jessica flaunted her desirable figure while striking a pose in the well-fitted pants.

and a smile illuminated her face. Her hair flowed in the breath of the wind, and her eyes shone like diamonds. It was a perfect day for her to take a walk in the park. She savored the sensation of the sun's warmth on her skin and the gentle breeze that blew her hair off her face. The smell of freshly mowed grass filled her nostrils as she strolled along the path, admiring the beauty of nature around her. She couldn't have been happier in that moment.

After undergoing over 100 surgeries for 21 years and spending £1million, she has finally decided to stop altering her appearance. She has expressed contentment with her current appearance and feels that there is no need to undergo additional surgery.

In March, the celebrity confessed to resorting to dating applications like Bumble and Tinder to discover a 'decent, truthful and industrious man' after experiencing heartbreak from younger partners previously.

I am frightened of being unmarried at forty, and I still fantasize about getting wedded and having children, but it appears that this aspiration is distant since I am still seeking the perfect partner.

I have a strong sense of self-love and self-worth, and I place great importance on protecting myself to avoid being harmed.

I have set aside more than six million pounds to make my wedding a reality, and I will continue to save money for this lifelong dream of mine. I desire nothing less than a fairytale princess wedding.

Jessica shared, "I've encountered numerous people who are solely interested in my wealth and also met men who are very affluent. All I desire is a sincere, trustworthy, and diligent man."

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