Jay Slater's family holds on to hope - as online sleuths travel to Tenerife in hunt for missing British teen

Jay Slater missing Tenerife

Over a week has passed since Jay Slater went missing, and his father Warren continues to tirelessly search for his son.

Jay Slater missing Tenerife - Figure 1
Photo Sky News

He is still feeling optimistic, even though the situation is getting more and more dire.

Earlier today in Santiago del Teide, a small town near the national park where Jay disappeared, Warren found himself in the company of close friends and relatives. They all held up posters displaying Jay's photo, pleading with anyone who may have information to contact the authorities.

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The team firmly believes that a fuzzy photo captured from surveillance footage is a crucial clue. They informed reporters that the image depicts Jay in the town square, 10 hours after his phone was last traced.

The Spanish authorities have not verified the sighting, leading Warren to feel both hopeful and frustrated.

He said that some officers were very good at their job, but there were also some who didn't communicate well.

Jay Slater missing Tenerife - Figure 2
Photo Sky News

"He stated that they may be busy with many tasks, but they are keeping their actions secret from us," he remarked.

The sight of Warren looking emotional and being filmed by cameras captures the curiosity and rumors that have followed this case.

The media coverage in Tenerife is minimal compared to the overwhelming online controversy and discussion surrounding the disappearance of a bricklayer from Lancashire. This has led to a group of Britons traveling to Tenerife to search the rugged, dangerous terrain where emergency services have been unsuccessful in finding him.

Discover more: What we have learned about the search - seven days later "The image being portrayed of Jay Slater is completely false"

In Santiago del Teide, we encountered a man named Paul Arnott who has been posting videos of his search efforts on platforms like TikTok. "I saw online that they needed assistance," he explained.

Jay Slater missing Tenerife - Figure 3
Photo Sky News

"I was keeping up with the situation and I didn't intend to make an appearance, but once I heard that they required assistance, that's when I decided to step forward," stated Mr. Arnott, a 29-year-old from Bedfordshire.

He stated: "This is a search and rescue mission, and the more individuals participate, the more successful it will be."

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Even though individuals such as Paul are ignoring the official recommendations in order to assist, the organized search efforts at the location, which involved drones, sniffer dogs, and helicopters last week, appear to be decreasing.

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Today, a few officers stood and looked around the area, seeming to be no closer to figuring out this mysterious case.

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