Fact-checking Netanyahu’s address to Congress

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Figure 1
Photo PolitiFact

"I Want To Help"

Netanyahu's Congress Speech Fact-checked

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed both houses of Congress at the Capitol on July 24, 2024, in the presence of House Speaker Mike Johnson from Louisiana and Senate Foreign Relations Chair Ben Cardin from Maryland. (AP)

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a strong one-hour speech to both houses of Congress in an effort to gain backing for Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

Netanyahu strongly criticized those who have protested against the conflict and promised to achieve complete success. Many Democratic lawmakers decided not to attend the speech. Critics, who have expressed their disapproval during recent college campus protests, are calling for an end to the war and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza caused by it.

Netanyahu said in his speech on July 24 that this is not a war between civilizations, but a battle between barbarism and civilization. He emphasized the importance of America and Israel joining forces to ensure that the forces of civilization emerge victorious. Netanyahu believes that when they stand together, victory is inevitable. He reassured his audience that they will ultimately succeed in this battle.

The terrorist attack carried out by Hamas on Israel on October 7 caused almost 1,200 fatalities, as reported by the Israeli government. Additionally, hundreds of people were abducted during the attack. The ensuing nine-month conflict has resulted in over 39,000 Palestinian casualties in Gaza, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

PolitiFact investigated Netanyahu's claims about providing aid to Gaza and Iran's involvement in protests against the war in the United States.

The leaders of Harvard, Penn, and MIT were unable to denounce the calls for the mass killing of Jews. Do you recall their response? They justified it by saying, "It varies based on the situation."

Netanyahu's remarks are in relation to a congressional hearing that took place on December 5, where Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York, questioned the former presidents of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Pennsylvania about their stance on taking action against students who promote the mass killing of Jewish people.

The three university leaders all replied in a similar manner during the discussion - they mentioned that the consequences for making statements about genocide would vary depending on the situation. None of the presidents explicitly stated that they supported the genocide of Jewish people.

Stefanik questioned if advocating for the mass murder of Jews could be considered as bullying or harassment. In response, Liz Magill, who was then the President of the University of Pennsylvania, stated that it was a decision that depended on the specific situation. Magill stepped down from her position just four days later due to the strong backlash against her answer.

When asked the same question, former Harvard President Claudine Gay stated that there are clear rules regarding bullying and harassment. If the language used can be considered as bullying and harassment in a particular context, then appropriate actions will be taken. Gay stepped down from her position in January following accusations of antisemitism and allegations of plagiarism.

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik from New York asks university presidents questions at a hearing on December 5th. The whole thing was shown on C-SPAN.

In response to the question posed to Stefanik, MIT president Sally Kornbluth stated, "I have not been made aware of any calls for the genocide of Jews at our campus."

Stefanik replied, "But you’ve heard calls for intifada." (Intifada is an Arabic term that refers to a revolt. Some individuals interpret this term as an incitement to violence against Jewish individuals.)

Kornbluth mentioned that she has heard chants that could be considered anti-semitic, especially when they call for the eradication of Jewish people. Out of the three individuals involved, Kornbluth was the only one who kept her job.

The university presidents faced criticism from the White House, elected officials, and academics for their handling of the situation.

Just recently, we received information from the national security director in the United States about Iran financing and encouraging anti-Israel demonstrations in America. Their goal is to cause disruption within the country.

On July 9, Avril Haines, the head of U.S. national intelligence, issued a statement revealing that Iranian officials were exploiting the protests in the U.S. regarding the conflict in Gaza. She mentioned that they were employing a familiar strategy that others have used in the past to escalate tensions.

Haines suggested that while Iran may not be directly funding the protests, individuals with ties to the country have been offering financial assistance. She did not specify the specific protests being supported or give details on the amount of financial aid.

Haines stated that they have noticed individuals connected to the Iranian government pretending to be activists on the internet, trying to incite protests and offering money to protesters. She emphasized that Iran's actions should not tarnish the reputation of real protesters or restrict freedom of speech.

"I want to make it clear that I understand that Americans who engage in protests are sincerely sharing their opinions on the conflict in Gaza - the information we have does not suggest otherwise," she stated. "Additionally, the right to share different perspectives, as long as it is done peacefully, is crucial to our democracy. However, it is also vital to caution against foreign entities who might try to manipulate our discussions for their own agenda."

She expressed concern that protesters who are targeted may not realize they are interacting with or being supported by a foreign government. She encouraged Americans to be cautious about who they communicate with on the internet.

This topic brings up the conversation about outsiders who attempt to influence political discussions during protests, like the ones that took place on university campuses during Israel's conflict in Gaza. Historians have pointed out that labeling protesters as "outside agitators" is a common tactic used to undermine the legitimacy of their cause during significant historical movements.

According to Angus Johnston, an expert in student activism, the concept of the outside agitator suggests that dissenting voices are never authentic and must always have hidden influences driving them.

Demonstrations attract a diverse crowd of individuals, some with varying intentions, but legitimate protestors usually significantly outnumber any external influences, according to experts.

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has made a shameful accusation against Israel, claiming that they are intentionally withholding food from the people of Gaza. This accusation is completely absurd and false.

In a blog post on July 9, a team of human rights experts from the United Nations raised concerns about the widespread famine in Gaza. They stated that Israel's deliberate efforts to withhold food and target the Palestinian population could be seen as genocidal violence, leading to starvation throughout Gaza.

The United Nations has not officially stated that there is a famine in Gaza. However, a recent report by a coalition of international organizations that assess global food crises has indicated a significant possibility of famine in the area, especially if the conflict persists and humanitarian aid is limited. Despite this warning, the report does not provide evidence that a famine is currently happening in Gaza.

Earlier this year, the organization warned that a severe lack of food was very likely to happen in certain areas of Gaza. However, their latest report in July mentioned that there have been some positive changes and that more people are now able to receive the help they need.

Trucks filled with assistance from the UAE and USAID pass through the Trident Pier as they make their way to the shore in Gaza on May 17, 2024.

Even though there have been some positive changes, the latest data indicates that fewer households are now receiving humanitarian aid. This decline is partially due to Israel's military operation in Rafah, which led to the closure of land crossings in the region.

Even though Israel claims to be permitting hundreds of trucks to enter Gaza every day, the U.N. and humanitarian organizations are saying that the aid is frequently not reaching its intended recipients or being distributed properly.

If there are people in Gaza who are not receiving sufficient food, it is not due to Israel preventing it, but rather because Hamas is taking it for themselves.

At the start of the conflict, Israel blocked all humanitarian assistance from getting into Gaza.

A recent report from the U.S. State Department in May highlighted many times when Israel's actions caused delays or had a harmful impact on providing aid to Gaza. However, the report also noted that Israel has recently improved humanitarian access and increased aid delivery to Gaza.

According to a statement by Matthew Miller, who represents the State Department, during a press conference on October 19th, the United States and Israel have a valid worry that Hamas may misuse the assistance provided. He also mentioned that the U.S. will closely monitor the delivery process.

In February, David Satterfield, the person appointed by Biden to focus on humanitarian issues in the Middle East, mentioned that Israeli officials had not given detailed proof of U.N. aid being redirected or stolen.

Satterfield mentioned that there were accounts of U.N. officials being "assaulted by angry groups, followed by unlawful individuals" while delivering assistance to Gaza. He also stated that Israeli strikes on the law enforcement accompanying aid vehicles were "risky."

Israeli attacks have also caused the deaths of several international aid workers who were providing humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

Satterfield stated that the key is to safely and securely transport the scale distribution by using security escorts to bring it back.

During a July conversation with The Associated Press, a representative from the U.S. Agency for International Development stated that Israel had committed to establishing procedures to enhance the safety of aid workers.

Read about PolitiFact's reporting on Israel.

C-SPAN aired the Israeli Prime Minister's speech to a joint session of Congress on July 24, 2024.

The Associated Press reported that Netanyahu gave a passionate speech to Congress, promising 'complete success' in Gaza and criticizing American protesters.

The message Netanyahu delivered to Congress was highlighted by The New York Times on July 24, 2024.

The Independent reported on July 24, 2024, about the 38+ lawmakers who are refusing to attend Netanyahu's speech to Congress today.

C-SPAN aired the testimonies of university presidents on the issue of antisemitism on college campuses on December 5, 2023, in part 2 of the series.

The New York Times reported that college presidents are facing criticism for avoiding questions about antisemitism on December 6, 2023.

PolitiFact provides information on the individuals accused of causing trouble during campus protests. This was published on May 6, 2024.

PolitiFact is fact-checking the statements made by the United Nations secretary-general regarding the severe hunger crisis in Gaza on March 26, 2024.

Blog about whether the U.S. can prevent aid from going to Hamas in Gaza.

UN experts from the Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner have officially stated that famine has now extended across the Gaza Strip as of July 9, 2024.

CBS News and experts from the United Nations have reported that children in Gaza are losing their lives due to a deliberate campaign of starvation carried out by Israel. The tragic situation has been described as a targeted effort to deprive the innocent youth of essential nourishment.

Food Security Measurement System, IPC Global Project - Special Update, July 10, 2024

Reuters is creating a map to show the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza on May 9, 2024.

NPR reported that there is an accumulation of food assistance in Gaza, but it is not getting to the people who require it.

Discussion with Ambassador David Satterfield about U.S. Policy regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict at Carnegie Endowment on Feb. 16, 2024.

The blog post about the Congressional report on the National Security Memorandum concerning safeguards and accountability for transferred defense articles and services was viewed on July 25, 2024.

NPR, a news outlet in the United States, stated on May 10, 2024 that it is believed to be justifiable to evaluate whether Israel has broken international laws regarding the treatment of civilians in conflict zones.

The latest from the U.S. Department of State's press briefing on October 19, 2023.

The Associated Press reported that an aid group stopped delivering food in Gaza due to an Israeli strike that killed seven workers, leading to fears of famine in the area.

Human Rights Watch has reported that in Gaza, Israelis are targeting places where aid workers are known to be present. The incidents occurred on May 14, 2024.

The leader of a US aid organization announced that Israel has promised to enhance the security of relief workers in Gaza on July 11, 2024, according to the Associated Press.

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