2024 Iowa caucuses results: Live updates


Have you ever wondered about the process behind selecting the next president of the United States through the Iowa Caucus? It may seem complex, but let's simplify it.

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Severe cold climate circumstances that pose a danger to life might affect the number of voters who participate in the Iowa caucus of 2024, as the majority of the state is facing blizzard-like conditions with sub-zero temperature and intense wind chill.

Just a few hours before the caucuses begin, three Republican candidates, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy, are urging people to head over to their nearest precinct and take part in the historic nationwide caucus.

Despite the low temperature ranging from -25°F to -35°F and a risk of getting frostbite within 10 minutes of being outside, it remains uncertain if voters will turn up to show their support for candidates competing to be the runners-up in the Republican race, hotly contested by the current leader and ex-president, Donald Trump.

According to the last polls conducted in Iowa, Mr Trump was ahead of the rest of the contenders by a significant margin.

At present, Mr DeSantis and Ms Haley are in a heated competition to secure the runner-up spot. The aim is to give their respective campaigns a significant push in advance of the New Hampshire primary.

The gatherings for the Iowa caucus are scheduled to commence at 7pm CST. The outcomes are anticipated to come in shortly thereafter.

Result Release Date: When?

The race to become the next President of the United States begins tonight with the Iowa caucus. The caucus will take place in every precinct located in the 99 counties of Iowa.

According to consultant Patrick Stewart who informed The Des Moines Register, the caucus is scheduled to commence at 7pm CT (8pm ET), and there is an anticipation that the outcomes will begin to be reported approximately half an hour after the kickoff time.

The initial outcomes are expected to emerge from smaller voting districts because the more significant ones feature more votes to tally. The bigger counties' outputs are expected to arrive a couple of hours later once the caucus kicks off.

The complete outcomes, which will display the individual performance of each contender, are likely to be accessible late in the night.

The blog post was not provided for security reasons.

Review Shows Nikki Haley's Figures Less Positive

Over the course of the weekend, Nikki Haley, the ex-governor of South Carolina, was surprised to learn that she had outperformed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the final NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll. However, it should be noted that Haley still lags behind former president Donald Trump by a significant margin of 28 points.

The figures are undoubtedly uplifting for her prior to the caucuses and demonstrate how fast Mr DeSantis has declined, having pinned his full campaign on Iowa. Even though Ms Haley did not campaign in Iowa, she expects a favorable outcome in the region after spending a significant amount of time campaigning in New Hampshire. However, upon closer inspection, Ms Haley's backing appears to be somewhat unstable.

Initially, it was observed that just 64% of Haley's backers are resolute in their support, which is similar to the DeSantis fan base. Comparatively, Trump supporters are considerably more steadfast, as 82% of them claim to have their minds made up.

Ms Haley's supporters aren't as excited about her as Mr DeSantis' supporters are about him. Only 9% of Ms Haley's supporters are extremely enthusiastic, and 30% are very enthusiastic. In contrast, 23% of Mr DeSantis' supporters are extremely enthusiastic, and 39% are very enthusiastic. This lack of enthusiasm could greatly impact Ms Haley's performance, especially during a challenging time like a blizzard.

In addition, Ms. Haley's unfavorable rating is on the higher side with 48% of those surveyed showing a positive view of her while 46% displaying a negative view towards her.

The negative figures are bound to increase throughout the campaign, especially while Mr Trump and Mr DeSantis continue to refine their criticisms towards her.

Nikki Haley Greets Voters Before Caucus

Nikki Haley, who was once an ambassador to the United Nations and also ran for president as a Republican, hung out in Pella, Iowa, a tiny municipality that's about 30 miles away from Des Moines. While there, she chatted with voters in a personal way.

Ms Haley traded her usual public appearances to connect with the residents on a more intimate level. Pictures from a local bakery in the area displayed her exploring around, engaging in conversations with possible supporters and showing affection to infants.

During a political campaign visit to Pella, Iowa on January 15, 2024, Nikki Haley, a former United Nations Ambassador and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, along with her daughter Rena Haley, took some time to browse for baked goods at The Bread Board.

Nikki Haley, a candidate for the Republican presidency and also a former United Nations Ambassador, engaged with a one-year-old child while being held by the child's mother, Hannah Melody. This happened during a campaign event at a location called The Bread Board, which took place on January 15th, 2024 in Pella, a city in Iowa state.

Nikki Haley, who is running for President as a Republican, spent some time meeting and talking to folks at The Bread Board in Pella, Iowa on January 15th, 2024.

On the evening of January 15, 2024, Ariana Baio wrote a blog post at 9:40 PM.

Trump Team Meets With Voters

Former US President Donald Trump is facing a tight calendar this year, as he has several legal proceedings and political events to attend to. However, he is receiving support from his allies, who are aiding him in shaping his message in Iowa prior to the caucus.

A group of 11 congresspeople including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Byron Donalds, Ronny Jackson, Jason Smith, Derrick Van Orden, Mike Collins, Andrew Clyde, Wesley Hunt, and Mike Waltz teamed up to engage with constituents and drum up backing for Mr. Trump.

Kari Lake, Billy Long, and Kristi Noem also performed the equivalent action.

On Monday, the group spoke to voters in Fort Dodge, Iowa, just a few hours before the start of the caucus.

On January 15th, 2024 at 9:21 PM, Ariana Baio wrote a blog post.

"Haley Backers In Iowa Initially Chose Another Candidate"

The upcoming Iowa caucus is shaping up to be an important election as former President Donald Trump has a significant lead over other Republican candidates. The focus will likely shift to determining who will secure the second spot, and Nikki Haley appears to be the frontrunner.

A new study by The Des Moines Register, NBC News and Mediacom showed that 51% of those who said they are in favor of Ms. Haley admitted having supported another candidate before.

Ms Haley and Mr DeSantis are both vying for the position of the alternative Republican candidate to Mr Trump.

Mr. DeSantis used to be seen as the strongest candidate, but he is struggling to build support for his campaign.

However, Ms. Haley has triumphantly expanded her campaign.

Hutchinson Still In The Running

In spite of having insignificant media attention and disappointing polling results, ex-governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, has managed to stay in the race for presidency in 2024.

Mr Hutchinson mentioned that he spent his Sunday evening bowling with volunteers supporting his campaign in Waukee, Iowa, which was formerly known as Twitter.

He expressed that the campaigning was well-executed and enjoyable.

On January 15th, 2024 at 8:40 pm, Ariana Baio wrote a blog post.

"Iowa Hit By Deadly Arctic Temperatures During Caucus Day"

Residents of Iowa are getting ready for a state caucus that will be the coldest ever known. This is due to the expected snowfall of several inches and freezing temperatures across the state on Monday.

The caucus is a highly awaited occasion that marks the start of the presidential election cycle. The Iowa Republican caucuses will ascertain the number of Republican National Convention delegates from the state who will support each candidate.

Ariana Baio posted on January 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM.

Iowa Continues To Experience Cold Temperatures

Around noon, Iowa is currently experiencing frigid temperatures at or below 0°F due to an unprecedented winter storm that coincidentally occurred on the day of the caucus.

The weather in Des Moines' state capital was at a freezing temperature of zero degrees around 1:00pm CT.

The temperature in Cedar Rapids dropped down to negative four degrees Fahrenheit.

The temperature in Sioux City dropped to minus two degrees Fahrenheit.

On January 15, 2024 at 7:45 pm, Ariana Baio posted on her blog.

Iowa's 2024 GOP Primary: What To Expect?

The Iowa caucus is the initial voting event for presidential candidates in the US, serving as a preview of how the 2024 general election may unfold in the upcoming months.

In Iowa, John Bowden from The Independent provides some important things for people observing the caucus to keep an eye on.

It's Nikki Haley's time to shine and she's well aware of it. For a while now, she has been concentrating her energy on New Hampshire where she felt more welcome. However, with recent polls putting her ahead of Ron DeSantis in Iowa, Haley decided to make a sudden appearance in the state and hit the campaign trail hard in a final attempt to secure her place as second.

Iowa provides an excellent opportunity for the ex-president to conclude the nomination procedure and persuade other members of the Republican party to give up. To achieve this, he must secure a win in Iowa that is substantial, of around 15 or more points.

On Monday, the weather is expected to be extremely cold with wind chills that are well below zero.

During a time where people may not be very excited to vote, snowy weather could have a small impact on the election, potentially hurting Donald Trump's chances if his supporters assume he will win.

The Republican Party's right-wing troublemaker, Mr. Ramaswamy, who associates with 4chan, is putting in his maximum effort in Iowa.

Despite the increasingly harsh snowfall throughout the week, the floundering Ramaswamy campaign made efforts to persist with a last-minute push to appeal to voters throughout the state, resulting in his car becoming stuck on an unpaved road.

On January 15, 2024, at 7:30 PM, Ariana Baio posted a blog.

"Trump Criticizes Haley; Labels DeSantis As Maga-Lite"

Just before the Iowa caucus was about to start, Donald Trump, who is currently ahead in the Republican race, used his social media account to attack his opponents.

Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy are presently in Iowa meeting with voters in the hopes of gaining support for their campaigns. However, Mr Trump has publicly expressed his belief that none of them stand a chance at winning.

On Monday afternoon, Mr. Trump asserted that Nikki Haley was not capable of winning the General Election because she lacks the MAGA spirit and will never acquire it.

The ex-UN representative is emerging as a strong runner-up according to the latest polls in Iowa, which highlight a smaller gap between her and President Trump. Nevertheless, the former commander in chief still holds a considerable advantage over her and the other contenders.

The prior leader expressed that Ron DeSanctimonious is similar to supporting MAGA. Additionally, he believes that Vivek Votes will not make a difference unless they are cast in favor of "TRUMP."

Possible rewrite: Blog Entry by Ariana Baio January 15, 2024 at 7:05 PM Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. Today, I want to share with you some of my thoughts and experiences about technology and its impact on our lives. As a digital native, I've grown up surrounded by screens, devices, and networks. I can't remember a time when I didn't know how to use a computer or a smartphone. For me, technology is not just a tool or a toy, but a way of life. I communicate, learn, play, and create through digital media and platforms. However, I also realize that technology has its drawbacks and dangers. One of the biggest challenges we face today is the addiction to screens and the loss of face-to-face interactions. We spend so much time staring at screens that we forget to look at people's faces, read their body language, and listen to their voices. This can lead to loneliness, depression, and anxiety, especially among young people who are more vulnerable to social pressures and cyberbullying. Another issue is the privacy and security of our personal information. With the rise of big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, our personal data is more valuable and more vulnerable than ever before. We share our location, our preferences, our habits, and our secrets with companies and governments that claim to protect us but may also exploit us. We need to be more aware and more proactive about our digital footprint and our online rights. Of course, there are also many positive aspects of technology that we should celebrate and cultivate. We can access vast amounts of information, connect with people from all over the world, and enhance our creativity and productivity. We can develop new skills, explore new fields, and solve complex problems through online education and collaboration. We can entertain ourselves, inspire others, and contribute to social causes through digital media and platforms. The challenge is to find a balance between the benefits and the risks of technology, and to use it wisely and ethically. We need to be mindful of our own well-being and that of others, and to respect the diversity and dignity of all human beings, whether online or offline. We need to appreciate the power and the potential of technology, but also the responsibility and the accountability that come with it. What do you think? How has technology affected your life, and what are your hopes and fears for its future? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below. Let's have a constructive and respectful conversation about this important topic. Thank you for reading and for being part of our community. Take care, Ariana

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