India vs England: T20 World Cup semi-final updates from Guyana - live

India vs England

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England and India will compete in the semi-finals of the T20 World Cup in Guyana today. England is hoping to win the title again after their victory in Australia two years ago.

India vs England - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

Nevertheless, India has the advantage in the draw. In contrast to England, who only learned about their semi-final location at the eleventh hour, India and their supporters have been aware for months. The selection was made to favor viewers in Asia over local or global audiences.

Additionally, there is no backup day scheduled for the semi-final match in Guyana. This game will be played during the rainy season, unlike the other match being held in Trinidad, which does have a reserve day. If the match in Guyana is affected by rain, India will advance to the next round since they finished at the top of their group in the Super 8s. A minimum of 10 overs per side is required for a valid result in case of rain interruptions.

India vs England - Figure 2
Photo The Independent

England's performance in the tournament has been inconsistent, with losses against Australia and just managing to advance from the initial group stage. However, they have shown improvement in their recent matches, defeating the West Indies and securing a strong victory against the United States. They did suffer a defeat to South Africa in a tightly contested match. In contrast, India has been unbeatable so far in the tournament and are considered the top contenders, especially after Australia's surprising elimination by Afghanistan.

Stay tuned for updates and play-by-play coverage of the match happening in Guyana on our blog.

India vs England - Figure 3
Photo The Independent

What Is The Expected Length Of The Delay?

We won't know the full extent of our work until the rain is over.

The game must start by 7.40pm BST at the latest for a full match to happen.

To play the game, at least 10 overs must be completed by 9.40pm British Summer Time.

There is still a lot of time left for this to begin.

Sonia Twigg posted on June 27, 2024, at 3:58 PM.

Rain Delays India Vs England Semi-final

The weather has improved in Guyana, England have resumed playing football, but it is uncertain how much time it will take for the field to dry up.

India vs England - Figure 4
Photo The Independent

If the sun appears, it can evaporate rapidly in that region.

On June 27, 2024 at 3:54 PM, Sonia Twigg shared a post on her blog.

Rain Delays India Vs England Semi-final

Just a friendly reminder that if the game gets canceled due to rain (although we hope it doesn't come to that), India will advance since they finished first in their group, with England following closely in second place.

Sonia Twigg posted on June 27, 2024 at 3:46 PM.

The grounds drying machine is being used and the game will not be starting soon. The coin flip probably won't happen for at least 30 more minutes.

India vs England - Figure 5
Photo The Independent

Sonia Twigg posted on June 27, 2024 at 3:38 PM.

Sonia Twigg posted on June 27, 2024 at 3:25 PM.

The rain has started once more in Guyana and the covers that were taken off are now being put back on the field.

England had finished playing soccer and will now return to the locker room.

Today, I want to talk about an interesting topic.

Check out these pictures from the practice sessions leading up to the game, beginning with the England team:

Title: The Benefits of Mindful Eating In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to fall into the trap of mindless eating. However, by practicing mindful eating, we can truly savor our food and improve our overall well-being. When we eat mindfully, we pay attention to the sensory experience of eating. This means being fully present in the moment, focusing on the taste, texture, and smell of each bite. By doing so, we can better appreciate our food and make healthier choices. Mindful eating also helps us develop a healthier relationship with food. Instead of turning to food as a quick fix or emotional crutch, we learn to listen to our body's hunger and fullness cues. This can lead to more balanced eating habits and a decreased risk of overeating. In addition, mindful eating can help reduce stress and improve digestion. By slowing down and enjoying our meals, we give our bodies the time they need to properly digest and absorb nutrients. This can lead to better digestion and overall gut health. Overall, practicing mindful eating can have numerous benefits for our physical and emotional well-being. So next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to truly savor each bite and experience the joy of eating mindfully.

India vs England - Figure 6
Photo The Independent

The broadcast has begun and Ian Ward is discussing the heavy rain that has left water pooled on the covers. The ground staff have not yet attempted to remove the water.

Keep an eye out for all the latest news.

Sonia Twigg posted in the blog on June 27, 2024 at 3:03 pm.

The coin flip is scheduled for 3pm BST, but we anticipate a delay due to the weather.

The game is happening during the peak of the wet season, with predictions showing more rain towards the end of June compared to the beginning. This is not the best situation for a T20 World Cup semi-final.

India vs England - Figure 7
Photo The Independent

Sonia Twigg published a blog post on June 27, 2024 at 2:55 PM.

Weather In Guyana

Conversation surrounding the Guyana weather has been a main topic of discussion leading up to the match. An additional 250 minutes have been set aside for the semi-final, although there is no backup day scheduled.

Ian Ward is one of the people who talk about sports events on TV. He shared this information about an hour ago.

Sonia Twigg posted on June 27, 2024 at 2:42 PM

India vs England - Figure 8
Photo The Independent
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