Independence Day and Catholic Citizens: Patriotic Witness in Word and Deed to Truth and Justice

Independence Day

OPINION: One of the key contributions that Catholic Christians offer to our country is our commitment to truth and the importance of using logic and common sense. This is particularly evident in our defense of the natural moral law (which can be understood by all through proper reasoning) and in our advocacy for social justice standards.

Each day, I keep a well-used copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States in the pocket of my clerical suit jacket. I began carrying them when I resided in Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

I decided to bring my copies with me to the capital city because it appeared that many people had misplaced theirs. I'm not sure how many disputes I helped resolve by having the real texts on hand, but it was definitely more than a couple.

It may seem unusual for a priest to have these papers with me, but I find solace in carrying them. As someone who has served in the military, I have pledged to uphold and protect the Constitution from both foreign and domestic threats. I believe that our government, while not flawless, is, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "the last best hope on earth" for freedom and fairness for everyone. As we continue to strive for a more perfect union, it is essential that we have citizens who are committed to seeking justice and correcting injustices.

My journey with our founding documents began in Washington D.C., but now I always keep them with me for a new purpose. I carry them to uphold the truth. Leading Donnelly College, I am honored that our main principle is truth. I make sure to remind every potential student and new class that truth exists and is something we can understand. I emphasize the idea that a college is a group of individuals eager to explore and discover the truth in every aspect of life.

Although it may be clear to many people, it is actually a topic of great debate in current times. The incorrect belief in postmodern relativism and epistemological skepticism has spread throughout and taken over numerous institutions of higher education, news organizations, editorial teams, and government bodies today. Many confidently, though without logic, state, “There is no truth,” but continue to identify themselves as teachers with nothing to teach, commentators with meaningless opinions, and leaders without direction. And as Proverbs reminds us, “Where there is no vision the people perish” (29:18).

However, according to our sophisticated leaders, America's origins may not be as truthful as we were taught. Thomas Jefferson, when writing the Declaration of Independence, argued that our British rulers were acting unjustly, giving us reason to rebel in 1776. The Founding Fathers confidently stated that certain truths are obvious and undeniable.

"We believe these truths are obvious: everyone is born equal and has been given specific, basic rights by their Creator. These rights include life, freedom, and the ability to pursue happiness."

If there are no obvious truths, then our country's beginnings were not honest and our independence is not genuine. Even worse, without truth, all that remains is absolute and unquestionable power. Without truth, justice, and rights given by God to rely on, the only way to settle disputes between individuals and groups is through force.

Today, one of the most important things that Catholic Christians do for our country is show others what is true and why using logic makes sense. This is particularly important when it comes to understanding moral rules that everyone can know through thinking correctly, as well as ensuring fairness in society. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this idea.

It is the responsibility of citizens to work together with the government to improve society with integrity, fairness, unity, and independence. Showing love and support for one's country stems from being grateful and falls under the category of kindness. Obeying the law and working towards the well-being of the community means citizens must fulfill their duties in the political sphere (2239).

Genuine patriots show their commitment to honesty and fairness through their actions and words. Every country, throughout history, relies on the heartfelt prayers of its loyal residents. However, it appears to me that the current state of the United States is lacking in this regard. The nation is desperately in need of both the testimony and prayers of its Catholic population.

Happy Independence Day! Let's join together in prayer as patriotic citizens by reciting one of the Collects for today's Mass.

God of fairness, Creator of honesty,

Those who provide direction in intelligent and benevolent ways.

to satisfaction in Jesus, your son

embrace the honesty found in his Gospel,

so that tranquility may govern our minds

May your righteousness lead us in everything we do.

by embracing His teachings and following His example, we can find strength, guidance, and salvation. Jesus serves as a guiding light in our lives, showing us the way to righteousness and leading us towards a life filled with love, compassion, and forgiveness. By living out His teachings and embodying His love, we can experience true fulfillment and joy in our journey of faith. Let us continue to walk in His footsteps and strive to be more like Him each day.

The individual who resides and rules alongside you in harmony

The blog part about the Divine Spirit,

God will always be present, forever and ever. Amen.

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