Woman arrested over Wandsworth Prison ‘inmate and officer sex video’

HMP Wandsworth

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A woman was taken into custody after a video surfaced showing a prison guard engaging in sexual activity with a prisoner at HMP Wandsworth.

HMP Wandsworth - Figure 1
Photo The Independent

The police had stated that they were looking into the video, which was said to have been recorded at the troubled prison in southwest London, after it started spreading on social networking sites.

The exact date of the video, featuring a uniformed officer, is uncertain. The Metropolitan Police announced on Saturday that a woman was arrested on suspicion of committing a public office misconduct offense on Friday.

It has been two months since a regulatory agency recommended that the prison be placed under emergency measures due to issues regarding security breaches, severe overcrowding, drug use, violence, and self-harm incidents.

The top prison inspector, Charlie Taylor, sent a letter to the Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk, about the need for immediate improvements at the category B Victorian jail. The inspection findings were described as troubling.

Mr. Taylor expressed serious worries about the security situation at the prison, noting that some areas were very disorganized and staff in most units were unable to keep track of all the prisoners throughout the day.

HMP Wandsworth - Figure 2
Photo The Independent

He stated that the issues we discovered at Wandsworth Prison are due to systematic and cultural shortcomings, which are a result of inadequate leadership at all levels of the prison, including HMPPS and the Ministry of Justice.

In order for this troubled prison to start improving, Wandsworth requires skilled leaders in all positions who are committed to its future success to enhance security, safety, and mentor their inexperienced coworkers.

Until this occurs, there is a constant danger of another disaster, suicide, or escape from legal custody.

The Met Police spokesperson informed The Independent that a police probe began on 28 June following the discovery of a video reportedly recorded inside HMP Wandsworth.

"A woman was taken into custody on June 28th for allegedly committing a crime while on public duty. The investigation is ongoing and we are in communication with the Ministry of Justice."

A representative from the Prison Service said that they do not accept corruption among their staff. The prison officer shown in the video has been reported to the police. The Prison Service will not provide any more comments until the investigation is complete.

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